33. A Nice Offer From Aubrey

"Jasmine married a man who works as the mayor. She's out in the urban area. So, we should go find Jasmine and leave this area of ​​the kingdom." Edgar said.

"Wait, there's an urban area like the European area out there that I've heard of?" Ask Royce. His eyes were sparkling and enthusiastic. Because all this time he only knew about the royal world that was on this island and neighboring islands.

Edgar smiled and nodded. "Only our world is still raging like this, Royce. Only our world."

"Is there really a city out there, Uncle Edgar?" Athena asked. She was so enthusiastic, because she had heard about a library containing so many books written in black ink.

"Hahaha, that's right, Athena." Edgar said.

Then Athena asked another question. "How is the area called urban? Is it far from here?"

Edgar nodded. "Yes, the city is very far away from here. We have to cross the ocean by boat or take a ride on a passing ship. In the urban world, there is now a thing called a newspaper. Jasmine once told me that the newspaper can contain any news."

"Wow, really? This world has progressed to that extent already?" Athena asked who was very enthusiastic. And Royce watched the girl secretly.

"Yes, out there already has much better development. Meanwhile, our era here is still the same as before, namely the world of empires. Don't you all want to get away from this?"

"Does your question mean that we should leave this territory and never come back? Uncle, you know I can't leave my parents' kingdom forever." Royce said.

"I understand what you mean, Royce. We don't always go and leave the Diamond Kingdom just like that. But we need time and know that there is a better world out there than here. When you are ready, of course we will all accompany you back to here."

Edgar's words made all heads nod in agreement, except for Royce. Royce still felt confused about the plan, but he had to follow the plan.

"In that urban area, is there also a lord who presides?" Ask Royce. Because all this time he knew that there were still many kings and kingdoms that stood separately and occupied a certain area.

"I don't think there is a king, but there is a leader. No matter what the leader in the city is called, I haven't sent a letter to Jasmine in a long time."

"But uncle, do you know Aunt Jasmine's home address?"

"Of course I know. I've exchanged letters with her and of course I know her address by heart."

"Where?" Asked Royce who was very curious.

Edgar shrugged his shoulders. "I do know the address, but I'm not sure I can find it easily. What is certain is that Jasmine lives in England."

"England? Ah, that's right. We have to cross the ocean to get there." Royce said.

"Sorry to interrupt this conversation. But before we do that we have to help Princess Aubrey get back to her kingdom. Who wants to take her there? My gut feeling is that King Philip must have a hard time bringing help here. He can only wait and hope that her daughter is okay." Athena said.

Everyone immediately looked at Athena, including Aubrey. Aubrey, who had been sitting quietly and trying to finish her food, now the girl looked up and looked at Athena.

Aubrey smiled a little. She didn't expect that Athena would remind everyone of her.

"Ah, right. I'm sorry, Aubrey. Since yesterday I haven't thought about you at all." Royce said. "Then I'll take you home."

Aubrey immediately nodded several times. She looks excited.

But Frans immediately said, "I'll accompany Princess Aubrey back to her palace, Prince Royce. If you go, we all don't know what to do. It's better for me and one of the soldiers to accompany Princess Aubrey back to her kingdom."

Hearing those words, Royce immediately nodded. "Fine then. Aubrey, would you be okay if Frans was the one to drive you home?"

"Of course. You stay here, Royce. After I've met my father, I'll try to send help here."

"If you can't, you don't have to push yourself, Aubrey. We all have a definite plan."

Aubrey looked expectantly at Royce. "But, will you all be okay? Why don't you all come to my castle? You can stay there for days before you decide to go to England. Even I can help you go. Me and my father will provide a boat or ship for all of you."

Everyone was silent for a moment and just stared at each other. Hearing Aubrey's offer, they all took a deep breath. Why didn't Aubrey say that earlier? They were all already dizzy planning it and even they all wanted to prepare themselves to go to a wooden house that Edgar said.

Royce could only wipe his face and now he chuckled softly. Then the man looked at Aubrey. "Ouh, why didn't you offer that earlier, Aubrey?"

Aubrey grinned and bit her lower lip. "I'm sorry, I can only think of that now myself."

"Yes, I understand your condition. It's okay. So, the plan to hide in the wooden house, shall we cancel it?" Royce asked everyone in front of him.

Nancy, Lucy, Erick, Edgar, Frans, and the six soldiers. They all nodded their heads. Who wants to live in an old wooden house like that? Of course they would prefer to accept a good offer from Aubrey. In the Crystalball Kingdom, they could all rest comfortably, have lots of delicious food, and also they could change into more proper clothes.

Aubrey smiled broadly when she saw everyone looking at her expectantly. She herself also felt guilty why she was only able to think of the idea at this time.

"Very well, we should all head to your palace, Princess Aubrey." Edgar said.

Aubrey nodded. "Even if you all want, you all can also stay and live in my kingdom. My father will definitely offer that as well."

"For that matter, maybe we can't accept it. Of course with us there, we're afraid that Jackson's army will find out about it. Then in the worst case, they might attack the innocent Crystalball Kingdom. So it's enough for my wounds to heal, then we have to leave this island immediately." Edgar said.

Royce nodded in agreement. "That's right, I just want Uncle Edgar and Erick to get well. Their wounds must be properly treated."

"Don't worry, Royce. When we all arrive at my kingdom, the servants will immediately treat Uncle Edgar and Uncle Erick." Aubrey said.

"Should we start our journey there, now?" Athena asked.

Royce shook his head slowly. "No. It's still early in the morning and we better start our journey there. However, we also have to prepare supplies beforehand. The soldiers can look for clean water to drink at a spring. Frans and I will help catch fresh water fish again. Then you women can immediately grill the fish, as our food supplies on the trip later. How about that?"

"We all agree very much, prince. Then we must hurry now." Nancy said. The woman also looks excited. Athena immediately smiled when she saw her mother cheerful again.
