Yandere Psycho x Female Reader

You knew him to be a devil, to be heartless and quick to kill, he once told you about the love that beats in his heart for you, about how he feels empty without you and this made your life uneasy

              You knew he was crazy, but you never knew he meant it. The day a boy asked you out was the day he died, that very minute he was killed by a truck driven by your psycho lover

            The police has arrested him multiple times, but he always escape in the next one hour which makes him the most feared criminal. He only kill when he has to, or when he is angry or just for fun

              You were scared not because of his madness, but because of your friends and family. You always hide their information but it never bother him as long as you are by his side

           He asked you out on Valentine's day with a childish smile, you wanted to say no but yes came out of your mouth unexpectedly, your answer made him more happy

            You enjoyed your time with him, the amusement park, he also invited you to a new candy shop and you and him ate until there was no space left in your stomach

           "Y/N, stay with me, I'll spoil you with sweets and different foods, I have lots of wealth but I don't know what to do with it, so please be with me" he asked you with a smile so sincere, anyone would think of him being innocent

        "I'm so sorry Leonardo, but I can't stay with you" you told him trying to find the right word in other not to make him annoyed

          "So what you are saying now is that I'm not someone who you can stay with" there was now murder in his eyes 

         "No Leo that's not what I'm saying" you kept your voice calm even when you were deeply scared

        "Then what!?" He asked in anger

       "I just..... I just have things going on and....." Before you continued speaking, your eyes became droppy and you couldn't move properly

         "Leo, what did you do?" You asked with a sharplyas he smirked in a cool manner

         Your eyes were loosing pictures of the real world and you could only hear faintly. He didn't say anything, only brought out a small container of drugs that you recognized as sleeping pills

          "Y/N, I know you can hear me for this period of time, but I want you to know that I placed this drug in your candy when you weren't looking because I know you won't agree, now look at yourself but don't worry you will be with me forever and I'll kill anyone that comes close to you that's a promise" he said with a smirk

          "L..... Le.... Leo" you called his name before fading off.