Chap 34

"Can I have this too?" Erom asked while holding a chess board.

As a typical child, Erom joyfully picked toys once we entered the toy section. Valjerome assured him that he'll give him everything for free or should I say¾a hug in exchange.

I have always been able to give Erom the things he likes, but he never asked for too much. Maybe he also knows how hard I work. Chaos, on the other hand, only brought him a toy whenever he passes by the mall, he has never take Erom for a walk like this because of being busy with work.

"Anything you want," Valjerome answered.

My son smiled at him from ear to ear and then walked again to the row of toys where the medium size robots were. Valjerome immediately followed him, watching while there was a small smile on his lips.

I just averted my eyes because I felt the corners of my eyes would heat up again. I stayed in my place and let them get away from me. Since they are enjoying themselves, they haven't noticed me yet.