10. Lost And Captivated III

"You've grown up, did you miss me?" asked Noel, removing his hug from the teenager.

"I miss you every day. I thought you had forgotten me." replied Wolfgang.

Noel shook his head, his hand reaching out to stroke the teenager's brown mane gently. This boy was a good boy, it was a pity that he would one day follow Walther's path. Noel thought tohimself.

"So, what did that guy teach you?" Noel asked a probing question while glancing at Walther.

Meanwhile, the person being glanced at looked apathetic. Wolfgang also glanced at Walther for a moment before looking back at Noel. "You mean, Walt Daddy? He taught me all kinds of things."

Noel frowned, surprised at what the teenager was calling Walther. "Wait, wait, you... call him Daddy?"

"Why, you want me to call you Papa too?"

Noel paused and blinked.

"Back when I called you Papa, you protested. Have you forgotten?"

How did Noel know about this, he wasn't Nate. Besides, that kind of thing wasn't in the notes about Nate that Gregory had given him. Noel could only show a speechless grin after hearing the teenager's innocent explanation, he almost forgot his disguise as the real Nate.

"Don't worry, Walt Daddy won't teach me anything, not like you taught me."

Noel enthusiastically asked Wolfgang out of curiosity. "Do you still remember the things I taught you?"

"Of course." he replied with a proud tone.

"Really? Examples?"

"Like shooting a wild rabbit or seducing a pretty girl, you don't want me to be gay." Wolfgang explained straightforwardly.

Nate... Teaching this kid things like that? Noel couldn't believe it.

Walther, who had been silent, now spoke up. "I didn't expect that. For the past few years you've been avoiding and hiding from me, but now... you came here yourself." His lips smiled crookedly, "Did you miss me?"

Noel chuckled, "In your dreams." he said caricaturely, immediately averting his eyes from Walther's intense gaze.

No matter what, Noel would never forgive Walther. He was no longer the young man of fifteen years ago, no longer the Marionette who could be treated at will by a figure who had never even owned him. Now, he was the Killer Rabbit. An assassin whose cruelty is ingrained. Noel is not human, he is a demon who will fight back.

He is Nate the Killer Rabbit.

The vibration of Noel's cell phone distracted him, he quickly checked who was calling. It turned out to be Gregory, Noel just remembered, after thirty minutes they agreed to meet in the parking lot. Just as Noel was about to answer the call, Wolfgang quickly grabbed his cell phone and moved away from Noel. The teenager turned on the speaker on the call, hearing someone's voice clearly from the other side.

"Noel, where are you? I'm waiting for you in the parking lot."

"Who's Noel?" asked Wolfgang, glancing at Noel out of the corner of his eye.

"Wolfgang... is that you?" The husky voice on the other side asked.

"Yes, Uncle Gregor it's me." Wolfgang's voice softened.

"Where's Nate?"

"I ask again, who's Noel?!"

Noel gasped at the mention of his name, Did Walther hear it? He must have. Was Walther getting suspicious? I don't know.

The thought crossed his mind and forced him to take a deep breath. He glanced at Walther through the tail of his eyes. The man did not change his expression at all, still the same as before, apathetic.

It couldn't be that Walther hadn't heard, or had the man really forgotten Noel completely? Or perhaps he was thinking about someone with the same name? Yes, there were many people with the same name on this earth.

"Uncle's in the parking lot, right? I'll be right there." Immediately, after saying that Wolfgang ran off and took Noel's cell phone with him.

"Wait!" Noel exclaimed. He stood up to chase after the teenager However, his steps were intercepted by Walther, the man grasping his right wrist tightly.

"Where are you going?" Walther asked.

Noel didn't answer, trying to break free from Walther's handcuff-like grip that was causing pain to his hand. Noel still remembered to act like Nate. "Walther let go!" Noel demanded harshly, shooting a hostile glare at the man who still had a firm grip on his wrists.

"Tsk, that's cold." Walther chuckled after releasing Noel, though his gaze was still locked on Noel's figure who was now rubbing his wrist. "We haven't seen each other in a while, why don't we have some fun tonight?" Walther invited casually.

Noel snorted. "Wasn't it a week ago that you and I met? Besides, I don't have time to have fun with you. I have unfinished work."

"Work spying on me, you mean?" One eyebrow raised.

Noel didn't answer, he was busy regulating his breathing which was racing like a pounding in his chest. It turned out that he was still a helpless toy to be played with again by his owner. Walther continued the topic that had been interrupted. "A momentary encounter will not be pleasant. After all, didn't I tell you to take you out for some fun tonight?" The man tried to stare into Noel's beady eyes, but he quickly avoided his gaze.

"Are you still angry about that time?" Walther moved slowly to the door and locked it silently while Noel was still averting his eyes from looking at Walther.

That time? Noel had no idea where Walther was going with this, but it was definitely a matter between Walther and Nate.

"Don't put on that expression, I don't want to deal with them anymore, so you're safe." He then picked up the bottle of wine on the table, pouring the contents into two clear glass cups. Noel couldn't understand who Walther was referring to as 'them'.

After pouring the bottle of wine into two cups, Walther handed a glass to Noel. A little hesitantly, Noel accepted the glass filled with the cherry-red drink. Beside him, Walther had already downed his drink. "Drink up!" he pleaded.

