Because today is the weekend Greyson is a little more awake late, his body is still lying on his bed.

"Baby! wake up, or I kiss you." Alexa pecked Greyson's lips with his gusto.

The peck Alexa gave her had absolutely no effect on his, still he slept soundly like a stiff corpse and made no sound at all.

Ana hugged him and pecked his lips to make Greyson wake up. He reciprocated Ana's peck with a brutal tongue play in the oral cavity. His burly hands wildly touched the area of the twin mountains that stood firmly and pecked at it greedily, like a starving baby. Ana's body felt quivering enjoying the attack Greyson was given.

"My dear, I want to have you!." suddenly Greyson woke up to Ana's remarks in his dream.

"Are me gone crazy, that woman I just dreamed of. His breath was breathless because he felt an unnatural thing, fortunately it was just a dream. Greyson rose to his feet walking in the direction of the bathroom cleaning his body.

When the shower was splashed on his head, he remembered Ana's body again. "oh... have you lost your mind?, the woman again interrupted my mind. Am I in love with him?, ahh it feels impossible. Alexa-Alexa-Alex, just Alexa." Greyson tried to keep Ana's shadow haunting him away.

After finishing cleaning his body, it was the gray shirt and black pants that were deliberately placed on the table by the bed. "Alexa is really considerate of me, she's really the perfect wife for me!." A faint smile flashed on his lips.

"Mr. Greyson hasn't woken up yet.?

"It's Ana's day off, just let her enjoy it. During this time he worked hard enough for J.K Gold." Alexa enjoyed a meal that the housekeeper served at the dinner table. "Eat this salmon Ana, you need it." Put salmon on Ana's plate.

"Master has woken up sister!."

Alexa looked back and saw the figure of her husband." Baby, sit down you need breakfast!."

"Ahh... thank you my wife!." Greyson replied with some nervousness because just now the look in Ana's eyes met the look in his eyes.

Ana's sly smile radiated again, she became more and more convinced and confident that Greyson had begun to accept her. Good baby, keep looking at me wrong. Then, my game will be realized soon.

"Hoek.... Hoek... hoekk." Ana spit out all the food that went into her mouth.

"Ana, are you okay!." Greyson was quite worried, but he tried to look calm letting Alexa come over to Ana.

"I'm just nauseous, sis, it seems that eating this is not suitable for me. Actually, I want to eat sweeter, but it's not here!."

"I'm sorry Ana, next time just say you're going to eat what you can't hide is your desire. You're craving, it's natural that much you want."

"Yes sis!."

"My husband, please you just take Ana to the Mine food court. I have to take care of the father for two days who is sick in his house."

"Dad's sick, we're there now baby!."

"No my husband, you're just at home just accompany Ana. Poor he's cravings, Dad just let me take care of him."

It will be an opportunity for Ana to approach Greyson, an excellent time and fitting for her. Eventually the barren woman comes out of the house too, I will have a chance of getting close to my dear. Her sly thoughts began to be neatly arranged, planning something rotten.

_ _ _ _

"Ana are you full!."

"Yes master, thank you for accompanying me to find this sweet food!." Ana enjoyed with gusto enjoying the sweet food.

"You know ana, it seems that my baby really looks like me. Just when you ask for sweets alone is it enough to prove I look like the future baby in your womb!." Throwing her warm smile, Ana was quite stunned by Greyson because it wasn't until this time that she saw such a genuine smile on her. "Why are you daydreaming even Ana?, there is something wrong with me!."

"Oh no master, I just remembered my mother. Suddenly I missed her, unfortunately it's gone so quickly leaving me."

"What age were you when your mother died?."

"Twenty years old master, it has been almost five years since he left me. My father even left me too, he also often tortured me just because of which I ran away and until now I have never heard from him again."

"You don't miss her Ana?."

"The slightest bit of my longing is not for him master, my father is too cruel to me and I will never forgive even if he bows his knees before me." Ana's eyes filled with tears, slowly tears in her cheeks. Of course, it made Greyson feel compassion for the story Ana told him.

"Your life is so perfect master, you are so abundantly gaining the affection of both your parents. I think I'm an unlucky person in the world because I have to be faced with the bitter times of wandering around looking for and providing for a stomach that's just an inch of this finger."

"You really judge me so Ana!, you don't know how much my life has suffered all this time and you'll never know!."

"No master, your life is already perfect, you even have abundant treasures and a family that supports you every time. Ah... why did I come to this, telling all the bitter lives to others. I'm sorry master, didn't mean to increase the burden on your mind."

"Don't feel uncomfortable with me Ana!, you won't get worse if you tell me about it, from now on let's just say I'm your friend. Whatever your problem tells me, I am ready to listen to all your anxieties, sorrows and angers!." It seems that indeed Greyson has begun to show his sympathy for Ana. Though his attitude was very cold to Ana and suddenly turned soft to her, what demon possessed him. All the stories Ana revealed were nothing more than fake stories engineered for Greyson to sympathize with her.

"Can I call you Dad, master?."

"It feels like it's too sudden Ana, it will complicate our relationship... I mean Alexa would feel jealous if you called me dad. Just behave as usual Ana, just call the master!."

"I'm sorry sir, ahh. I'm full sir can we go home sir I'm so tired!."

"yes, we're going home."

Greyson paid Bill the food with his unlimited Balck Cards.

A man suddenly came over, he whispered to say something to ana Ana and made her weak helplessly, seeing her Greyson approaching Ana until the man left because he felt uncomfortable.

"Ana!, you're okay?" Silence was silent and teary eyes seemed to feel that frustration was what Ana felt at the moment.

"Who is that man Ana!, let's say. Or should I chase and beat." Greyson's hand was grabbed by Ana to prevent it.

"I beg you not to do that sir, I want to get out of this place."

"You sure you're okay?."

Ana nodded her head, but the look on her face couldn't lie. Fear and sadness were implied on that beautifully beautiful face.

"I'm not going to just leave it alone,"

"Master... stop! don't muddy my matter, this is my business. Stop like a hero oversleep, you're making me uncomfortable!."

Instantly Greyson fell silent at Ana's voice shouting loudly at him, he never imagined Ana's temperamental attitude behind her beautiful face.