Chapter 3: Meeting The Protagonist

The surrounding classmates were secretly watching the fun, and they were a little stunned to hear his reply.

Everyone knows how much Gu Junqing likes Murong Wan, so they had never thought that Gu Junqing would give up chasing Murong Wan today just because she said so.

Some self-proclaimed beautiful female students' eyes began shining in anticipation, but there were also some female students who retreated. Their standings were so far apart from Gu Junqing that they could only dream about him.

Like everyone else, no, more than anyone else, Murong Wan was also stunned for a moment, she did not expect Gu Junqing to agree so casually!

"Don't think that I will like you because of this." Murong Wan frowned and continued asking, "are you sure you won't send anyone to follow me and disturb my life?"

There was a reason why she asked for confirmation. As one can guess, this wasn't the first time she confronted Gu Junqing about this matter. All the previous times, Gu Junqing's predecessor not only didn't stop, but instead, he became more and more aggressive. He even went to extremes, which led to tragedy for several male students who dared pursue her. It was also because of this that no man in the school dares pursue her.

"Of course, we are in the third year of high school now, and matters of studies are most important. I don't want to waste my time on fruitless things anymore. You can rest assured that I won't bother you. If that satisfies you then you can go back to your seat, class is about to start." Gu Jun spoke indifferently as if he couldn't care less about her.

Seeing Gu Junqing speaking to her like this made Murong Wan feel a little relieved, but also a little unhappy.

'Waste of time? Does he mean to say that I am not worth it?' Murong Wan returned to her seat while thinking about what he said, making up a lot of things inside her mind irritatedly. For some reason, she wanted to go back and scold him severely.

'But he appeared serious this time, maybe he will finally stop bothering me. His behaviour was also very different, did he really give up?' Just for a moment, she experienced a bit of loss. If a man like Gu Junqing were to chase after someone wholeheartedly, any girl would be moved, Murong Wan was no exception. Although she hated the way he chased after her, a bit of arrogance couldn't help but get under her skin knowing that she made a man like him so infatuated.

[Ding! Detected that heroine Murong Wan's favorability towards the host has increased by 10; the current favorability is 0 (stranger)]

[Ding! Detected change in the direction of the plot, rewarded with 1000 Villain Value, and 100 Villain Halo!]

[Ding! Detected that the Villain Value has reached 2000! The System will automatically upgrade! New functions: Mall, Lottery, and Insightful Eye (allows the host to check the information of the male and female protagonists)]

Gu Junqing heard the notification coming from the system, raised his eyebrows interestingly, and used Insightful Eye on Murong Wan.

Name: Murong Wan

Age: 18

Charm: 90

Favorability: 0

Heroine Halo: 520

Looking at this data, Gu Junqing can only say that she is indeed a heroine. Her charm value is very high amongst females. If he can give an estimate then most of the females in the class only have charm around 60-70.

Gu Junqing checked his own panel again.

Host: Gu Junqing

Combat: 40

Charm: 90

Villain Halo: 0

Villain Value: 2000

Skills: Advanced Learning Ability; Intermediate Piano Skills; Intermediate English Skills; Intermediate Mathematics Ability; Intermediate Driving Skills…

Items: none

Functions: Mall, Lottery, Insightful Eye

'The Mall and Lottery function has been opened. I hope I can obtain items for learning medical skills and improving combat power from them.'

Just when Gu Junqing was about to check the Mall and Lottery interface, the class bell rang, and a man walked in. Gu Junqing's eyebrows lifted slightly, and his expression instantly became inscrutable.

Gu Junqing looked at the man who walked in and thought, 'Is this the male protagonist? Arriving last but right before the critical moment is their normal routine after all.'

He immediately used Insightful Eye to investigate the information of the protagonist.

Protagonist: Lin Tian

Combat: 25

Charm: 70

Protagonist Halo: 850

Cheat: Golden Eye (X-Ray Skill)

'Sure enough, it's similar to what is written in the book. Fortunately, the protagonist at the beginning is not a soldier king or a genius doctor coming down from the mountain, otherwise, I would not be their opponent with my current strength.'

