His version- part 1

Frustrated by Liam's continued silence, Luna seized his dark, long hair with a desperate grip, she even used more force this time.

Luna sought to inflict a measure of pain on Liam through the grip on his hair.

It was as if this physical act became a conduit for the complexities of her feelings.

Liam, worn down by the emotional upheaval, remained seated, motionless and fatigued.

A heavy sigh escaped him, carrying the weight of exhaustion, before he uttered, "Now you can kill me."

His words, laced with a resigned acceptance, hung in the air, marking a moment of surrender in the turbulent narrative of their entwined destinies.

Struggling to comprehend his surrender, Luna released her grip on his hair.

With a mix of disbelief and determination, she demanded, "Say my name."

Liam, seemingly resigned to his fate, repeated the plea, "Kill me."