
Liam was still having that creepy smile on his tanned yet handsome face.

In her previous lives she never knew where Liam lived, and she didn't care enough about that .However when he told her that he was the only person inhabiting that place she felt terrified.


The idea alone was frightening, she didn't want to believe it, however, being here in the middle of the night arguing with him was a crazy move.

Luna did not see a single person on her way back  home today from college, nor did she encounter any neighbor while going up to her apartment. Evenher meeting with the owner of the property didn't happen like all the past times.



'Is the place empty like he just said? Is this  why no one is  complaining  about these annoying noises?' Isa thought.

Isa bit her lip angrily and with a heavy breath said: "I want to sleep... and what you are doing at this moment is very childish".


 her voice was cracking and she thought that he would never take her complaints seriously for that.

He leaned towards her more, wanting to break her strength as it seemed, so she noticed locks of white hair, long white locks of hair that he seemed to be trying to hide by brushing it backward. 

' His hair is going to be fully white, he never knew about that ' Luna thought.


"Shouldn't you be at least good to me because we are classmates? ",she said .



He shook his head, denouncing her ridiculous move, then answered:" Just close the door on yourself, It's not that loud ".




She shouted at him:" It is very loud and I really can't sleep like this ".

He laughed, showing his sharp white perfect teeth before whispering, "you should learn how to adapt, isn't this the whole thing about college experience? "



She lowered her head, feeling tired from staring at his mysterious eyes for all that time because he was much taller than her.

 She closed her eyes disappointed, then said: "So tell me, what do you want?"



"Aren't you a bit hostile toward me Isa Kim? "

"Aren't you the one who started this situation?"

"You should leave"  His said while giving her a cold look.

" I just left my hometown,  had a bad first day at college  ...everything is messed up and you …"

"Does this list go on ! "

"I don't mean to complain,  I am just saying that you don't have to be this rude, we just met today ! "

Knowing him, this won't  work for sure ..

"I'll treat you  the way I want ".

"You ..are ..rude ".

"I bet that doesn't matter to you ".

She retreated and said :" I just want to close my eyes and find rest , some of us have classes tomorrow,  work know that !" 

"There is no one here but you and, And I don't mind these loud noises, Isa". 

The door slammed sharply as she returned to her room, disappointed by what he had said.



All this and that damned music was still ringing in the corners of that place.





The next day …

 Luna  just tried to avoid him at all costs so that she wouldn't get trapped by him again.

If she were to stay there she needed to set rules for herself to survive the rage of that horrible demon he was carrying around.



The school  was troubled by that boy's death, the atmosphere was not suitable for any interactions, his friends were in a state of grief, and they started to plan for a memorial to honor him. However, all Luna did was keep  her eyes on her book till the end of class because she felt his cold stars upon her soft skin.

Liam was focusing on her, either he was suspecting her knowledge of his ability or he was deciding to terminate her. Either way she didn't want to stay in his vision field .





"Isa ! You are here!".

Luna  raised her head to meet the most adorable eyes she's ever seen, she smiled automatically as she said: "No! Joseph! I thought that you didn't have classes today, where is Rose? She promised to meet me here today yet she is nowhere to be found "


He answered with his usual calm voice:" She went to a club yesterday and she drank a lot, I couldn't wake her up today ".

 " Yeah, she can't function right after drinking alcohol, next time make sure to stop her right away," Luna said with a forced smile.

' the combination between these two is very weird, they are completely opposites yet they are a couple and they love each other!'

"I saw you yesterday. I wanted to  welcome you but you left early, I mean ...what happened to that kid was horrible".

"yup is "..



Joseph 's presence helped her forget about Liam and his demon.


That dark shadow around him kept spreading and that demon was horrifying.




Joseph was one of her high-school friends, and one of the most reliable people she ever knew, he was great at school and sports, he adored his family and he was nice to others, they called him a saint back then.


And he was Isa's first love, she totally understands that..

' What's not to love about him ? '


He sat next to her in the following classes so she felt safe at least Liam won't attack her in front of him.they kept on talking and chit-chatting until the end of that period.


"Kill him ! he is acting smart all day, i don't like annoying people"

That basse voice scared her the most, even when she tried to focus only on what Joseph was saying she couldn't ignore the fact of that demon's presence.

And she was shocked when she heard him talking that way to Liam.

It was the end of class and everyone was leaving the classroom. Luna hurried when she heard the demon talking, she just grabbed Joseph's arm and started walking fast. 

" Is there something Isa? Why are you in such a hurry?"Joseph asked when he noticed the change in her actions.


 Luna released his hand immediately then just looked at him with a very troubled look then said :"No, I forgot ... I forgot something , you can go ahead, my apartment is near the uni ".