Chapter 6: Saving Luo Ningyu

Gu Junqing experienced a surge of strength as his whole body got warm for a while. When that heat dissipated, not only was he physically strengthened, but he also felt improvements in his mental capabilities. It was as if a veil of haziness constantly obstructed him had been cleared all of a sudden.

[Ding! The host's Combat value has increased by 60. The current Combat value is 100!]

'Nice. System, tell me about Golden Emperor's Inner Canon.'

[It is a Yin and Yang harmony-based cultivation technique for increasing internal energy. If cultivated, the host's self-healing abilities and vitality will experience a massive surge. Furthermore, when the host sleeps with a female, his internal energy will rise gradually!]

Hearing this, Gu Junqing was stunned. Why does it sound like one of those dual cultivation techniques?

[Does the host want to cultivate Golden Emperor's Inner Canon?]

'Cultivate? Of course, cultivate!' Gu Junqing almost couldn't contain his excitement and was about to shout out loud. Thankfully, he held himself back.

A dual cultivation technique? Among all the cultivation techniques he has read in novels, these types were his favorites. Just think about it. When others are spending days meditating in a mountain range, you can get a better result than them just by sleeping with a beautiful girl for a few hours.

What better deal is out there?

After crossing through, Gu Junqing had already decided to have at least three thousand beauties in his harem! That's why this cultivation technique is perfect for him. The surge in vitality would also allow him to indulge in sexual activities for a prolonged period of time.

Right after his confirmation, a vast amount of information about the Golden Emperor's Inner Canon poured inside his mind crazily. Even with his enhanced mental strength, he still felt dizzy for a while.

[Ding! The host is now cultivating Golden Emperor's Inner Canon!]

[Ding! Host's Charm has increased by 10]

With the increase in Charm, his handsome face became even more attractive. The whole person appeared more sublime, refreshing, and elegant to look at.

Gu Junqing opened his status panel and looked at it.

Host: Gu Junqing

Combat: 100

Charm: 100

Villain Halo: 150

Villain Value: 0

Cultivation Method: Golden Emperor's Inner Canon

Skills: Advanced Learning Ability; Intermediate Piano Skills; Intermediate English Skills; Intermediate Mathematics Ability; Intermediate Driving Skills…

Items: none

Functions: Mall, Lottery, Insightful Eye

Seeing that his Villain Value has shrunk to nothingness, he groaned. It seems he has to harvest wool from Lin Tian again.

Thinking about Lin Tian, after he made him apologize, he understood that Protagonist's Halo is still a bit measured and doesn't do outrageous things just to save the protagonist. It means it wasn't impossible to make a protagonist helpless if he played cards right.

He noticed one more thing. Until now, the income he brought by heroine Murong Wan was even higher than hitting the protagonist. Maybe he should 'communicate' more in-depth with them in the future.

But for the time being, he can't mindlessly chase after her. Thus, he shifted his attention to someone else.

In every urban novel, there's always a supporting female character by the heroine's side. Here it is no different.

The female supporting character here by the side of Murong Wan is a superb beauty called Luo Ningyu.

She is Murong Wan's childhood friend, but their relationship is more like sisters. She plays a lot of roles in the original novel. At first, she disliked Lin Tian, but after being rescued by him accidentally, she grew interested in him. Later, she even helped Lin Tian by persuading Murong Wan to be with him.

Gu Junqing glanced at the girl sitting right beside him. In his view, Luo Ningyu's beauty was not at all inferior to Murong Wan. The brown-haired girl has delicate facial features with a cute beauty mark right under her left eye. Her body was even plumper than Murong Wan. Whether it was her breast or butt area, they were ample. The black stocking wrapped around her slender and long legs was probably a wet dream for every male student in the class.

Gu Junqing has decided to target her first. He also wanted to know how those pair of legs felt when they wrapped around his waist.

The time in school passed by relatively quickly. After the school bell rang, the students bustled out of the school gate.

Luo Ningyu also walked out of the gate. Usually, she is picked up by her driver, but today due to something, no one is coming to pick her up, so she can only go back by herself.

As she walked towards a nearby bus station, she thought, 'Gu Junqing was so handsome today, I feel like he had changed. Alas, if only he liked me the way he like Murong Wan, then I would accept him in a moment.' She felt sad, thinking that unrequited love would never bear any result.

