Black Angel

3rd Person's POV

'I'm screwed. I'm so screwed.'

Xian was leaning on his desk while having teary eyes. He still can't believe that his boss was going to the same school he is. And worst, she was teasing him in front of the whole class.

'Why didn't I thought that she studies here?! We passed through the company and she wasn't wearing a formal dress! I'm so stupid I want to die!'

His classmates, along with the students who was walking by their classroom, especially the boys, were glaring daggers at him in jealousy like he was the luckiest person alive on this planet. Well, he is lucky. At least that was what his fellow students thought of him.

Alex, who was sitting beside him, just patted his back while saying consoling words. He thought, 'How can you be so stupid?'. Then suddenly, the door opened and revealed Crase who was skipping happily towards her seat, which was beside Xian.

"Xian! Why did you have to leave with Shia?! You could have just ignored her, and rode to school with me! Now I'm stuck with my stupid red haired brother who doesn't look like my brother." She whined as she sat beside Xian and hugged him while rubbing her cheeks on his shoulder. And that just added fuel to the fire, which was Crase's intention. The boy's glare just became sharper that Xian could have died hundred times already.

"Uh, C-Crase it's-" Xian was interrupted when Crase's phone rings, indicating that someone was calling her. She pouted and answered it putting it to loud speaker.



"Stop flirting with Xian or else I won't buy that private jet that you've been fawning with lately."

"What?! Anything but that Shia!"

"Well, I'll just call your brother and tell him that he can crash your car as a payback."

"Shiaa, anything but my- wait wait. Okay, I'll stop flirting with him just..."

"Just what?"

"Just don't threaten me with that things anymore."


The call ended and they eyed Crase with a dumbfounded expression. How can she be close with the Black Angel? The Black Angel that's so rich to the point that she can casually say that she wouldn't buy a private jet for her friend who was flirting and talking to a boy. Oh how they wish they were in their shoes.

Xian's POV

After the call, Crase has been sulking in her seat. Alex was laughing his heart out while I just looked at them.

"Hah! Serves you right, you crazy Crase!"

"Hah?! You dare call me crazy?! I swear I'm gonna kill you if you say that again!" Crase shouted as she grabbed Alex's collar.

"Like you can. Crazy!"

And they started fighting. Why am I even sitting between them in the first place? If they weren't my friends, I wouldn't bother sitting here. Heck, you can even sense the chaotic aura surrounding the two of them.

"I didn't know that you two are close." I interrupted them and they glared at me. What's with all the people glaring at me today?

"Close? With this crazy girl? Humph, never." When did Alex became so salty?

"Duh, like I want to be close with you." Crase said while rolling her eyes.

I sighed. The words they say are clearly contradicting to what their eyes say. Hm, I should ask them why they call Shia Black Angel.

"Guys. Why do you call Shia Black Angel?" They looked at me with frowning faces and eyebrows twitching.

"Seriously dude? You don't know? We're in the middle of the first semester yet you still don't know?" Alex asked looking at me accusingly.

"Uhm no. Why?"

"Dude, just how can you be so oblivious of your surroundings?"

"Just stop it and tell me why you all call her Black Angel." I said while leaning on my desk.

"Fine fine, whatever you want. Although I don't know where to start." He answered as he looked at Crase. Crase then smiled from ear to ear seemingly excited about this topic.

"I'll start!" She said as she jumped off her seat and sat at her desk. "Now listen here you uncultured person, there are three reasons why people here call her Black Angel."

"First, her appearance. As you can see, she's the epitome of beauty. Her long and beautiful midnight black hair that flows flawlessly with the wind; her enchanting crimson eyes that bores into your soul; her kissable pinkish lips that moves gracefully when she talks along with her naturally pink cheeks; her flawless snow white skin that sometimes glow under the sun; her beautiful curvy body which even the most beautiful model would be so jealous of along with her long legs and thick thighs. Hahhh, in short she's a living goddess." Wait, is she fangirling? And what's with her choice of words? Nonetheless, Alex agreed to her and nodded his head while smiling. "It's your turn buddy!"

"OK ok, my turn. Second, her talent and knowledge. She is ranked first in the whole school even if she's still in first year. But you know what? It's rumored that she went to college when she was 13. The reason that she studied again was because she was bored. When she went to high school, she participated every possible contests and aced them. She even went to international level several times and beated all the participants there! The sports club in her school all managed to go to the nationals thanks to her help. Because of that, her name is known around the world! And when it comes to talent, she can do anything. Martial arts, sports, dancing, singing, playing instruments, painting, everything! She's basically the dark horse of our country. So, if you're having a hard time from your studies, you should ask her to tutor you." God he's the same as Crase. They're both blushing while explaining. Gross. "Now deliver the last blow crazy buddy!"

