9. Someone Complained

Regarding Royce's request a few days ago, Athena finally agreed to the request. And of course Royce was very happy. Finally he didn't have to worry anymore if he wanted to see Jane or if he wanted to give her something.

And the thing Royce had talked about with Athena, turned out to be a jewelry set. Starting from rings, bracelets, necklaces, a pair of earrings, and a beautiful pink diamond eye. All those beautiful glittering things Royce gave to Jane. And the way to give it to Jane, is the way Royce left it with Athena when the girl came home.

Of course, Athena who didn't really know Jane at first, now she could communicate with Jane directly.

And coincidentally, today was a holiday for Athena. Royce, of course, took advantage of this. The man left the palace in the afternoon, on the pretext of delivering goods to Athena. Even though he would give it to Jane.

This time Royce gave a simple dress that was very elegant for Jane. And the size of the dress Royce got by having Athena try on many dresses from the designs of a very skilled tailor in the country.

Athena's body size is almost the same as Jane's. Starting from the weight, until Athena's height is almost similar to Jane.

"Sorry to have exhausted you for the past two weeks. You seem so tired of waiting for me. I really feel bad for you. I think I should repay your kindness. You have been willing to wait for me for an hour sitting on the rocks like this. Stand up, Athena." Said Royce who immediately helped Athena up by holding the two women's hands.

Athena was already exhausted. The weather was so hot today, that she couldn't put a smile on Royce.

Her face was so pale, and sweat dripped from her neck and forehead. Athena immediately turned away from Royce, she walked slowly to get back into the horse carriage.

Royce felt even more uneasy when he saw Athena's unfavorable response to him. Looks like he's really gone too far. Athena should have rested at home today because she was off from work. But Royce forced the girl to go with him to the area adjacent to the beach. So that he could date Jane, and Athena waited alone by the carriage.

While Jane was still standing watching Royce who followed Athena. Jane felt a little jealous.

And it turned out that an unexpected event occurred.

Athena suddenly fainted and fortunately Royce caught the girl's body very quickly. So Athena didn't fall to the ground.

"Athena!! Athena, wake up!!" Royce exclaimed in panic as he gently caressed Athena's cheek.

The two bodyguards who accompanied him also looked very panicked. Finally, they helped Royce by slowly loading Athena into the carriage.

Jane who saw the incident from a distance, the girl felt very displeased. She immediately had feelings of jealousy towards Athena.

"Ever since that girl accompanied you on a date with me, the situation between us has become increasingly uncomfortable. What if my plan fails? I must succeed in being your wife, Royce." Jane said. Her gaze was also very sharp at the horse carriage that had left the area.

Behind Jane's beautiful face and attitude who loves Royce, it turns out that this woman has hidden intentions. She only wanted the throne and treasure of the Diamond Kingdom.

In fact, Jane didn't really love Royce. She wanted to have a relationship with Royce, because she really wanted to be the queen of the country and be able to make her family rich. Jane wanted to sit on a majestic throne, then compete with Queen Victoria.


"Why did you come to me? Aren't you very annoyed with me? Some time ago, you looked at me like you were looking at a dirt. And I was very surprised, today you came to me voluntarily. Do you want to be my lover again?" Asked Jackson.

Bella snorted softly with an unfriendly expression on her face. "Stop your nonsense. I just want to ask you one thing."


"Was what you said at the royal banquet that time really that serious?"

Jackson immediately laughed. After that he looked at Bella seriously. "Since when did my words contain a joke? Even though I always look like this, but everything I say is serious. All this time I still like you, and frankly I always say that I still like you. Likewise with what I said back then. If I can make you queen, why not?"

"Can you prove it?"

Hearing that question, Jackson drew closer to Bella and gently stroked Bella's left cheek. "Do you now want me to destroy the kingdom?"

"I'm just annoyed."


"You're right, Jackson. I'm just a lowly slave over there. I wipe their dining table, provide them with food and drink every day, I have to be polite every second. And I have to clean up everything they do. You know? I'm so sick of it all. Especially my best friend. Athena seems to have betrayed me. Now she is closer to Prince Royce. Even though she knows very well that I also want to be that close to Prince Royce!!"

Jackson laughed again. "Hahahaha, why would you love a man who even knows you only as a lowly servant? Your presence is just like light dust to Royce. It's very different if you approach me like this. I can make you queen."

"If I really want that, will it come true?"

"Of course. Tell me where the secret door is." Jackson said with a lopsided smile.

And slowly, Jackson brought his face closer to Bella.

It didn't take long, the two of them were already kissing each other's lips. Bella was able to compensate for Jackson's slightly wild kiss. The two women's hands began to wrap around Jackson's neck.

But their activities had to stop because some of Jackson's friends started arriving. Bella did approach Jackson in a small house far from the village area. And the house is the headquarters of Jackson and his group.

Jackson is known as a naughty man who is very disrespectful. He likes to steal and rob other people's things. In addition, Jackson had also killed a hiker who was looking for wood in the forest. The reason was only because he was annoyed with that person, then he just killed him. Then his body was burned along with a lot of wood in the forest.

Jackson is a very scary man. But there are still so many people who don't know how he really is.
