Layla POV
We are heading back to the cafeteria with our hands connected. I sense something bad is going to happen when we get there. I most definitely know that Malia isn't going to like me coming back to the cafeteria, holding hands with her boyfriend. We got to the entrance of the cafeteria, my nerves were out of control. I guess my mate sensed my nervousness since he gave my hand a squeeze, ensuring that everything will be okay. I doubt it. We walk inside the cafeteria and immediately all the students turned to stare at us, whispering among each other.
"Why is Scott holding hands with the new girl, I thought he was dating Malia?"
"Don't know, maybe they broke up?"
"Maybe the new girl seduced him" Woah Woah, I did no such thing. We are only doing this for a reason.
"I wonder what Malia is going to do" Probably kill me.
We walk back to our table and stop at the edge. Stiles, Lydia, and Malia towards us. Malia looked at our connected hands and looked back at us, while mostly me with an angry look.
"What is this, Scott?!. Why are you holding her hand?!" Malia shouted, standing up as everybody focus all their attention on us.
"Malia, calm down, and let me expla---" my mate started to say but was cut off by Malia.
"There anything to explain, it's her fault. I knew I didn't trust you. You smelt funny from the moment I met you. You probably put a spell on him" She said angrily towards me.
"Look, I can assure you that I didn't put a spell on him. We are only doing this for a special reason only. We need to hold hands to----" I tried to calmly explain to her, but she interrupted me.
"I don't believe anything you say. Let go of his hand right now" She hissed at me and I can see her eyes are shifting from normal to blue. Which is not good. She can expose us. She needs to control her anger.
"I'm sorry I can't do that, but you need to calm down," I said calmly to her, trying to calm her down, which doesn't really work since she basically sees me as a boyfriend stealer. Me saying this just made her angrier. She jumped me all of a sudden, knocking me to the ground, causing me to let go of my mate's hands. I didn't think she would actually fight me. She clawed me on the face, knocking my sunglasses from my face. I hope it isn't broken. I immediately closed my eyes. I couldn't use my powers or shift to fight back since I didn't want to expose us like she was doing. I felt her body being lifted off. I could hear students gasped, they probably saw her blue eyes, fangs, and claws.
"Malia and Layla to my office now!" I heard Mrs. Martin say as someone got me up from the ground. They put my sunglasses back on my face and I reopen my eyes to see it was Lydia. I look around to see everybody with a look of shocked/horror because of Malia. I turned to her to see she has shifted back and had a look of regret/guilty. She should feel regret and guilty since she just exposed us to humans. Now, I have to erase everybody's memories.
"Let memories of these events cease to exist. Wipe them as clean as air, let no recollection haunt them nevermore." I whispered the erase a memory spell as an orange magic ball started to form on my hand. After the ball formed, I threw it up into the air and made it burst, creating a showering of sparkles. While that was happening I healed my wounds with magic to be quick in healing since my healing powers are slower than a full-blood werecheetah. After the shower of sparkles disappeared, Mrs. Martin shouted, "Why is everybody standing around, get to class!." Everybody started rushing to throw away their trash and get to class on time. I did the same things as I was putting my unfinished lunch in the trash I heard Lydia asked, "Did you erase their memories?"
I turned to her and answered, "Yes I did, which I had to since she exposed us to the humans." giving Malia a look, which she just looked away guilty.
"Okay, does that mean you are a witch, and how come our memories were erased?" Lydia asked as I made my way to my mate.
"Yes, I am a witch. Any type of memory spells don't work on supernatural beings" I answered her as I grab ahold of my mate's hand. Malia was about to say something but I held my hand up to silence her and explained, "Scott and I have to held hands in order to prevent his eyes from turning red and my eyes from glowing purple. That's why I am wearing these sunglasses. If you just had let him explained to you and not got angry and shifted or attacked me. I wouldn't have to erase everybody's memories. By the way, I'm not trying to disrespect you or anything but you should probably learn to control our anger."
"I know, I'm sorry everybody, especially you, Layla. I'm still learning to control my anger." Malia apologized, " Do you and Scott's eyes turn those colors when you are in the same room? If so, why?"
"It's fine, I would be angry too if I see my boyfriend holding hands with another girl. Just make sure you kept your anger under control" I said, "And yes our eyes turn those colors when we're in the same room, specifically when we are in presence of each other. Why, I'll let Scott answer that"
She nodded and turned to my mate waiting for him to answer the why as we made our way to our classes. He looked at her and answered, "Well, I will let you know why during our pack meeting afterschool." She nodded again in understanding. We walked inside our classroom and made our way to the available seats in the middle, but Mrs. Mullen, our Algebra teacher stopped my mate and I.
"There is no PDA in my class. Please let go of each other hands."
"But, we kind of have to hold hands," my mate said back, but she just shook her head and replied,
"I don't care. When you are in my class, you have to follow my rules. Nobody is an exception." I whispered an acceptance spell and wave my nonconnected hand. We try again.
"Please, Mrs. Mullen. We have to hold hands" I said pleadingly.
"Okay, you guys are the only exception from the PDA rule. Get to your seats" She agreed which we were happy about. We made our way to the two available seats that are next to each other. We sat down without breaking our hold.
"Did you do a spell to make her agree?" My mate asked in a whisper. I nodded my head as an answer. "Cool, can you do that for the other two teachers if they don't allow us to hold hands"
"Yea, I can" I answered him. For the rest of our classes, I had to the acceptance spell with our teachers since none of them were letting us hold hands in their class.