"I hate the part where you called me crazy but whatever. Lastly! Her wealth. She came from the world's richest family. Her father, Edward Sabre, was the former owner and CEO of the Sabre Corps which is worldwide famous. Her brother, Ranx Sabre, owner of the RS Technical Company who made these new and super cool gadgets that's about to be introduced to the public. Next, her. Shia Sabre herself, is the new CEO of Sabre Corps. When she turned 18, she officially became the CEO and brought the company to even higher heights, but even when she's still younger, she helped manage the company. They have many connections around the world. She can spend money like nothing. Her butler and personal maid have their own villa, well scratch that, mansion! She bought them a mansion! She can literally make a whole country either rich or bankrupt." I'm. Speechless. The words they used to describe her was amazing in a way.

" Isn't she heavenly Alex?" Crase asked while holding Alex's hand, still blushing. "Yeah. You're really lucky to be her best friend." Then they both hugged each other while crying? They're crying? Is that tears of joy? God they're so stupid I can't take it.

"Crase, are you gay for Shia?"

"Yeah, have a problem with that?" Seriously? Her mood changed 180 easily.

I ignored her and she went back to hugging Alex and they both cried to each other while fangirling and fanboying. Suddenly the door opened and revealed our scary professor. We then settled down or we'll get an hour of scolding.

Shia's POV

After I walked Xian to his classroom, I went to the other side of the building where our department is. While walking, the students and other faculty members were looking at me. Not that I'm not used to it but it's so annoying. Can't blame them though. I arrived at my classroom and the professor was already there, teaching. They stopped and looked at me.

"Good morning Professor. I'm sorry I'm late." I greeted and bowed my head slightly. They looked kinda shocked but nonetheless acknowledged it. Duh, even if I grow up with a rich family, I still have some manners. I never forgot what my mother taught me.

"Oh, it's ok Miss Sabre. I understand."

I walked to the empty seat in front of the professor and he started teaching again. Turns out that he's the only one available for our class that time, so our class finished early. We just took a quiz and done. I went to the chairman's office to discuss about Xian's work.

"Good morning Chairman."

"Good morning Miss Sabre. No need to call me chairman. Just call me Francis. Please have a seat." He said smiling while gesturing me to sit at the sofa. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm here to discuss about Xian Russell's employment, Mr. Francis." I said and showed him a contract that says he agrees with it.

"Oh about that. I have no problems about it Miss Sabre. As long as he can keep up with his studies, then it's perfectly fine. But if he don't, then I have no choice but to drop him, worse expel him." He said in a challenging tone.

"You don't have to worry about that matter Mr. Francis. I will make sure that he won't neglect his studies." I answered smirking. I don't take a challenge I know I won't win.

"Well then, deal." He said and extended his hand for me to shake. "Deal." I said and shake his hand. He then proceeded to sign the contract when my phone rang.

"Excuse me." I said and excused myself.


"Hello Dad?"

"Oh Fluffypie, is school over? It's not like you to answer you're phone while in class."

"Yeah. School ended early and I just finished talking with the chairman about Xian's work."

"Oh you mean, you're new secretary?"

"Yes and he agreed."

"Well that's good. Can you come home early?"

"Yes, of course Dad. Shall I bring Crase with me?"

"That would be nice. Chase is already here so you don't need to pick him up. Oh and bring your secretary along. I want to meet him."

"Sure. Which house?"

"Main one. And it looks like Rachelle cooked many food than expected so you can bring a friend along with you."

"Don't worry, I know someone. OK Dad bye."

"Bye Fluffypie, love you."

"Love you too Dad."


Dad's really sweet. I went back and saw that the chairman was already done so he gave it to me and I bid my good bye. I went straight to Xian's classroom and saw that their class is about to finish. They're just passing there test to the prof so they can check. They check their own paper? Well, whatever.

"Excuse me. Good morning Professor. Can I excuse Xian Russel and Crase Bond? There's an important meeting we have to attend to." They all looked at me and then at Xian's group.

"Miss Sabre, what meeting might that be? Is it so important that you can't wait until we finish checking?" She asked with a cocky voice. I like this one. I should tell the chairman to give her a raise.

"Yes Professor. It's so important that if they don't attend their family ties might be at risk." I'm not lying though. Knowing Dad, that is possible.

"Is that so. OK, Mr. Russel and Miss Bond you can go."

Xian look confused while Crase looks excited. I looked at Xian's bestfriend and saw him pouting and a look of worry evident on his face.

"Professor, I remembered that Alex Lee is also involved in this matter."

"Fine. Mr. Lee you can go."

They all packed their things and went out of the room. I walked to the parking and they all followed me with a confused look. Well, except Crase. She looks stupid.

"Shia, where's the venue? The first or the second?"

"The first one." She then squealed and jumped up and down while smiling ear to ear.

"Ohhhh, I can't wait!"

I felt a tug on my sleeve and saw Xian looking like a lost puppy. Cute. "Uhm, Shia, where are we going?"

"You'll know when we arrive there."