
What I Saw 03

I could remember that fateful day, my father had arrived early with an enormous antelope hanged across his shoulders. The joy on our faces knew no bonds for we knew that food will be plenteous for a long time. My father dressed the meat and divided them into portions. He handed all the divided portions to my mother except a very big portion. He wrapped this last one with banana leaves and tied them together with palm fronds Then, he buried the offals. As he prepared to leave, he turned to me and said that I should follow along. Happily, I dropped the rag I was using to clean Twapa, my father's black horse who was heavily pregnant and would give birth very soon. I followed him closely as we silently made our way to his friends' house. The quietness on the road puts me off but my father's presence with me was in itself a shield. His friend saw us from afar and hastened to meet us. Greeting us he led us to his house.