4. Uninvited Guests

"Athena, can you please deliver this drink to Prince Royce? I'm in a great hurry and have to get back to the kitchen. Something's going on in the kitchen and I have to sort it out. Can you help me?" Asked Rose, she was one of the royal kitchen maids.

Athena was silent for a moment, then she saw Bella who was walking near her. She immediately grabbed Bella's right elbow, making Bella stop suddenly and startled.

"Ah, let Bella deliver the drinks. Leave this to us, Rose. You go back to the kitchen." Athena said with a happy grin.

Rose looked relieved. "Thank goodness the two of you helped me. Fine, then I'll be going now."

Athena nodded, while Bella frowned and she immediately pulled her right hand from Athena's grip. "Why did you pull me all of a sudden?" Bella asked. Her face looked annoyed.

"Rose told me to take her place in delivering this drink to Prince Royce. Then I remembered you, so you'd better deliver this drink to Prince Royce." Athena said with a smile and handed the aluminum tray containing the glass of fresh drink to Bella.

And Bella of course immediately accepted the tray. She looked a little confused. "If Rose asked you to deliver this drink to Prince Royce, why did you tell me to?"

"I know you're probably angry with me because lately I've been closer to Prince Royce and Princess Lucy. Of course my actions during that time didn't mean anything. And I always remember that you really like Prince Royce. I was able to work here, also thanks to your invitation at the time. And I know you work here because you want to see Prince Royce up close. So, go closer to him. Hopefully this way can make you forgive me, Bella." Athena said with a hopeful look at Bella.

Hearing the words of her best friend like that, made Bella a little sympathy and her irritation slowly disappeared. The woman took a deep breath and her expression changed to a cheerful one.

"Hmm, fine. I have forgiven you. Then I will deliver this drink to Prince Royce." Bella said enthusiastically.

Athena nodded happily and chuckled softly. "Yes, be careful when walking. Don't let the drink spill!" She called out to Bella when her best friend was already walking towards Prince Royce.

Athena knew Bella very well. Her best friend really liked Prince Royce. But of course Bella just idolizes Prince Royce, not aiming to be in a relationship with Prince Royce.

Of course, the love affair between the royal servant and the crown prince was impossible. If so, it might only exist in fairy tales.

The celebration was very crowded. But the king and queen only briefly watched all the citizens who came to the palace. The king and queen reentered the palace after two hours of sitting on their thrones.

And who represented the presence of the king and queen, of course were Royce and Luciana. It was the two of them who warmly welcomed all the invited guests and the residents who came to enjoy the many delicious foods.

The villagers did not come all, of course some of them remained at home. Therefore Royce had ordered one of the troop leaders, named Frans, to oversee the distribution of food in each of the residents' homes. And the big wagon escorted by Frans and a few soldiers had already left for the village. That much food, of course, will be divided equally without missing a single one.

"Excuse me, Prince Royce. Here's the fresh drink you wanted. Rose just made it for you, and I took her place to deliver this drink to you." Bella said politely, as she approached Royce who was sitting watching the crowd at the party.

Royce immediately turned and looked at Bella with a smile.

Of course Bella immediately blushed. Royce's gaze and smile always managed to make Bella's heart beat fast. Ah, it's not only Bella who is like that, but almost all young girls are always stunned by Royce's good looks.

"Thank you, Bella. It must be very fresh and sweet. You can put it on the table." Royce said, pointing to the small table on his left.

Bella nodded and placed the glass of drink on the table. "Umm, does the prince want something else?"

"No. But actually I feel hungry, but I want to eat with my parents alone in the palace. Lunch still starts in an hour, right?"

"Yes, Prince Royce. When it's time for lunch, I'll be back here to remind you." Bella said.

Royce shook his head. "No need, just tell Athena to come over to me and Lucy. You can continue your work if you're busy."

Those words made Bella feel disappointed. Again and again she was always rejected by Royce. And Royce always wanted Athena.

"Ah, well prince. I will convey this to Athena." Bella said with a smile. Even though his feelings were so annoyed that she was forced to carry out the order.

Royce nodded. "One more thing, Bella. I want you to start setting the food on the table. So starting lunch later, you can take Athena's job."

This made Bella not feel annoyed, she was happy to receive the order. "Oh well prince, of course I can. Then Athena will be back in the kitchen?"

"No." Royce's answer took Bella by surprise. Then Royce looked at Bella again with a happy smile. "Tell Athena that she will be a special servant for Lucy. So you take her place. I hope you are also happy to hear this news. Because I heard that you two are close friends."

"Ah, y-yes. We have been friends since childhood. Well, I'll tell Athena this."

"Thank you, Bella."

Bella responded to Royce's words only with a polite nod, then she immediately backed away and turned to leave.

For whatever reason, Bella felt very upset. She walked quickly while clenching her right hand. She hated Athena even more.

While walking among the many people standing, suddenly someone pulled Bella's left hand. A tall, well-built man pulled Bella towards a less crowded area.

Of course Bella was surprised and was about to scream, but her mouth was covered by the man's hand. "Shut up!! It's me, Jackson." The man said firmly and cornered Bella's body against the stone wall.

Bella's eyes widened completely. She was very surprised by the arrival of Jackson. How did Jackson get into the palace?

Jackson let go of his right hand covering Bella's mouth. Then he grinned happily. "Hi, Bella. Do you still miss me?" Jackson asked with a crooked smile.

Bella didn't even want to smile. Her right hand directly slapped Jackson's left cheek. Plaque!!

"Ouh, this slap of yours doesn't hurt at all. You can slap me again until you're satisfied, honey." Jackson said with a sharp look at Bella.

"I'm no longer your lover!! And why did you come in here?!" Bella asked with a bit of fear and worry. She also looked around for fear that someone would see her alone with Jackson.