
The After -End 14

Sisyphyra is on webNovel


The site before him came like a de ja vu. A re-occurrence of his very existence, he could not put a name to it. But, seeing all the tents in the camp destroyed, people fighting he knew that a war had begun already. People in black garb carried stone axes, some that are roughly dressed had farming tools as weapon. He wondered what stance they had against the Grand master soldiers.

Aren't you in the same boat as them? The voice said.

Clouds of feathered arrows shoot through the air bringing many to their death. Javelins whistled past and pinned a soldier to a chariot through his head, his brain split into a clean cut two. A lifeless man in a black religious habit was dragged on the ground by a black horse through the field. His garb getting torn along the way with a missing limb already decapitated ready to fall off. Some bodies lay hooked on the pointed wooden bulwark their blood spilled out, running in lines into a blood puddle on the ground. The cries of men and screams of injured beasts were barely enough to conceal the thundering clashes of steel clanking steel and the loud hisses of a bunch of flying arrows.

He removed his dagger from his ankle shoe and tread carefully through the camp trying to avoid any combat. He headed to the edge of the camp where the cage was, where he had last seen his daughter. Navigating through the ongoing battle , further ahead, he noticed a black-skinned girl in pink cloth. Though the cloth color looked slightly red. There was no difference from the color in the sky. She sat outside quietly against the wooden cage. Seeing his daughter, he hastened his steps running to her. Hearing movement, she looked ahead and saw her father. Her face lit up and she didn't stand up.

"Papa" She murmured

He shouted for her to come but she didn't.

All of a sudden, a young soldier stepped out from the cage, she was at. He moved quickly and quietly towards her. The soldier yanked her neck and it gave a crack sound. She fell to the ground cold her eyes stared wide open at her father.

He gave a deep heart-wrenching cry as he ran to his daughter's corpse. He swung his dagger and darted forward at the hungry-looking lanky soldier. He was knocked over falling flat on his back losing the dagger few feet away. The solider pounced on him laying off many punches and slaps, afterwards, he began to strangle him. As he tried to keep his wit with him, his hand search frantically for help. His hand caught an axe. He summonsed up the little courage he had left and swung the axe at him. The axe came down heavily on the soldier's arm amputating it unskillfully. The shocked soldier released his hand from his neck as the soldier watched in shock the blood gushing out of his arm. He pushed him off, wiped his face off with the back of his hand. The soldier staggered to his feet and began to retreat.

"You killed my daughter!"

Go on he deserves it as you do also, kill him! The voice repeatedly said.

He swung the axe again at the soldier. His other arm fell off. No loud cry or any scream was heard as the soldier crumpled to the floor. Then, the axe began to get heavy. He dropped it to the ground. He saw the dagger and picked it afterward he went to scoop his daughter in his arm.

"I'm sorry, I failed you" he whispers.

He heard a chant then he turned to see the young soldier he had fought with run towards him. Without thinking, he flung the dagger on his arm at him and flew at a fast speed it hit the soldier's belly. Down the soldier went dead on the spot.

He drew her close to his chest and wept bitterly. Her lifeless body shook as he sobbed mumbling"I'm late, too late"

A great failure, my mother had been right. He grabbed his hair in frustration

"My daughter is dead" another fresh tears stained his face and mucus spilled from his nostrils.

His parents, sisters words crept into his head. He screamed, shaking in agony. The scarred faced man's words echoed repeatedly in his mind.

"I told you, we already have you" His thought went to the point of no return. He oozed out the noise as he laid his daughter down and covered her eyes with her eye lids. His eyes changed his face transformed and his thought obviously darkened with hate and vengeance. He stood up his eyes moving away with no backward glance. He searched for a weapon to use.

I must kill that shrouded figure

Can you? The voice asked

I will die trying. What do I have to lose. He concluded.

Then, he saw a sword.

I know you. He said to the sword

It was a strikingly beautiful sword whose blade glowed in the ruddy moon. It has a two-edged winged blade and it stood dipped into the ground. The grip shone with beautiful stones that enhanced its edges. The blade had some lettering written on it. He moved in closely and began to read it.

"Nnkan to o jé temi ni temi, ko si si enikeni to legba momi lowo"

(What is mine is mine, on one can take it away from me)

He repeatedly said this ancient words as he pulled on the sword and he wielded it in the air. He dragged it with him as he made a decision to put an end to the shrouded figure once for all. It made a thin line on the ground as it moved on to pull specks of dirt with it. His face and cloth was stained with blood. Suddenly, another Grand master soldier blocked his path and was ready to fight. His blood pounded, deafening, in his ears. He drew up his sword swiftly and bright it down on his neck.

Feeling no remorse for the lost soul, he moved on to the next opponent. It was one of the archers, the ones that had pursued him and even tried to kill him. There was also the one that had killed his sister and had captured the boy.