It is for the best ...

 The more Luna stayed in her bed she started to feel that she was the reason for every fight between Kris and Sira even though she was not .

Kris made it clear to both of them that he was not going to leave them alone in this period , not just because of his feelings towards her sister but also because he wanted to protect them from the clan .

Luna was here secretly because she was exiled and Sira was hated for losing the rule to Kris .

Nothing was working in their favor and that is why he wanted to give them a hand in this mess.

" I am not going to stay like this forever, I am not going to stay in bed relaxing while my sister is having the worst time of her life " she said the moment she held her phone from the table next to her bed .

She knew that she had to do something even if it was as simple as getting out of this bed .

" I can do it …I know I can "Luna shouted as she started to remove the blanket from her body .