
"Emery!! Girl, it's time to wake up. We're going to be late for class "yelled Angela, my roommate and best friend, who studies Business at the same university as me with her boyfriend Daniel. I awoke nervously, realising that my economics lesson was starting in 30 minutes. I rushed to get ready and dressed in less than 20 minutes.

"That was lightning fast!! I've got breakfast ready for you. Let's get going after a quick meal. Today is an important class for us ", Angela remarked, a smidgeon of amusement on her face.

"Thank you very much!! I'm going to eat in the car. Where is Dan? ", I inquired. Daniel came into our house at that very moment and instructed us to hurry up.

Angela blushed slightly as she saw her new boyfriend and proceeded to hug him. "All right, lovebirds, let's go," I teased them as I climbed into Daniel's car's backseat. We arrived at our university in ten minutes and were relieved that we were not late.

Around 4 p.m., Daniel's classes ended, and we drove to our house in his car. "Hello, Emery!! Dan and I are going to the movies right now. Do you wish to join us? ", Angela inquired.

"I'm not in the mood to watch a movie right now. I'm going for a stroll and plan to watch some Turkish romance dramas while I'm out. Have a good time, you guys "I responded. Angela and Daniel said their goodbyes and walked away.

I went for a walk along the river near my house after changing into more comfortable clothing. I sat on a bench beside the river, calm and a little tired, and began watching the swans in the river.

I started to feel like I was being watched after a few minutes. When I saw no one was nearby, I shrugged it off and began walking back to my house.

I felt like I was being pulled backwards. No one was present when I looked back. That struck me as odd, but I continued on my way.

Fog began to build around me, and a gold door with complex patterns appeared in front of me in an instant. I opened the door, both interested and afraid. As soon as my hand touched the door, I was yanked so strongly by an unknown force that I lost my footing and fell through.

I stood up, dusting my clothes, and took a glance around. In the sky, I saw flying fairies and dragons. A magnificent large palace set among the hills and valleys. I sought for the same door I had fallen through because I was overwhelmed. The door vanished as if it had never existed in the first place. I pressed my hand against my arm to see whether I was dreaming. I felt a tiny ache and began to panic because the pain was real and there was no one nearby to ask for assistance. I wanted to contact Angela or someone else for assistance. I began searching my pockets for my phone, only to discover it was missing and had possibly dropped down when I was shoved through the door.

I began heading towards a tiny river 50 feet away after noticing it. When I got there, I noticed the water was incredibly clear and there were some gleaming rocks. When I picked up one of them, I realised they were diamonds in the water, not rocks. "Wow!! Is this true? What am I doing here? ", I reasoned to myself.

"Good day, Miss!! Are you all right? You appear to be a little ill ", enquired a voice.

I sat up startled to see a fairy speaking to me. I yelled hysterically.

"Miss!! Relax and take it easy. You're OK "In a soothing voice, it comforted me.

"What am I doing here? What is the name of this place? You have the appearance of a fairy. What gives that this is possible? ", I inquired, terrified and befuddled.

"You've arrived at Shambhala. My name is Orion, and I'd like to introduce myself. I'm guessing you're new to this place based on your reaction. Don't be concerned. Everything will be clear in a matter of minutes. I informed Mr. Johnson. He'll be here in a few minutes. He'll go through everything with you ", the fairy certainly said.

When the fairy finished speaking, a gateway appeared in front of us, and an elderly guy emerged. "'Miss Jones,' I said. It's a pleasure to meet you ", he exclaimed excitedly, waving his finger a little.

The fog appeared around us as soon as he did that, and I felt moved. The fog dissipated for a second, and we were in an elegant-looking large chamber with six individuals seated on sapphire and emerald thrones in front of a large table. The room is enormous. It appears to be a scene from a fairy tale, with two fairies giving liquid in cups to the six individuals. The elderly gentleman bowed to them and then vanished into thin air.

"Is that Emery Jones? Hello and welcome to Shambhala. I am Sophia ", remarked a lovely middle-aged woman. I just looked open-mouthed at them, overwhelmed and perplexed.

"This, I understand, may be perplexing to newbies. We understand that you have a lot of questions. Please ask", she said with a smile.

"What is the name of this place? I went for a walk and then found myself here. Are we even on Earth? ", I inquired, my voice trembling. She motioned for me to take a seat and handed me a cup of something that looked like tea. I declined because I didn't want to eat or drink anything from this odd environment.

"This location is known as Shambhala, as I previously stated. This is a magical realm hiding on the surface of the earth ", she replied with a smile. "What brings me here? I am a human being. I am not a sorceress. I don't have any special abilities. I'm only a college freshman. I'm still not convinced that this is true. Maybe I'm hallucinating ", I began to babble.

"Sweetie, you've come because your abilities have been blooming for a few days now. You are a celes ", she answered.