
What I Saw 09

Sisyphyra is on webNovel


One fateful day, as I had slept at her place. I woke up with the same nightmare as I had always had, she came to my side and helped me back to sleep. When the sun came up she called me close and asked me what I had dreamed about. I revealed the countless dream I had dreamed to her and she said that I needed to go home quickly she helped me to lay out the plans for my escape. My departure wouldn't have played out without her wisdom. Before my plans fell through I had to go and see Julibe.

"Why do you need all this," he asked me as he gathered the supplies I had asked for. I had indeed bought more

than I was usually required to. This was because I was buying all I will be needing for the journey.

"I'll be going back home" I whispered to him as I could feel a particular stare boring holes on my back.