According to the plot information he got from System, Gu Junqing knows that protagonist relied on Golden Eye to make a fortune from gambling stones, and later on, there were adventures that led to the evolution of the Golden Eye. Not only can he penetrate objects like stones, but he can even penetrate the human body and see through everything in the later period.

'This cheat is pretty good, but it's not appropriate in the hands of other men. For the sake of all women, this cheat should belong to me only!' Gu Junqing thought 'seriously'.

'System, can I steal his cheat?'

[Yes, as long as you gradually decrease the protagonist's Halo, you can buy the Heaven Stealing Talisman from the Mall to steal his cheat!]

'The difference between my Halo and his Halo is too great, suppressing him won't be easy. But it's not like I can't do it…' He looked at Murong Wan's back inadvertently, his eyes narrowing. 'By taking down Murong Wan's body and mind, I should be able to decrease his Halo, but I still need to think about other ways.'

At this time, a beautiful teacher walked in. His eyes instantly shifted towards her.

Her platinum-coloured hair was assembled into a neat bun. She was wearing a tight white collar shirt on her upper body, which clung to her body exquisitely. On her lower body, a knee-length black skirt was wrapped around that pair of snow-white plump, slender and straight long legs. Round, full, and slim—each area was very beautiful, making her eye-catching.

With a pair of incredibly thin black stockings on the legs, she had the appeal of a mature and intellectual working lady that couldn't be found among female students of the class. Even Murong Wan was shaded slightly when she appeared.

Her name was Yu Miaoyu, and she was a teacher who has recently graduated from college. She serves as the homeroom and math teacher.

Although she was a teacher who has just graduated, her temper wasn't very good. However, both her teaching ability and her ability to manage the class are at the forefront. Of course, it is also possible that it is because of her beauty and temper that students dare not be too presumptuous and study her subject seriously.

Gu Junqing looked at the teacher intently. A bit of heat couldn't help but brew in his heart.

Of course, he already knew that Yu Miaoyu was not only a teacher but also one of the heroines.

"Okay, be quiet everyone, I am going to talk about last semester's final exam results."

Yu Miaoyu knocked on the table as her eyes roamed throughout the class, ensuing a pin-drop silence within a few moments. Nodding, she picked up the grade sheet and started announcing the results.

"The first in the class and the first in the grade is Gu Junqing, the second in the class and the second in the grade is Murong Wan. Everyone has a round of applause for them!" She said and applauded first by clapping.

The students in the class were not surprised by this ranking. These two academic leaders in their grade were always Gu Junqing and Murong Wan.

When Murong Wan heard that she was second in the class again, she glared at Gu Junqing. Gu Junqing, however, didn't even look toward her even though she has intended to make him notice.

Yu Miaoyu continued announcing results. At the tenth place in the class, Lin Tian's name was pronounced.

This made everyone exclaim, thinking how it was possible?

Not only was Lin Tian always the last one in the class, but also the last in the whole grade! How could he suddenly reach tenth place in the class?

Even Yu Miaoyu questioned Lin Tian, "how did you get this grade, Lin Tian?"

Lin Tian stood up unhurriedly, with a smug smile on his face and said: "Teacher, over the past few days, I finally understand the importance of reading, so I stayed up late every night to study. That's why I can get this grade!"

Although some students did not believe it very much, the right of questioning didn't rest in their had either. So they could only accept his words.

Yu Miaoyu smiled, not doubting him the least. "Very good! Keep working hard, and you will have the opportunity to enter a very good university."

Gu Junqing has to marvel at the power of the protagonist's Halo. Even this flawed excuse can easily be believed by others.

'Didn't you just copy someone else's handwork with your Golden Pupil? Wait for the next exam, I'll see how you can use that Golden Pupil to cheat.'