
The Cursed Grave 08

Sisyphyra is now on webNovel.


Life respects no one

A lot of shits happens

When you expect.

Despite what Mark was facing, the world was coming to a standstill. Over 200,000 people dropped dead

suddenly across the continent In two days and the number is still counting. News had traveled like wildfire

fear has increased. The few infected persons hospitalized complained of difficulty in breathing until death

eventually took them away. Their diseased state was immune to antibiotics and doctors' prescriptions. Soon

enough fear, anxiety grew.

Loya felt all alone in Canada, she lived in fear as her neighbors kicked the basket. She felt the spirit of death

was knocking on her door next. She had tried to put a calm through to Mark but it was never reachable, even

his assistant was not helping. She had started to develop insomnia and could not even sleep. At the sound of