Yandere Demon x Female Reader

    You sat down trying to eat as the rain increased with heavy lighting and blasting thunders, you were Alone and afraid in this house that calls your name

         You've seen the voice owner, he was a demon and he was evil, Everytime he reached for your hands to touch them you would scream and pray

         All your actions were his anger, everything you did was to send him away from you and he wasn't ready for that

           Shadow demons were also in your house looking for the best opportunity to snatch you to him.

             The thunder flashed and you saw his shadow behind, quickly turning back there was no one. You took out your phone and called the priest

         "Hello father, I see him around, he wants to take and torture me for driving him away, he is around here" you told the priest on the phone

          "Child pray when you feel his presence, he is the devil and he won't leave until your soul belongs to him" the pastor said encouraging you

         "Remember pray at all time, I'll pray for you here too" he cut the call immediately you said okay

             After eating you prayed, and you could feel the shadows watching you with deep anger and wrath.....

        "Pray all you want, I'll have you" his voice rang in your head

         "Nothing can help you, nothing at all you belong to me for enternity" it continued but you didn't listen to it

            "LISTEN TO ME!!!" The voice screamed making your nose bleed, but you continued praying, you knew he was looking for an opportunity to talk, to ruin your life, to take your soul.

               "Talk to me without rebuking me, Talk to me y/n, Talk" The voice went calmer and smoother, you could feel him again standing closer to you with his hands on your shoulders and this time he spoke up

         "Talk to me" his voice was commanding, but you didn't answer

         "TALK TO ME Y/N!" Almost everything made of glass got shattered when he screamed, but you didn't answer again

            Of course, you were scared and trembling inside as you opened your eyes after finishing praying to see broken glasses everywhere

             You however swept it and packed it up, you looked at the ceiling and a shadow moved, it was a shadow demon and it made you feel sleepy and before you knew it sleep founded you

                You were in a dream that was reality, moving forward you saw a throne and the demon who always disturbs you sat on it elegantly. His smirk never cease and he looks completely like a demon lord

         He ordered for a wine glass and a knife which was given to him immediately, the only thing you could do was to watch. 

               He sliced his index finger and placed it under the glass, and within seconds it was filled with blood, thick reddish black blood

             He got up and moved over to you... 

        "Y/N drink up!" It was a command from him but you couldn't react but open your mouth, he was controlling your every muscle

              "Drink my love" he said pouring the liquid in your mouth, a drop almost touched your tongue when someone woke you up.....


        You quickly woke up as you heard the voice. It was the priest and he looked at your trembling face

          "Father how did you come here?" You asked seeing his wet dripping body

       "The spirit led me to you when I was praying, your door was opened so I came in only to see lying on the sofa with different shadow demons surrounding you, I quickly rebuked them and woke you up" the priest said moving closer to you

         "What did you dream of?" He asked 

         "He was there, he held a wine glass and poured his blood inside, he was ready to feed me with it but you woke me up" your voice was sad and scared

         "Y/N, you need to get baptized this is worse than I ever imagined..... That demon lord is crazy for you" the priest said rubbing his face

        "When am I going to get baptized?" You asked him
