The Specter

Tap! Zip!

Tap! Tap! Zip!

The response team jumped from one terrace to another, making its way to the pinged location.

Piper was in the lead. "Ace, why do I have to be in the forefront?" he complained over the radio. "I'm not a fighter. You know that better than anybody else."

"Then why do you have that uranium railgun in your inventory, mister?" Skylar jibed. She and Alice were on the team's wings, watching the surroundings as they proceeded to the destination.

"Ahem. First of all, the weapon is called PiperRail," Piper argued. "Second, are you jealous? I have it because it looks cool-"

"People! Let's maintain radio silence until we reach the location," Noah ordered.


They converged towards a suburban area of the city. After a few minutes, Piper spoke up again. "It's right ahead. Cory's location is somewhere near that green building. The dark alley."

"Eve-" Noah commanded on the radio.