In her opinion, she couldn't compare to Murong Wan. Whether it was in terms of looks or studies, there was a measurable gap between them, even more so when compared to Gu Junqing. Due to that, whenever she saw him, she would feel a sense of inferiority and that she wasn't worthy of being with someone like him.

Never had she thought in her wildest dream that, at the moment, her unrequited love was secretly tailing her.

Gu Junqing was following behind her cautiously. According to the novel, Luo Ningyu was rescued by Lin Tian today. Since then, a fate has been formed between them, gradually turning Luo Ningyu affectionate towards Lin Tian. Sometime later, she also turns against Gu Junqing.

He obviously couldn't allow this to happen.

'The opportunity is here!' He saw three rough-looking dudes, most likely gangsters, pointing toward Luo Ningyu.

Luo Ningyu was also a very attentive and intelligent girl. She immediately noticed the three gangsters following behind her. As a result, her walking speed accelerated automatically, wanting to walk towards a place with more people because there weren't many people here. There were a few students, but she didn't expect any help from them.

Besides walking fast, she also tried to open her bag and take out the mobile phone to make a call, but before this set of operations could finish, the three gangsters had already surrounded her.

When they were passing by an alley, one of the gangsters surrounding her snatched the mobile phone roughly.

"What are you doing?!" She quickly reacted and tried to back away but was blocked from all sides.

The one in the lead, who has a bald head and a greasy face, whistled, watching her well-grown breasts, and teased: "Beautiful girl why are you trying to run away? Come and spend some time with us."

Gu Junqing in the back almost facepalmed. What was with this third-rate development? It indeed was an urban novel, wasn't it? The IQ is very questionable.

Back at Luo Ningyu, although she tried keeping a strong face when facing three bulky gangsters will lewd looks, she couldn't help but grow afraid. Her phone was snatched, and there was no pedestrian to her help her either.

Seeing her like this, Gu Junqing didn't go out immediately. He understands that hope gained at the darkest moment is most precious. However, when he saw Lin Tian coming from the intersection, he frowned. Looks like he has to act fast.

Seeing that Luo Ningyu wasn't saying anything, one of the gangsters stretched out of talons, laughing lewdly, "BeautyBeauty, you have grown wonderfully. Let us have a taste too."

Tears gathered within Luo Ningyu's eye sockets as she desperately tried to resist, but one of the gangsters held her shoulder and kept her locked in place.

Right before she could be touched, a figure pushed in between! Seeing the figure, Luo Ningyu's eyes widened in surprise. His broad back imprinted itself into her heart, which will never be erased.

"Gu… Gu Junqing!" Her heart beat sped up unnaturally, and her face turned red, but she quickly remembered the situation she was in. She said in urgency, "Please don't get involved in this. These people are dangerous."

Hearing her say this, Gu Junqing was taken aback. At this time, is she caring about him? Is that what others mean when they say that a girl in love has a negative IQ?

The gangsters were surprised when someone suddenly appeared. Seeing that it was an aristocratic youth, the leader clicked his tongue and said, "Brothers, he is a fat sheep. Just his watch is worth millions."

"Yo, little white face, do you want to play saving a damsel in distress or something? How about this? Give us everything you have and we will let you play with her after we are finished."

Hearing the cheap provocations, Gu Junqing was too lazy to reply. He didn't want to talk too much with NPCs like them. With his 100 Combat value, forget three gangsters, even thirty weren't his opponents.

"You talk too much." Gu Junqing said and threw a punch at the gangster right in front of him. Before the gangster could even react, he was flung three meters away, screaming in pain.

Understanding how powerful he is, Luo Ningyu heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, she couldn't help but think that Gu Junqing looked really handsome and heroic at the moment!

"Fuck! You dare hit him!" The other two gangsters who saw this didn't even bother pondering how a human could punch someone meters away and directly rushed to attack Gu Junqing!

"Humph!" Snorting disdainfully, Gu Junqing casually evaded their attacks. After dodging, he grabbed one's hair, smashed his head against the concrete wall, and kicked the other in the gut. Within moments, all their gangsters were taken care of. They were left rolling in pain on the ground.

"Let's go." He grabbed astonished Luo Ningyu's hand, causing her to blush, and took her away.