It's just a sip, it won't make you drunk. Noel reassuredhimself before taking a sip, knowing that in the past his tolerance for alcohol had been poor. As soon as he took a sip, Noel heard a voice whisper, "It's been drugged!"

The voice clearly sounded like someone whispering, rather than an illusion. Since when did Walther mix it?

Shit, Noel lamented his carelessness. His strength was taken away like fifteen years ago. In the midst of a desperate situation, nostalgia came knocking, it turned out that no matter how hard he tried against a Walther, the man was still unrivaled. The Noel in Nate's body was still the same eighteen-year-old Noel under Walther's shackles. As his vision blurred, Noel's fingers clenched into tight fists until all consciousness was lost. His body was lying on the king-size bed with white sheets.

Walther smiled, one hand picking up the empty glass that had been knocked over on the floor and placing it back on the table. And he lifted the unconscious man's body onto the mattress gently and slowly, as if he was afraid that the body would get hurt if he treated it roughly.

One of Walther's hands slowly reached out to pull back the blonde bangs that covered almost all of the beautiful closed eyes, while his other hand loosened the tie that Noel was wearing. "You're mine, and you always will be." Walther whispered seductively in Noel's ear before laying on top of him.


Silence greeted Noel as he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was the putin-colored ceiling in an unfamiliar room. He blinked a few times to try and adjust to the bright lights. Wondering how long he had been unconscious until finally the man felt a pair of arms wrap tightly around his waist.

Noel turned his head towards the person whose arm he had used as a pillow, to find a familiar man. The man was sleeping in a hug. Their faces were only a few centimeters apart-making Noel able to feel the man's regular breathing. It was warm, as warm as his current and past hugs, before the man took off his Batman mask.

Noel moaned softly, his eyes rolling up to look straight at the handsome face that wore a peaceful expression as he drifted off to sleep. Fifteen years had passed, but his physique still hadn't changed much. Without saying a word, Noel continued to stare. His face, his hair, fifteen years had passed like yesterday. He should have laughed, but his darkness was clogged with the remnants of pain. His pale lips moved to carve a mirthful smile as his mind replayed the sorrowful memories that created wounds.

Recalling some of his memories when he was with this man. In fact, even though time had passed for so long, there were some things that never changed. If you remember all of that, now everything has become a nightmare for Noel. Stinging felt clawing at his heart regarding the bad memories that he would never be able to get rid of. Producing new wounds on top of the old wounds that had been festering in the recesses of his heart, because his old body was long gone.

"Walther, I hate you." He expressed the feelings that roared in his chest through a whisper.

"I know." Baritone replied to Noel's statement. It turned out that Walther wasn't sleeping, he was just pretending to be sleeping in order to hear what the man in his arms had to say about him.

Surprised, Noel reflexively pushed the body of the man who was hugging him to the side. The effect of Noel's push on Walther's body didn't do much, it only made his body shift slightly. Noel then stood up to run. However, the sudden movement made his head throb painfully as he was still under the influence of the anesthetic. As a result, he staggered backwards.

"Ughh... my head," Noel held his head, his vision foggy, while his entire body went limp.

"Don't move too much! The effects haven't worn off yet." Walther replied.

Noel bared his teeth angrily, asking with practical words as Walther walked over. "What do you want? Let me go!"

Walther pretended not to hear him, he was still staring at Noel calmly as if nothing had happened.

Sensing the atmosphere of danger, Noel instinctively felt for something under his jacket, a gun. Noel pushed his jacket aside so as not to impede his movements, placed his hand on the butt of his pistol and pointed it straight at Walther. It turned out that while he was unconscious Walther had not taken the gun from him, or perhaps he did not know that Noel had a revolver.

"Don't come any closer!" Noel threatened. He refrained from shooting Walther, or maybe he couldn't shoot him.

Walther did not respond to the bark. He could see Noel's anger and fear overlapping. The man continued to step closer, waiting to see what Noel would do next. Meanwhile, Noel continued to inch backwards until he unknowingly hit his back against the wall. Walther smiled and gave him a sharp look.

Then, the smile on his handsome face disappeared in a second. Walther saw in the reflection of the window glass-a red laser beam from a long-range rifle aimed right at Noel. Then a deafening shot rang out.

The loud noise of the bullets and the shattering of the window froze Noel in place. In the time before the hot lead perforated his head, Walther moved quickly.

Dazedness ruled Noel's mind, but he could still feel the embrace of someone, carrying his body far away together and ending up uncovered. Noel hurriedly regained consciousness, knowing that he was already on top of Walther's body.

The man immediately stepped aside. "You were caught off guard!" he said, a note of worry in his intonation. There was also a desire to quickly release Noel from his embrace.

The rapid flow of events in these few seconds was beyond Noel's expectation, not far from where they were there were gunshots and someone shouting.

Walther alertly headed towards the source of the sound while carrying Noel's gun, while Noel who saw this situation immediately took the initiative to go in the opposite direction, or rather escape from Walther. Anywhere as long as he didn't get too close to him, Noel seemed to have forgotten that he was borrowing his gun. In this precarious situation, Noel regretted his decision for being rash and spying on his target alone.

"Gregory, yes, I should look for him." Noel thought back to Gregory, the man must have been worried about him by now.