Urrrggghhh. . . I finally got my once in a lifetime chance to hookup with Nathan and someone rings the door bell. Life is so against my love life with this boy.

Boy those kisses were amazing. Trust me when I say this. I'm not going to let this be a one time thing. It's gonna happen again and it will happen soon I swear. I immediately get up from Nathan when the door opens.



I swear this girl felt good to be against, the moment to she was going for my pants I was ready to take her shirt off and take this to a whole new level.

She felt good. She tasted good.

But some asshole had to use the door bell and interrupt a good teenage fun.

Ava immediately gets away from my body a looks at the person at the opened door.

Karen. Thank goodness she used the door bell first.

"Nathan, Ava what are you two doing up at this ungodly hour? And why is the waterfall on?" What the hell? She had been gone for about five weeks now. Her and Gabriel and no she's asking this.

"I think best question in this scenario is where have you been for the past one month and a week."

"I'm an adult Nathan I don't owe you an explanation. This is my house and I can come here anytime I want."

"Correction this is our house I put as much money into building this thing as you did. If you can't explain where you have been I guess we don't owe you an explanation as to why we are up. We are human and there's freedom of speech." "

I gonna chat later. I don't have the strength to deal with any bull shit." She walked a bit before stopping glancing in our direction one more time." Ava is something wrong?"

I glanced at her I knew what she was thinking.

He's got Karen but he said we can't move to get her if not she'll be dead the second we try. He said on the day of the broadcast he will bring her to us.

That's what's going through her head.

"I'll take care of her." I took her with me to my room in a flash.

"Listen Aves. It's going to be alright."

"No, it's not."

"What's wrong?" I softened my tone a bit just to let her open up." Talk to me Aves."

"The day we all got into an argument."

"Yeah I remember that. The day you screamed." I was really scared something bad had happened. When I got to the room seeing her ready to commit suicide on the spot I turned instantly worried.

Some people might say I'm a jerk for what I said that day but you can't blame me I was mad at the bastard Mason that I kinda took it out on everyone in the room. Except Cass and Sandra. I hated myself for what I said. When she said Sandra was gonna get hurt after something. I became protective because goodness knows that I wasn't about to let anything happen to Sandra.

"I got a call from him. Psycho he said that he knew that you had told me your secret. As if he was waiting for you to say it he then told me in a few days that a live broadcast involving one of those gangs or cult groups that you mentioned." She started sobbing. "He told me that after the broadcast her would keep the promise he made to both of us about killing Mason and Colton. He also said something about a thing he would do that would actually break Sandra and he said she was going to need all the love she could get. Then you said he called that when Karen comes the broadcast would start. Now I'm thinking everyone is happy with. . . There lovers right now what would happen to Cassandra and Sandra." The tears were rolling down her face." I don't anything to happen to them Nathan."

Who knew the school's bad girl was a softy. The idiot is planning to hurt my sister he's got another thing coming. Right now seeing her cry I could only think of one thing. Which was fucking her senses off.

I reached for he and kissed her again for the second time this night. Immediately she began to respond to the kiss and alarm broke off in the house.

An alarm was never a good sign anywhere.


Everything was against us doing this tonight. I pulled apart from Nathan.

"What do you think the alarm is?"

"I'll be right back."

He whooshed away and back in the same second. "The invisible guy is awake. We need to go. Wake the others up." I stood up and went to get the others.


"What happened to you?" All of us were in Karen's lab including Karen was with us shocked to see the man lying here. She was the one who asked.

"I don't know but he got in some how. He knew the day and time. Infiltrated and wiped all of them in a coma or killed them I barely made it out alive he made my own men chase me." The invisible man who's name is Leon Bridge sat up too answer her.

"Who is he?"

"Your goddamn Psycho." He said pissed. "And we're the hell were you? You were supposed to be in that meeting you and Gabriel. If I didn't know any better I'd say you set us up."

"I believe we told you we followed detective Strucker to Chicago in search for some Johnny Foster." At the mention of my dad I asked.

"Where is my dad now?"

"Don't worry sweetheart he's still there he would be here by tomorrow morning." Thank God. At least he wasn't avoiding me. A smile graced it's presence on my face. Nathan slides his hands on my waist I look up at him to see him smiling down at me and sending me a wink. I faced down to hide my blush before he takes he's hand away. All of a sudden the warmth that was in my stomach disappeared.

"I need to get out off here." Leon said trying to get off the bed.

"We interrupt this broadcast for some breaking news."

We looked towards the T.V.


Panic started to kick into my system.

"I always keep my promises little miss Chrisland."

Nathan held onto my waist bringing me to him protectively.

"Calm down Ava let's see what happens."

Psycho who wore a hoodie over his head chuckled.

"You can't protect all of them brother. Now Sandra Anderson you do you recognize this person as." He brings a man to the screen with him.

Sandra and Karen let out a loud gasp.

"Please don't bring him into this. Please I'm begging you." Karen had started crying.

"I can't grant your request Karen he's to deep into it."

How can he hear her?

"Let's begin another broadcast of your favorite T.V show."

Author's Note

I know this chapter is short but it's for good reason. Suspense is building, can you guess who the mysterious man is? I dropped a hint on who Psycho is in this chapter which could be a major game changer. I want to test your IQ. Comment on who you think Psycho is and who the mysterious man is.

Vote and comment guys. Wiz out.