
Keeping her with him forever

After Chris's birthday, aunt Chloe had waited for Diana but she didn't come home. She reached her friends but they all said they didn't know where she was that she angrily left the party.

Ava couldn't help but frown all day. It was her fault Dian went missing

Chris had indeed confessed his feelings on his birthday party but she turned him down immediately and left the party with Julie.

Ava's phone rang... Julie's name appeared on the screen.

" Any news about her?" Julie sounded worried on the phone.

" No but her aunt reported to the police I'm so pissed right now"

"*sigh* we'll find her... I'll talk to you later" The girl cut the call and turned to look at the worried old lady beside her"

" It's okay auntie, we'll find her "

" I hope so" Aunty Chloe's face looked pale and disturbed. She hasn't had anything since last night... The woman blamed herself that she shouldn't have allowed Diana attend the party.

Ava stood up and walked to the kitchen to prepare aunty Chloe something to eat. It won't be nice if Diana came back and found her aunt in a bad condition.


" You bastard!! I should have known, I shouldn't have trusted you!"

When both of them were in the woods earlier, some men in black came out of nowhere and carried her back to the mansion while their boss walked slowly behind them with a smile on his face.

" Oh really?! I bet you fell for my charms"

" ehn!"

' such a narcissist ' jeremy said sarcastically.

Diana was tied to a wooden chair in the living room while the man was sitting on the sofa. He held a cup of coffee which he sipped each time he looked at her.

" Come-on Mr kidnapper, I already told you...I don't have any money to give... even if you asked my aunt, she would ask you to keep me here."

The man narrowed his eyes at her

"Look around, do I look like someone who needs your money?"

The girl sighed

" Okay tell me, why did you bring me here?"

The man brought his cup close to his mouth but paused and looked at her.

" You really don't know?"

" How do you expect me to know?!"

Diana rolled her eyes.

The man dropped his cup on the table in front of him.

" You saw something you shouldn't have seen"

Diana looked at him with disbelief.

" Are you kidding me?!" She screamed on top of her voice that the man dipped his pinky finger into his left ear.

" So feisty "

Diana scoffed and turned her face away from him.

" Diana Will, eighteen years, orphan, parents died in an explosion when you were thirteen, lives with dad's elder sister Chloe Bash, a widow with no child of her own..."

Diana widened her eyes

" Do you think I would abduct you without knowing anything about you?"

' sweet Jesus' Sera exclaimed

" What do you want?" Diana glared at him...She hated this man so much. The man smiled deeply.

" I want you to stay here forever"

Wyatt looked at the girl glaring at him. If her eyes were knives, he could have died by now

" No!! no, are you kidding me?! you can't keep me with you"

" You can try to get away if you want but you saw what happened earlier today"

Diana looked at her laps, she intentionally looked down so her hair would cover the tears that stung her eyes.

" you should be thanking me for keeping you" Wyatt said nonchalantly.

" What?"

He folded his arms and sat upright

" If I hadn't found you interesting, I would have killed you last night" There was still a smile on his face.

Does this man never frown?

Diana gulped

' I can't believe this?' Jeremy scoffed

" You will stay here with me"

" What...what about me?" the girl stammered.

" What about you?"

" I'm still young, I have a lot of things to do like finishing school, going to prom, getting into college, making money to take care of my aunt... I haven't even had a boyfriend yet or my first kiss"

Wyatt sighed

" You can do all of that in here and about your first kiss and boyfriend, I can get a mannequin to date because you can't date one of my men or me"

The man put his hand in his hair and twisted some strands.

Diana was so mad. Her face was red with annoyance...her emerald eyes glared at the man sitting before her.

Who was he to say she would spend all of her life in this mansion...and a mannequin?! was she an animal who needed company of anything? .

' I should have known, looks can deceive sometimes you know Dian. Who knew this handsome guy would turn out to be a....'

" Shut up!!" Diana screamed

Wyatt raised his eyebrow and gave her a look

Was she talking to him?

' You shouldn't scream at me, if only you had stayed in that birthday party '

" I said shut up!"

' look at her Jeremy she's so pissed' Sera chuckled.

" You just imagine a person you like is in love with your best friend you b*tch"

' hmp that would never happen' Sera said in a sarcastic tone

' Besides I'm a lady with high standards'

" oh yeah! why don't you go ahead and date Jeremy. You guys can have a very grand wedding in my head!"

' eww! Dian why would you say such nonsense? Nobody wants to date a dork '

' Really guys?' Jeremy intervened

" a dork you say?!" Diana rolled her eyes

Wyatt couldn't help but stare at this girl. He's so glad that he didn't get rid of her. Was she pretending to be crazy now so he would release her?

" If he is a dork then you are obsolete"

' Just to be clear, I'm not a dork!' Jeremy screamed

" oh shut up Jeremy!"

' Did you just say I'm obsolete?'

Diana giggled.

" You are..."

" Excuse me?"

Wyatt interrupted their session

Diana looked at him furiously

" I get you want to get away from here Diana but you don't have to behave crazy "

The girl scoffed

This man really doesn't know what's going on in her head.

" I'm so mad! just get me out of here Mr I can't breathe well" She screamed.

" It's Wyatt... I changed your room, seems like you don't like pink that much"

" That's none of my business! I'm surely getting out of here and once I leave, you are going to regret this"

Wyatt smirked

"let's see if you can get out of this building not to talk about the island..."