
Chapter 20

[Congratulation Host For Completing Soul Integration

[Congratulation Host For Obtaining 3x Status Boost

[Congratulation Host Flash Step Evolve In Innate Ability, Mana Limitation Removed

[Congratulation Host To Obtaining Mythical Coffin

Oh, I Am Awake, Quite Refreshing Somehow I Changed, I Feel My Power Increase Many More Times.

Suddenly Coffin Disappeared In Thin Air And Arthour Was On The Ground Covering From The Blood Formation And He Said

Eve Show Me Status


[Name: Arthour Mikheal

[Class: Mythical Dracula

[ Race: Dracula [Mythical]

[Lavel: 20


[Strenght: 1220

[Magic Affinity -??

[Mp: 1220


[Ability : [Bat Nemesis] [ Flash Step]

[Weapon: Blood Eater [ Mythical]

[Exp Point: 5 Million Exp

What? My Race Is Changed. It's Dracula Now, I Am Not Hybrid Anymore And Not A Human I Guess.

But What Is This Blood Wall Eve? Arthour Asked Curiously


[Host You Can Lavel Up Next 10 Stages In The Protection Of This Blood Cage, You Will Not Feel Any Pain, During Levelling Up And The Blood Of Formation Caze Help You Regain Your Vitality You Lost During Soul Gem Integration

Hell Yes? I Don't Want To Feel Pain Because I Am Feeling Good Now, Eve How Much Exp Is Need To Reach Lavel 30?

[ 5 Million Exp Is Needed, 500 Thousand K Equal Each Lavel

Whatever, Use 5 Million Exp, And Lavel Up Quickly


[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[You Lavel Up

[Congratulation Host To Reach Lavel 30, Extra 780 Strenght Point Assigned To Host Reaching Lavel 30

When Arthour Open His Eyes, Blood Caze Was Nowhere To Seen He Is Sitting In A Chamber.

I Become So Much Powerfull In Just One Day, That Coffin Is Also a Great Thing, Now I Can Sleep And Become The Powerful Existence Just Like That... Hehe

Poor Arthour He Did Know The Reality, Right Now He Was Unaware How Much Time Is Passed.

Why? My Height Is Increase So Much In One Day He Thought, I Am Looking Like A 19Year Old My Height Is Almost 170 Meter. I Am Hungry First Time I Feel Appetite. Well let's Think About That Later First Thing First

Hey, Eve Show Me Status, I Got 780 Strenght Point. Hmm, It's a Good Thing...

[Name: Arthour Mikheal

[Class: Mythical Dracula

[ Race: Dracula [Mythical]

[Lavel: 30


[Strenght: 5000

[Magic Affinity -??

[Mp: 4220


[Ability : [Bat Nemesis] [ Flash Step]

[Weapon: Blood Eater [ Mythical]

[Exp Point: 0 Exp

Suddenly Arthour Release His Frighting Aura, His Power, His Sence, Eyesight, Everything Are Increase Much More Time.

Suddenly Lord Kamishk Appeared In Thin Air, And Said Hey Brat Why You Are Emitting Single Aura, What About Other Aura.

Well Lord Kamishk" You Can Say I Am No Longer Human Now, I Become True Vampire, In Your Language.

Lord Kamishk Was Dumbfounded, When He Saw The Aura Of The Author He Felt Frigthned, He Felt That He Is In The Presence Of Divine Being. And Arthour Power Lavel Is Beyond His Expectation Now.

You Become Quite a Powerfull Brat Because Of You I Need To Guard This Place Quite A Sometimes. I Thought I Was Going To Wait For Eternity.

What Are You Saying Lord Kamishk Its Marly One Day When I Entered The Slumber. Said Arthour

But Suddenly

Haha Haha Haha, Wh. Wh. What? Did You Say, You Enter In The Slumber One Day Ago, Ca Ca Can You Said Again Those Word, Said Laughing Lord Kamishk

Wh What? Don't Tell Me? How Much Time Is Passed, When I Enter The Slumber? Arthour Ask In Timid Voice

It's Been 3 Years, Brat? Because Of You I Was Also Waiting For Your Awakening... Whatever I Am Happy For You... You Are Fit And Fine...

That's Why My Height Is Increased, If I Integrated Other Soul Gem, I Am Going To Sleep Again Said Arthour.

Seeing Sad Arthour Face, Lord Kamishk Said Who Knows What Happens When You Got Another Soul Gem. You Are Lucky You Found This Soul Gem Easily, But Others Soul Gem, Are Posses By Six Vampire Lord... You Need To Find The Mikel He Will Help You, To Complete Your Mission Arthour, He Is Good Freind Of Mine. Said Lord Kamishk In Serious Expression

Where Can I Find Him? Arthour Asked.

You Need To Go In Eastern Valey Of The Martha Kingdom, In Eastern Valley You Need To Find The Lords Mansion And Show Them This Ring... Suddenly A Ring Appeared And Completly Fitted In The Arthour Right Hand...

Thnx Lord Kamishk For Helping Me, I Will Never Forget Your Kindness, Someday I Will Repay It By Many Folds,

Ohh Interesting Led, Said Kamishk,

One Day I Have To Return The Favour Of The Royal Family Of This Kingdom What They Give Me I Will Return Them 1000 Fold... While Saying That He Clinched His Fist.

Lord Kamishk Know That His Parents Was Killed By The Royal Family, He Knows How He Gonna Repay, " Royal Family Of Martha Kingdom, You Awake The Monster" That You Shouldn't be Touched, He Mumbled Himself

Arthour My Time Is Come, In This Place, I Left Only Tiny Soul Fragment To Protect This Place, My Real Body Is Somewhere Else, Don't Celebrate Now You Are Weak Become Stronger We Will Meat Soon... And Give "Michael" My Regards You Can Trust Him... Child After Saying That He Vanished In Thin Air.

Child Huh? Mother Father It's Been 3 Years Now.

Suddenly A Portal Appeared And Arthour Interred In The Portal.