You remind me of him...

He wiped her tears and then said : "You are too weak, you are pathetic; you make me feel bad for you; you are  the stupid shaman who can't even act like a shaman ".

Luna sobbed at that moment so he got closer to her to the point where his nose touched hers then said while capturing her eyes : "I feel like I have to teach you of how to be a fuck***ing shaman, I don't know how by the way but you know …you are pathetic to the point where a crazy demonic person who contracted a fuck**ing demon wants to teach you how to be an angelic shaman who kills demons .Do you know how messed up this is , my stupid girl  !"

Luna was still sobbing but Liam was still there. She was exhausted ,the only thing she could do was rest her head on his chest and …..sleep .


When Luna regained her consciousness again, she felt the soft tissue of her bed sheets and the smell of delicious tasty food cooking, she opened her eyes to find herself in her room .