Two Epics!!

Origin Stones!

There was a story among the people of the Tower that the one who created the Tower of Myth was a powerful person who could destroy worlds on a whim and create miracles at his will. It was said that he was a being who overcame time, space, and death. He was pictured as a man with Eleven stones hovering around him.

Those eleven stones were called the Eleven Origin Stones.

And even among those 12, there were two types.

One type of stone that provided users the control over elementals.

The Fire Stone, the Water stone, the Wind stone, the Earth stone, the Light stone, and the Dark Stone.

Another type of stone that controlled the fundamental laws.

The Time stone, the Space stone, the Creation Stone, the Destruction stone, and the Soul stone.

Together they formed the 11 Origin stones and that man was the sole owner of them.