
Giant wolf

"So That's How Things Are Going from Now on,but i am feeling very sad and lonely,now I have you eve, I will fulfil my promise to my parents"

"Calm Down Arthour You Have To Be Strong....he thought

after a few minutes later

Arthour Saw A Wolf Type Creature Who was passing In Front Of The Cave...."I Need To Kill That Beast If I Wanted To Lavel Up... As Eve Said... Killing Beast Give Me Exp Point... I Need To Become Stronger.... so I need to kill that beast.

arthour Took A Branch Of Tree... The Branch Was Looking Quite Heavy But When Arthour Pull It... He Felt It's Quite light...After a few seconds later he approached the wolf without any sound and he struck the branch in his body.

Screath ( Wolf Cried In Pain)

But Arthour didn't show any mercy and he attacked much time, then lastly he struck the Branch In His Heart And Wolf Died Just Like That


[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

Wow, That's Easy... This Wolf Was Quite Weak... He thought But He Didn't Let His Guard down.

in few minute's later

a Wolf Pack Arrived On The Scene because they heard The Scream Of That wolf.

Arthour Didn't Try To Hide this time He Knows that His Power Lavel Are Above from Those Wolf...

Suddenly 2 Wolf Dash toward The Arthour


Arthour Thrust tree Branch in Head Of A One Wolf And Kick Another One... He Was very Fast compare to those wolves.

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

Arthour Clinched His Fist While Holding Heavy Tree Branch... He Thought 7 More To Go... Wait I Should Use Bat Sworn... I Have To Try My Skill.

[Bat Sworn]

A Sworn Of Bat Appeared they were 50 on their numbers, and they Covered The Whole Pack Of Blood Wolf And started to massacring them.... wolfs Died Instantly...

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed Lavel 2 Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained


[ 1000exp Gained]

[ You Level Up]

You Are Now Level 2 All Stats Increase By 10 Congratulation Host For Advancing Higher Level

Arthour Was Happy To Hear That And Said To Eve To Show Her New Status


[Name: Arthour Mikhael

[Class: Mythical Dracula

[ Race: Hybrid Vampire[Mythical]

[Level: 2

[Hp: 60/60

[Strenght: 60

[Magic Affinity -??

[Mp: 60


[Skill: Bat Sworn[Flash Move]

Wow, I Feel Power Is Surging In My Body... Let's Try...

He Saw A Tree And Try To Punch All His Might... When His Punch Hit The Tree It Makes A Hole In the Tree... Oh My God..... This Is The Power Of Legendary Class...

Let's Try To Explore This Place...And He Curiously Decides To Move On From That Cave...


[ New Mission Acquired: Find The Hidden Dungeon Of Abyss And Acquired A Soul Gem

[Time Limit: 30 Days

[Mission Failure: Host Heart Will Stop

After Hearing The Mission Detail Arthour Face Went Pale If I Didn't Find The Soul Gem I Will Die...

He Then Suddenly used Night Vision... It's An Ability Which Was Arthour Acquired Threw Blood Line Awakening Ceremony ...

He Is Now Seeing Thing Within 50 Km... Then He Found A Large Cave Where A Red Mist Is Appearing...

I Think This Is A Dungeon?

And He Use Flash Move... He Was Appear Instant On The Dungeon Cave..... Without Wasting Time He Enter In The Dungeon Cave...


[Abyss Dungeon Found

So This Is A Abyss Dungeon... Arthour Saw A Very Big Ground Which Reminds Him The Ruins...

Is Ruins Related To The Dungeon?

He Mumbled...

Suddenly 30 Blood Wolf Spawn Middle Of Nowhere And Charged Against The Arthour...

Arthour Was Surprised Sudden Attack He Quickly Mumbled" Bat Sworn.....

Bat Sworn Suddenly Covered The Whole Blood Wolf Pack And They Died Within A Second.....

[ You Killed The Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed The Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed The Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed The Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

[ You Killed The Blood Wolf

100 Exp Gained

So On Notification Continuously Buzzed In His Head...

[You Gained 3000 Exp...

[Level Up

[Level Up

[Level Up

Ohhh Cool Within A Second I Reached Level 5


[Bat Sworn Reached Lavel 2 Host Can summon 150 Bats...

Wow This Is Cool... My Innate Ability Is More Powerful Then I Imagine...Suddenly A Pain Surge In Arthour Body.....

His Blood Started To Boiling And His Veins s Started To Exploding... He Was Covered From Blood...

Eve What Happening To My Body?


[ Due To Lavel Up Body Is Also Gone In Transformation State

This Pain Is Unbearable, He Was On The Floor And Clinging His Fist...

After Some Time His Pain Was Gone.....

Eve Can I Transform According To My Will... It's Dangerous To Transform Suddenly In Battle Field...


[Manual Transformation Initiated., Host Can Stack Exp In His System]

[Automatic Level Up Switch To Manual As Host Will

That's Great... I Didn't Know What I Can Do According To My Will...

Eve Show My Status


[Name: Arthour Mikhael

[Class: Mythical Dracula

[ Race: Hybrid Vampire[Mythical]

[Level: 5

[Hp: 90/90

[Strenght: 90

[Magic Affinity -??

[Mp: 90


[Skill: 1: Bat Sworn Lavel 2

2 : [ Flash Step Lavel 1

"Mother, Father Don't Worry I Will Finish What They Started"Arthur mumbled.

Suddenly A Giant Wolf Appeared.....Wtf So Big... But Arthour Smiled...

It's Show Time... He Began To Walk Towards the Giant Wolf.