She is back //version 2

For what seemed like an eternity, Luna clung to Kris as if he were her last lifeline. 

In the quiet embrace, the room became a haven for the torrents of emotions Luna had unleashed.

 Kris, a steady presence, didn't push her away; instead, he allowed her the solace of tears, understanding the weight of her burdens.

After letting Luna cry unabated, Kris gently lifted her from the embrace, ensuring she was enveloped in warmth before carefully carrying her to his car.

 In this silent exchange, Kris became not only a comforting figure but also a pillar of strength, guiding Luna through the uncharted territories of her emotions. 

In the quiet aftermath of Luna's emotional release, she offered no resistance as Kris carried her back. 

The vulnerability she had laid bare seemed to linger, leaving her in a state of profound openness.