The Curfew

The parade of noisy motorbikes sputtered across the narrow streets of Licht. The Coyote 250, the Reynard 225, four Minx-160s, and three Dingo-180s brought the otherwise quiet town alive. Motorized vehicles were clearly out of place there.

The air was chilly and damp. High walls and closely spaced, moss-covered stone buildings barely let sunlight warm the town during the day. Besides, Lake Loch was in proximity, adding to the humidity.

The cobbled streets were deserted. There was not a single soul in sight.

"Where are the people?" Alice asked Peter. The teenager trotted his Xorse beside the Fellowship party. The beast was getting antsy. Its growls seemed more like whimpers.

“It’s almost curfew time, ma’am. Citizens clear out from the streets much before the sun sets."

"Curfew? Is it some sort of martial law? Similar to the colonies of Concord City?"

Noah and Piper glared at Alice's insensitive words. Concord was their home city. The plight of the lower classes was not something to schmooze. Either of them would've said something defensive. But that would have given away their origins. It was integral to keep personal information safe if you wanted to have a long career as an independent contractor.

"I apologize again. The Mayor will brief you about our laws by himself." Peter's anxiety seemed to have risen as the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness approached. "Let's hurry to the citadel right now."

The party reached a lofty building that looked like a historic landmark of a bygone era. Stone and marble formed the foundations while mortar repairs were here and there. "This is the town citadel. The Mayor is eagerly waiting for you, adventurers."

Heavy oak doors opened to reveal a spacious, dim-lit hall. The grandeur was impressive, but the chamber seemed to have gone through years of neglect. Perhaps it used to host splendid banquets in the past. At the moment, it seemed abandoned and in urgent need of some dusting. The hall reminded Piper of haunted mansions from horror movies.

"This feels a bit weird," he whispered to Noah.

An entourage of guards in light armor greeted them in two rows. They were conservatively dressed. Piper felt as if they had traveled fifty years into the past. The Licht people were really backward both in terms of fashion and in technology.

"Don't you have lights, kid?" Drake asked. The hall and the rooms were lit with candles, torches, and fireplaces.

"Electricals and electronics attract monsters," the boy replied feebly.

"I guess that's true. You can just kill the monsters, though. What's the big deal?"

Peter did not answer the question, but bit his lip and looked away.

What was he hiding?

They went up a double staircase and finally entered a dingy room with a lighted fireplace. An old man sat in a rocking chair, staring into the flames. He snapped out of his trance on hearing the footsteps and greeted his guests.

"Welcome, adventurers. I am Hans Lichter, Mayor of Licht. My family has been the steward of the town for generations."

"We are here in response to your request for a B-class mission," Drake replied, looking around with disappointment.

"Yes, and we are grateful for your arrival. Please have seats."

The party seated themselves on wooden chairs around a large circular dining table. Peter left to get refreshments. He brought bread, meat, rum, and wine.

"Mr. Mayor," Eve began. "If you could tell us more about the mission." Usually, she would let Drake talk. However, the Ace had already gotten busy with a rum bottle. His other hand was caressing Skylar's thigh under the table. "I speak for our entire party when I say that all the secrecy and suspense are killing us. Why did you summon the Fellowship team for a B-class mission? Independent contractors come at cheaper rates. They suit this category of missions better."

Hans set his bowl of food aside and took a swig of rum.

"Apologies. I am old and forgetful. Young and vibrant people like you always seek to be informed and can get impatient. The reason I requested your elite team is that we cannot afford to pay more than what you charge for a B-class mission-"

"I'm sorry, Hans," Drake interrupted after burping loudly. "Your rum is fantastic. I must congratulate you for that-"

"Thank you-"

"-However, if you have a hard mission to offer and plan to underpay us for our services, we will leave immediately."

The Mayor held up his hands and shook his head apologetically.

"Oh, we can certainly pay you, but not in credits."

"We haven't come this far for cereals and iron ore."

"Please don't misunderstand, dear warriors. We offer something more precious than a few thousand credits or a few tons of resources as a reward. When I name the reward, you will certainly be interested."

"I highly doubt it, but go ahead."

"Gandr gems."

Drake looked up from his plate and raised a bushy eyebrow. "Come again?"


The Ace put away his bottle of rum. "Gandr gems? From gandr-gators? Are you out of your mind, old man? Gandr-gators are extinct in the city-states. They only exist in the outlands." The fellowship team glanced at Drake's face. Did they see a flicker of fear in his eyes?

"What are these gems and gators you're referring to?" Skylar asked the two.

"They are a deadly species from the outlands," Piper butted in. "A swarm of gandr-gators could be considered an S-class mission."

The team started murmuring. "S- class?"

Eve and Noah also looked worried and met each other's eyes momentarily.

"Where are they?" Drake demanded.

"Ah, you've fought them before? I was not wrong then to invite your team."

The Ace paused for a moment, trying to piece everything together. "Now I understand what the curfew is for." Drake stood up and banged a fist on the table. "Old man, if you don't explain yourself right now, I will strangle you with my bare hands!"

"Umm, what?" Alice blurted out, confused by the sudden escalation. "Could someone explain to me what's going on?"

Piper shook his head. His mechanical eye was rolling around like crazy. Noah placed a hand on his shoulder to soothe him. "It means… it means we walked into a trap!"