Ignoring Soulmate

I was startled awake by the sound of a blazing horn, which hit my head against Adrian's hard chest. I rubbed my eyes in its direction. When I heard Adrian chuckle, I turned around to see him smirking at me. I froze looking at his sleepy hair and hooded eyes. My hands itched to touch him but I refrained. I glared at him and tried to pull myself free from his grip, not wanting him to see my drooling. He smiled at me as he rested his head against the pillow, one hand on my waist and the other below his head.

"Let me go," I muttered to him. "I don't want to," he said quietly, burying his face in my neck and kissing me. I froze as I felt the tingles and almost sighed at the contact. He flipped me over on my back, his fingers running through the outline of my shocked face. He kissed my cheek softly, drawing me even closer to him. I opened my eyes and pushed him fighting against my instincts.

"Don't. You can't lead me on like that when you're dating someone else ", I pushed him away slightly, and he let me go while looking at me with sadness.

"I'm not dating her, love," he said as he stood up to leave. "I wish I could tell you everything," he grumbled.

"What do you mean by that?", I asked looking at him surprised. He just shook his head and walked away, further perplexing me.

"I don't understand men," I said out loud, sighing tiredly.

"Amen, sister," Angela said as she entered the tent.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"We participated in camp activities. Your mate refused to let us wake you up, shooing us away and telling us to leave you alone ", she pondered as she sat down.

I was at loss for words. My heart swelled with happiness at his gesture. After freshening up, we went hiking and had a fun time with my friends at the campfire. We arrived back at school the next day. I couldn't think of anything to say. After freshening up, we went hiking and had a good time at the campfire with my friends. The next day, we returned to school.

Two months flew by in an instant. I tried to avoid Adrian and Rebecca as much as possible. Adrian approached me on several occasions, but I always avoided him. I can't bring myself to fall for a man who doesn't regard Rebecca as his soulmate and continues to flirt with her. I haven't seen them kissing or doing anything else inappropriate, but their proximity, hugging, and Rebecca murmuring something in his ear makes me want to punch her in the face. He claims he is not dating her. It doesn't change anything. It irritates me that he is hiding things from me.

It is up to him to sort out what is preventing him from opening up to me. I asked him several times, but each time he gave me the same blank sad stare and no answer. I have a small hope in my heart that Adrian loves me and is avoiding me for some reason, and that there is nothing between Rebecca and him, but that hope is fading as the time flies.

Angela is constantly coercing me to make Adrian jealous by flirting with or getting close to someone. But, much to her frustration, I keep rejecting that idea because I am not yet comfortable with it. I promised her I would take her advice as soon as possible. Not sure until when I can keep calm about my raging feelings and not to take any action but until then I will focus on my magic. I've gotten pretty good at simple spells, but learning all of the sources magic and spells, and figuring out how to use and control my magic has been extremely difficult, so I'm constantly pushing myself to do better. I'll be able to leave this place once I figure out how to control my magic and get away from this exhausting soulmate and these heartbreaking feelings.

Spring break begins next week. I intend to visit my family. I haven't seen my brother in a long time. He's been preoccupied with his magical training and occasionally assisting my grandfather with the kingdom. It will be nice to have a few days to unwind and spend time with my family. To my utter happiness, Angela and Daniel are also coming with me as Angela's family are part of our kingdom.

Adrian's cooking greeted me with a delicious aroma as we all sat down for dinner. I wouldn't want to miss out on his delicious cooking, no matter how hard I try to avoid him. He even makes the dishes I despise taste delicious. Adrian, according to Jason and others, did not cook for them, but for my delight, he began cooking after I complimented Jason's cooking once. I like to think he's cooking for me, but I try not to get my hopes up about us getting together.

Jason, as usual, ruffled my hair as he appeared out of portal. He sat next to me and flicked Daniel on the head.

"What's that for, bro?", Daniel asked, turning to face Jason and staring him down.

"Just missed you, sweetcheeks," he said, aggravating Daniel even more.

"Every damn day," Angela grumbled beside me, exhausted.

"Jase can't seem to stay away from Daniel. I believe he adores him ", I pretended to whisper to her, teasingly smiling at them.

"He wishes. I'm just too good for him. Right, benny boo? ", Jase teased Daniel puckering his lips at him. Daniel shook his head and said, "I am too tired to deal with you right now," as he rested his head on Angela's shoulder.

"What's going on with you? You and Angela must have had a very busy day today, don't you? ", Jase wiggled his eye brows suggestively.

"Stop talking!! I'm looking forward to spring break. I'll take a break from you, moron ", Daniel mumbled sleepily.

"They did not respond to your question. Jase, did you notice that? ", I smirked at Jason, causing Daniel and Angela to shift their glares to me. "Yeah, I know right," Jason said, nudging my shoulder.

"By the way, where are you and Adrian going for spring break?", Angela inquired, lovingly running her fingers through Daniel's hair.

At that exact moment, Adrian appeared with a steaming hot steak. "What are you guys talking about?", he asked, his gaze lingering on me for a moment. "Spring break," Jase replied, standing up to bring wine.

Adrian sat on my left, much to my great annoyance. When he was serving me food, his fingers touched mine. When we touched, my pulse rate rises, sending those delicious sparks coursing through my body. I scooted away from him a little, getting yet again sad stare from him. I looked at him as he served food, noticing how exhausted he appeared. My heart aches seeing him like this, and the soulmate bond flares within me, wanting to protect him. I ignore those feelings once again, shifting my gaze to my friends and attempting to focus on the topic at hand.

"We are visiting our kingdom", answered Jason, his mouth full of food. "Yeah. But let me know when you need me-- I mean-- us", Adrian answered his gaze on me, his bright green eyes urging me to invite him. "Oh ok", answered Daniel confused, sipping his wine.

Jason kept staring at Adrian and me, which made me wonder if he knew we were soulmates. Jason shook his head lightly and looked around the room. "We're all going on vacation soon. What about going on a small picnic tomorrow? ", he proposed. "It's risky to go this time, Jase. You know that", Adrian said, his gaze hard. "What?! What do you mean? Is something going on? ", I asked Adrian, whom I hadn't spoken to in a long time. When he glanced at me, his gaze softened and he shook his head. "Nothing," he looked at me with a smile not reaching his eyes. I huffed lightly. "OK, we can go," Adrian muttered after a long pause, glaring at Jason as he stood up to leave for his room, his food untouched.