Chapter 25

Lazarus POV

I hear my mother and the doctor coming up the stairs. There is no time to waste. Willow is trying to bring life into this world while she loses her own. I have no idea what to do. I hold her hand. I watch, trying so hard to hold on. Her eyes are already looks of death.

“Hurry,” I scream.

The doctor and my mother rush into the room. “Your father is downstairs,” Mother says.

I nod. I do not care. I am not leaving her. Mother gets on the other side of Willow. She takes her precious hand in hers. “Hey sweetie,” Mother says to Willow.

Willow opens her eyes enough to see my mother. “Prissy,” she says softly.

The doctor begins to work on Willow. He feels her stomach. He spaces her legs apart. “This is not ideal for having a baby. We really should get her off this bed,” Tom says.

“If you move her, she gets sick. Make it work,” I say to Tom.

“Willow honey, in a few moments, you will be a mother,” Prissy says.