
Chapter 18

Suddenly He Snaps out from His Imagination, They Found Something I Need To Look at What Is It. arthour mumbled

Suddenly A Figure Appeared In Front Of The Cave. What Is This Thing?

Hey Little One Go Take Some Rest Thankyou you you you For Help, And In an Instant All Bat's Vanished In Thin Air.

Its Convenient Skill But It's Consume Too Much Mana, Sigh Arthour Mumbled

Arthour Enter In The Cave and He Was Running Fast, Like A Bullet Train... After An Hour He Found Himself In front of the Alter, It's Like a Big Temple,

He Move Towards The Alters, Suddenly He Felt Shiver In His Body,

arthour Felt that Someone Is Standing Behind Him, and He Started To Sweating,

Hmm A Vampire " He Heard A Voice Behind Him, Suddenly Arthour Dashed And Looked He Saw A Mysterious Man Staring at Him.

"This Man Have Muscular Body, Black Long Hair, Golden Sharp Eyes, He Is Looking 40 Years Old Man, He Is Wearing A Black Attire And He Emitting Ancient Aura, He Has Dragon Tatoo On His Rope.

I Am Doomed " If I Fight This Man I Am Going To Die, In His Life He Is Having This Feeling Second Time, First Time When He Felt Helpless When He Failed Against The Royal Army, Second Facing This Man. He Is Trembling... But Didn't Dare To Show His Face.

Hey Child Who Are You? Why Are You Giving The Aura Of Vampire, But Its Different I Am Sensing Different Aura In Your Body, And How Can You Clear Those 9 Floor... Asked Mysterious Man In Commanding Voice.

" My Name Is Arthour Leywin, And I Have Cleared Those Floors, I Am Here For Soul Gem. Said Arthour

Mysterious Man Narrowed His Eyes, And See Arthour Curiously, And Said " I Know You Have Cleared Those 9 Floors, Withaught Clearing Those Nine Floor You Can't Enter In " Kamishk Temple".

So You Are Here For Soul Gem Huh? But Before That Tell Me As I Can Sence, You Are Vampire, But Why I Am Sensing Two Different Aura In Your Body.

Before Coming Here I Founded A " Vampire Emperor Legacy" Before Becoming A Vampire I Was Once A Human Said Arthour. And He Didn't Mention Dracula Bloodline.. He Didn't Know Who Is This Guy, But Arthour Also Didn't Want To Die In This Man Hands, That's Why He Told The Half-truth According To The Legend. Hat? You Found The Vampire Emperor Legacy.. Mysterious Man Delighted To Hear That And Suddenly He Started To Laugh.

Haha Haha Someone Finally Found The Vampire Emperor Legacy, Arthour Was Dumbfounded To Looking This Man... Why He Is So Happy?

Arthour Gather Some Courage And Asked " Sir Who Are You, And How Can I Get Soul Gem,

Oh Well You Can Call Me "Lord Kamishk" Arthour, Now I Can Understand How Can You Clear Those Floors, Well Arthour Someone Is Going To Very Happy To Hear That You Found "Vampire Emperor Legacy" And Top Of That You Are Also Human.. Hehe

You Are Lord Kamishk, He Started To Sweating, After Hear That Name, I Need To Fight That Monster, Eve Are You Trying To Kill Me, Arthour Muttered In His Mind...

Looking Arthour Dreaming About Something "Lord Kamishk" Knows What He Was Thinking.

Hey Come Back In Reality Kid" Said Lord Kamishk

Arthour Suddenly Snap Out And Looked Toward Lord Kamishk"

You Are Not A True Vampire Yet, And Legacy Of The Emperor Should We Belong To The Vampire Race, Without Soul Gem Your Power Is Incomplete Because You Are Inherited Something That You Can't Even Imagine How Much Power It Contains The Will Of Vampire Emperor... Child You Are Walking On A Very Tough Road, Your Body Can't Handle The Power Of Will Of The Emperor. I Know You Become A Half-vampire But You Need To Become A True Vampire To Attain The Full Potential Of The Empror Bloodline And The Soul Gem Is The Treasure Behind The Emperor, There Is Seven Soul Gem That Existed, You Need To Find The Other Six.

But If Vampire Legacy Is Meant To Vampire Race Why Did They Not Able To Obtain In Those Thousand Of Years Said Arthour.

Hey Kid What Did You Think, They Tried Thousands Of Years, But They Failed In The Trial Of Ruins, At The End After The Great War, Legacy Become The Myth,

And Nowhere You Suddenly Appeared With The Will Of Emperor, Things Are Going To Very Interesting And Chaotic From Now. Said Lord Kamishk

I Understand Your Concern "Lord Kamishk, But I Will Write My Destiny, Arthour Cliched His Fist, The Aura Of The Temple Changed Slightly.

Ahmm Lord Kamishk Cough, Well Kid Give Me Your Hand, I Take You Where Soul Gem Is Preserved.

Arthour Noded, And Give His Hand To Lord Kamishk, Suddenly Both Disappeared In Thin Air, They Arrive In A Chamber, Where Is Situated In The Middle Of The Altar And Shining Like A Sun.

Go Drop Your Blood On The Gem It Will Activate Threw Of Your Bloodline If You Truly Possess The Emperor Will. Lord Kamishk Said