Chapter Thirty four: Lover girl.

Melissa's point of view,

While rotting on our bed, I check the time for my class and it isn't even close to my class time. I groan and think about getting ready and walk to my uni. First I should eat the leftovers as I am hungry. Elise's class will be over by then. So why not I meet her there before going to my class. I get up and wear Elise's plain white shirt. I don't think she will mind that since most of my dresses are for wash. After I am done with my make up, I get out with my tote bag and a pair of white shoes.

'Let's take a different route today since I'm walking to the uni after a long time.' I thought to myself. After a while I check the time time and shows that I still have some time. As I divert my eyes from my phone screen to a cafe, I spot Elise with another girl who is not prettier than me. But what does that girl have to do with MY wife? I think I should not over react. Elise would be upset if she finds out that I thought of her like this. But what is this uneasy feeling? I never felt like this before. It feels like as if I really sad and angry at the sme time. Is this jealousy or something else?

After calming myself down, having no bad intentions and no creating scene in the middle of this cafe, I head there. I just want to confirm that nothing is wrong. As I walk up to them, I hear Elise say, " About the confession of your live for me, I think -" I get out of my head just by hearing 'confession' and place my hand on Elise's shoulder and and say, "About what confession, honey?"

I can feel Elise dripping her cold sweat. Somehow that turns me on but that isn't the matter now. What matters here is that, what were they ranting about? Confession? Love? And this girl?

Without a second thought, I smile at the girl and say, " well well. I see you are enjoying yourself with your new friend I see." Before Elise could say anything, that girl replies in a rude tone, " Yes, we are. I think you should let us be. " "I didn't ask for your thought but thinking about my girlfriend spending her valuable time for someone who doesn't even deserve it, makes me mad " said I. " Well I didn't think that she had a girlfriend. And on a second thought, I didn't think she would have a girlfriend this ugly anyways."

Before I can get to reply that skinny bitch, Elise replies, " well you see, Natalie, I do have a girlfriend and I was about to say that I had a girlfriend." "But you said you liked me, Elise! "

That girl replies. At this point, I'm even more mad that she is lying about her cause Elise could never say that. Elise then says, " Listen Ms. Natalie, I never had the intention of cheating with someone I fancied for so long and for your information, I had my voice recording on for prove and incase something goes wrong, I had Melissa's chat open. And I genuinely thought you came to me just for helping you out and you come right at me with wrong intentions. So I'm sorry but I can't accept your confession. " She then kept the money on the table to pay for her food.

Wait, what the fuck is she ranting now. She had our chats open if anything was wrong. I can't help but blush really hard.

I then see that girl look down. Is she crying? She better be cause she tried to put the blame on Elise by lying. With that we get out as Elise sigh. I ask her, " what's wrong?" With a sad tine she replies, " I just paid for the food that I couldn't even finish." How can she be so adorable? Only if I had noticed it before, she wouldn't have to suffer so much. I want to touch her so bad.

She squirm her hand on my waist as I say, " I'm sorry for worrying you out." " I understand your situation, Elise. Wish I didn't have to attend the class." " Mhmm.. you can go and finish your classes. I'll go cook something dinner for us. " " Thanks love."