Real test begins

Peter got off the stage.

"Good job Peter I knew you had in you," said jay while smiling...

"The next victim jay warlock," said Yami...

Jay then walked up to the stage... But before Yami could say anything jay stretched his hand back and hit the machine so hard…

{Bing bing bing... Score 83 passed}...

After that, it was sung's turn and he scored 87.

Then another student named Jackson was called he then walked to the machine and punch the machine.

{scored 120} passed.

Everyone was shocked "120" everyone said at the same time...

Jackson then got off the stage with a proud smile on his face.

Next up, Jin-woo said Yami.

Jin asked the system "hey system show me my Status"...

[You got it, Host]


Unattributed points: 5

Skills: [Martial arts: level 3] [Hand to Hand Combat: levels 2]


"Wow, this Nano glove is awesome, Hey system what are those attributed points"...

[Host those points they can increase any attribution, like strength or agility and so on] said the system...

"Oh so if I add 5 points to my strength it will increase"...

[Yes Host] the system replied...

"Okay, add the 5 points into strength," said Jin in


[Ding 5 points added to strength]

Jim felt overwhelming strength in his body, it was unbelievable.

"Wow, Nice Let's test this shall we"

Jin got to the stage, Now he was in front of the punching Machine...

Yami looked at his tablet, to check Jin's profile…

"Oh this student is just an ordinary person, Never heard of a person without Magic or powers, that's weird"…

"Here it says his parents Had abilities"…

Then Yami looked at Jin with a confused face, he was wondering why would ordinarily person would come to A academy for magic or powers users…

But Yami put that thought at the back of his head...

Then Yami started at Jin he then looked at Jin up and down he then notched the red glove on his hand...

"What the, I never saw this kind of technology, is it new tech or something"...

Then Jin pulled his hand back and hit the machine as hard...

Ding Ding Bing score 70 Passed...

Everyone was left speechless, The only questions they were asking in their mind were How, What, And Why...

After A minute of students not Making a single sound, A Male student spoke...

"He cheated, I mean how could an ordinary person score more than us ability users, remember when we were at the auditorium he didn't awaken any Powers or Magic that means he used some kind of drugs,"….

Students then start to believe what the male student said, "Yeah he cheated" all of them yelled...

Then Yami got up from his chair he said "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU," he said while releasing a deadly aura that made the students fall to the ground, they were sweating like crazy…

"There is no such thing as cheating, you got to do everything you can to score above 50 and he did, I don't know how but he did pass"…

Everyone just stood there silently looking down at the ground without saying a word…

Then Yami said, "okay now everyone has gone and got their score, Whoever failed principal white will tell you what to do and those who passed get your gears on we are going to the dungeon"…

[Ding Host has completed the quest]

<20 tech points rewarded to the Host>

Then Yami said, "okay if you got your gears let's go".

Then 20 or so teachers appeared out of nowhere...

"Okay, everything is set, GET READY...