When Vandread saw how quickly she was able to regain her strength, he was taken aback and couldn't understand how it was possible.

"I'm sure you're curious about how I was able to get all of my spirit energy back, isn't that right?" Shesmaire asked. She was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

Shesmaire waited for Vandread's response, but it seemed as though he had made the decision to remain silent or more likely that his state of shock had overcome him. Therefore, Shesmaire just started walking forward outside the temple.

In order to speak with Vandread, she approached him from a closer vantage point.

Shesmaire uttered the spell "Fauna ect summonuar," and in an instant, the creature that had been ice-bound in its position above Vandread thawed out and was no longer frozen in place.

The creature immediately descended to the ground, and as soon as it saw its master, Shesmaire, it made a beeline for Shesmaire and began to run after her as quickly as it could.