Strawberry shortcake

Another hot day and Ryo's extremely bored at the moment. There haven't been many customers so far and Ryo has completed most of his duties. He decided to have some tea and cake on his break. As he was eating his strawberry shortcake, Kousuke came into the store with a gentle smile on his face. Ryo couldn't help but to stop and stare. He finally snapped out of his daydreams and went over to ask Kousuke if he needed any assistance today. "Ah, Mr.Miyazaki right? Are you looking for something specific today as well". Kousuke nodded and pointed at some orchids. He asks, "These orchids… What's the meaning behind them?". Ryo happily explains, "They mean refinement and mature charm as well thoughtfulness. They can also mean proudness and glorious femininity. I suggest the white ones too, they look very elegant.".

Kousuke listened to every word Ryo said with a gentle expression. He seemed very pleased with the explanation. He praises Ryo saying, "You must know a lot about flowers. You are indeed very knowledgeable. I have never seen someone talk so passionately about flowers before. I guess I will get these". Ryo blushed and said it was no problem. He went over to the counter to arrange the flowers in a beautiful bouquet for Kousuke. Kousuke decides to make some small talk, "I never got your name?" "Yoshino Ryo,'' Ryo answered. "I'll call you Ryo then, also you can just call me Kousuke".

Ryo nodded and Kousuke continued, "I'm actually getting flowers for my daughter's 10th birthday. After you told me about the meaning of orchids, I thought that they would be perfect for her". Ryo looked up for a moment and asked Kousuke, "You married"? Kousuke shakes his head and replies, "Divorced". Ryo looked down again and was about to apologize, but Kousuke laughed it off saying, "It wasn't that bad, we just didn't get along. Hitched young and had a kid, haha". Ryo says, "Must've been tough, taking care of a kid at that age". Kousuke laughed and replied, "It was lots of fun, but yes it was tough sometimes". Ryo finished arranging Kousuke's bouquet and Kousuke paid for it. Kousuke thanked him for the flowers and left.

Ryo felt a tingling feeling in his heart and deep inside he was happy learning more about Kousuke. Days go by and all that's on Ryo's mind has been Kousuke. He patiently waited everyday to see if Kousuke was coming to buy something else. He knew that Kousuke was not going to be buying flowers everyday. However, he still hopes that he comes again. The chimes at the door ring and Ryo turns to see who entered the shop with hope all over his face. He felt overwhelmingly happy knowing that Kousuke is here to buy flowers again. "Hi again Ryo", Kousuke said, initiating the conversation. Ryo replied back, "Hello Mr. Miyazaki, what sort of flower are you looking for". Kousuke shakes his head and says, "I'm here for a cup of coffee and some cake".

"Ah okay, tell me what you'd like and I'll bring it to your seat". Kousuke asked for a cup of coffee and a slice of lemon cake. He took a seat near the window. The sun shone on his face making him look like a prince from a fairytale. Ryo brought over his cake and coffee. Kousuke thanked him and took out his laptop to start working. Ryo stood at the counter helping out customers. Though at the same time, he sneaks some looks at Kousuke to see his beautiful face. Kousuke finished his work and went over to pay for the coffee and cake.

As he was paying, he told Ryo, "I really liked the cake, do you make them?" Ryo replies, "No, Ms. Iwai makes them. She makes pies too.". Kousuke's eyes lit up and he said, "Do you know what types she makes. I really love rhubarb pie." Ryo replies, "She makes rhubarb, I don't know when exactly. I can place an order for you if you like". Kousuke says, "No, that's alright. Maybe you can let me know by text? Here I can give you my number". Ryo screamed in his inner thoughts. He calmed himself down and took Kousuke's number. "Alright. Thanks Ryo! I'll see you next time", Kousuke said happily as he left. Ryo waved back and was overjoyed after getting Kousuke's number.