
Mythical set

"fine let's see what awaits in this so-called count Dracula attire, well whatever this set is looking very epic, let's buy this and get over with it, I can find another way to gain exp, Eve buy this set"

[Congratulations host to obtained mythical Count Dracula basic set]

what did you say mythical set? Show me status eve.

[Count Dracula mythical Attire

[Class: Mythical

[Colour: Crimson Black azure

[Specification: Host Can fly without any mana consumption with a lightning speed]

[Defence: immune against Water, Fire, and lighting element type of attack, and can double the host status for 3 minute

Ha Ha Ha, I found treasure, sorry eve for doubting you, but eve didn't reply, he mumbled sigh you arrogant, system.


Thomas are preparation complete, and where is arthour, the old patriarch asked,

Tia is going to see for arthour, and everything is ready, but there is something that I worried about. Thomas replied

what ? is there any problem that I don't know, the old patriarch asks.

"The 3rd son of queen Helena and his majesty Leon, Prince Nicolas Martha is Also accompanying Nicole clan, in this meeting. Thomas replied

"What that bastard of Nicole clan defying the rules of lord city, they are allowing the prince to take part in this meeting, If arthour went on rampage how cAn our clan handle those things, bastard are taking things very lightly. the old patriarch said while sweating

" Father not an only prince, but the princess Alisha is also taking the part in this meeting, she was coming with Blossom clan's side. Thomas said

now the old patriarch face become pale, even queen Elena's First daughter is taking part, what is happening in this lord city, why those powerful individual taking part. Princess Alisha is beautiful and very powerful, she is one of the strongest warriors in the Martha royAl family.

what are we going to do father, we can't go against the royal family, I know that they do not meddle in our business but they are associated with the king and queen. Thomas looked at his father while saying those words.

just go with the flow, the power of the tide is changing, something big is going to happen soon, we cant prevent the future, so I just wait and watch. I am feeling very ominous, this meeting is going to trigger the balance of this world.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Nicole clan

haha, now I want to see the face of that bastard, how will they react, an old man was laughing while sitting on the big thrown he was the patriarch of Nicole clan, he was wearing a patch on his left eye, and giving the ominous vibe.

Those bastard think they can insult the Nicole clan, by associating the mysterious man, they think they clear the dalmus dungeon, with some kind of artefact, they dare to mock me in front of those clan, how can you go against the prince, Nicolas belongs to our family, and Helena was my GrAnd daughter, some people know that truth, but even I want to see how dare he go against us now. Old patriarch mumbled.

But Father that guy name arthour is very mysterious, and he has the authority Ring, we can't go against the iron rule that our ancestors follow generation by generation. another middle-aged man said he was the son of an old patriarch.

Those are the old story, that was circulated to fool weak bastards, I will solely rule over the Lord's mansion city, and help my granddaughter Helena to achieve her dream. we waited too long my son. It's time to take what belongs to us. Old patriarch of Nicole replied

yes, father, preparation is already done, and prince Nicolas is also waiting to head out for the meeting. said, middle-aged man

let's go, what that bastard wants to talk about in the meeting. today I will kill the whole Wilson clan. for insulting me. Let's see how you react to see the royalty, he mumbled


Princess Alisha are you sure you want to participate in the meeting of our clan? Patriarch of Blossom clan asked.

Yes? I heard my brother is also participating in the meeting, so I am a little interested in meeting. If you don't mind. Replied princess Alisha

I don't have any problem with that, and on top of that you are naira's best friend so how can I mind your participation.

Thank you, lady patriarch said the princess Alisha.

All preparation is already done we are departing for the meeting place princess, Lady patriarch said, and naira is also waiting for you.

Princess Alisha nodded and followed the patriarch.


Arthour are you ready, father and grandfather are waiting for you, tia was on the outside of the arthour rooms and she was waiting for him.

I will come tia give me a second a voice come inside of the room,

ok, Tia said, with a smile.