
Is she cosplaying?

Ava walked side by side with Julie. Ever since Diana went missing, they skipped classes and escorted her aunt to the police station on most occasions. They reported to the school authorities and most of the students knew that she was missing.

" My head aches a lot, I haven't been getting enough sleep" Julie massaged her forehead. She had to stay up all night searching for the best under cover agents through her parents connections but she found none.

" I went over to aunt Chloe's yesterday and she complained that the police said Diana ran away from home."

Julie gasped

" No way Dian would run away and leave her aunt alone"

Ava clicked her tongue

" Exactly what's on my mind."

" That's not it, she would never run away. Running away isn't something she would do "

They both kept quiet and continued to walk towards to their class until Christopher came with a bright smile.

Ava rolled her eyes and thought this jerk was despicable. The nerve to smile at her when her best friend and his ring bearer was kidnapped.

" Hey...err...are you guys okay? "

Julie managed to smile but Ava maintained her expression.

" We're good"

He glanced at Ava who ignored and walked past him leaving her second best friend behind.

" You guys wanna grab some coffee later?"

" we....."

" Aren't you coming Julie? ". Ava stood and looked at Julie impatiently. The dark skinned girl looked at her then back at Chris.

" Thanks for the offer Christopher but we don't have any free time "

" Oh! okay that will be a pass "

" I'm sorry...gotta go bye"

Julie together with Ava.

Chris stared at their backs and his smile dropped. He had also been busy searching for Dian recently also using his parents connections. He felt guilty for what happened to her. He noticed her feelings for him for a long time but he chose to ignore it even if he felt almost the same towards her. He didn't know who he liked more between the two friends and he had a hard time making decisions on who he should be with. He didn't forget how her pupils dilated when he told her he had feelings for her best friend...Ava. He saw her emerald eyes which reflected the moonlight. She covered it up with a smile which almost fooled him about her getting heartbroken. Now that she isn't here, he felt that his feelings for Ava wasn't worth it...He's such a coward.

* * * * * *

" I feel my brain isn't producing any brain cells again" Dian spoke in a dull voice. She laid on the bed staring at the ceiling.... it's so boring in this house.

' Me too ' Sera replied her

" like you have a brain " Dian chuckled and turned over

She heard Sera growl and Jeremy laugh inside her head.

" I'm happy that you guys are here, at least I have someone to talk to. It's so lonely here."

' hehehe...I can't believe this is coming from your mouth '

Dian rolled her eyes and turned over again

" I'm....so...bored " Her voice cracked

Wyatt's eyebrows twitched. Was this girl really crazy?

He was sitting in his private study with a computer before him. The screen showed Diana who was turning on the bed. He could hear all what she was saying and it all sounded like she was talking to someone.....herself.

He put the cup of coffee in his mouth and sipped a little from it. The bitter taste went down his throat and it gave him a sense of satisfaction.

Who the hell drinks a plain black coffee with no sugar or milk?

He dropped the cup and was about to stand when Dian spoke.

" Do you think Christopher will be worried that I'm missing?"

Wyatt's ears perked up and the adjusted himself on the chair and continued to listen.

' I hope not, he's such a jerk.'

" I know he's a jerk for asking me to give Ava a ring to ask her to be his girlfriend but... I should have told him about how I felt, he didn't know I liked him "

Sera scoffed

' He probably knew, why do you think he behaves cool when you were around him?'

Diana couldn't believe Sera was stupid

" Use your brain Sera, Ava is always around me"

Sera? who is Sera?

' Could you girls keep it down, I'm trying to get some rest here ' Jeremy interrupted.

" Shut up Jeremy" Sera and Dian said it the same time and started laughing.

Wyatt couldn't help but feel goosebumps all over his body. This was way creepy. Though, he wasn't scared of anything. He wasn't even scared of real life horrors but watching Diana on the computer gave him the creeps.

He rubbed his arm with his palm and stood up from his chair.

" Don't you think i should go and get myself busy? Maybe bake "

' Ehn? I don't recall you learning how to bake '

" It all starts in a day "

Diana stood up and walked out of her room. She made way to the kitchen. When she was walking down the stairs, she accidentally slipped and got injured.

" Ouch! it hurts so much!"

She winced as she held her bleeding knee. In no time, the staffs had already helped her up. Diana noticed they behaved strange...like they avoided looking at her injury.

Was it that bad and disgusting to look?

Wyatt who happened to be around immediately closed his eyes, sighed and walked away.

' it's just a little injury, why are they all making expressions?'

' Exactly my point '

Diana was escorted back to her room by the woman who served her food the first day she was here. While the woman was cleaning her wound, she seemed to have a hard time looking at her injury. Sometimes, she would stop breathing and sometimes, she would close her eyes. Until she suddenly opened her eyes and held Diana's hand. She started caressing her hand with a grin on her face

' Why are her eyes red? Is this a cosplay or what?' Sera asked curiously

' She isn't even done wrapping the wound...Why is a small scratch taking so long and why would an old lady be into cosplaying at work?'

Diana was suddenly pinned to the bed.

" What the f***?!" Where did she get such strength. The girl felt like her arms were being crushed.

" Excuse me ma'am! could you please get off me?"

The woman moved her face closer to Diana's neck.

" What are you doing? you are hurting me!!....look, I'm begging you...I like boys not girls and also, you can't take my virginity...I was planning to give it to a guy I like"

The woman who looked like she lost her senses minutes ago suddenly paused....