Her smile

He was waiting for her on the cafe he suggested. For first ten minutes he was patient but as soon as the clock ticked passing another ten minutes he couldn't hold it anymore . He was always on time no matter what the situation was , he hated people with tardiness.

He was on his third cup of coffee when a figure abruptly sat across him.

" Sorry I got late. "

There was no hint of guilt in her voice. Ruth purposely made him wait for her.

On witnessing the smirk dancing on her lips he knew it was her intention to make him off today.

" No problem. Can I ask what made you this late?"

Orion couldn't hide his grumpiness. His lips tight with his focus only on the eyes of person in front of him.

They were beautiful shades of brown with long lashes coverings her lids.

Innocence with a mint of mischievousness.

" I had to be somewhere before I came here. "

Suddenly her voice somewhat cracked. On morning when she realized what day it was she broke in tears. It was Sal's death anniversary. Now it was two years she has lost her Sal.

The day when she woke up after the accident Sara told her that the police didn't found his body. So she had nothing to talk with him apart from his pictures which were now in a room which she rarely visits. It would bring back all the memories of him which she had buried in that room or more like buried in some corner of her heart .

" So it was more important than the meeting? "

His blood boiled thinking that she was giving preference to someone before him.

" Yes. I lost someone today. It's his death anniversary. "

Her voice came just above a mere whisper but he caught it.

Was it a coincidence that he had also lost someone on this date?

He wondered. He knew how it feels when you lose someone close to your heart.

" Sorry. "

The rudeness in his voice was instantly gone which earned him a beautiful, soultaking smile from her.

Even he was taken aback that he said that word for the first time in his life and only to her.

" Shall we discuss the business now? See I don't want to sell my shop no matter how much money you give me, I know what you did and I don't appreciate such kind of acts. I have never left my taxes unpaid so if you don't stop your childish behavior I can drag you to the court. And don't think I'm afraid of you because.. "

She stood up from her seat and leaned over to him to intimidate him.

" I have proof of everything and I'm right in my place and unfortunately you are not . So either you back out or I will meet you in the court for molesting me. "

The sweet smile she gave was filled with sarcasm and she looked hella sexy to him.

He grimaced and was amused at the same time, staring at the girl who just threatened him with a vague case of molestation. What did she thought she would walk away with nothing after accusing him .

First of all no police officer would take her case and second of all if somehow she succeeded in doing no lawyer could win against him only if she was lucky enough to find herself a lawyer.

" Mr. Vassiliev? "

She snapped her fingers in front of him when he was staring her for minutes. Creep. For someone she would be a example of fearless woman who could stand for herself but only she knew how her legs was shaking in anticipation under the table and her hands were clamy because of trepidation.

" Go ahead. "

His answer shook her.

" But keep one thing in mind I'm not a kind hearted man, I will destroy you and your little shop before you blink your pretty eyes. So think twice when you are dealing with me. But.. "

" But what? "

He smirked seeing the fear in her eyes and his gaze fell on the lips between her teeth , pink and juicy with constant torture of her teeth .

" But we can avoid all of this if you sit here with your mouth shut and listen to my proposal. "

She huffed but complied anyway.

His proposal better be worth my time or I'm leaving as soon as his shut his mouth.

She made up her mind.

" How about we become patners. I will help in your clothing brand , you don't have to move your shop , we will renovate it so it would go with the hotel."

She was shocked as much as him that from where he came up with it. She didn't want to sound desperate so she put her index finger on her chin showing him that she was thinking about it.

It was a win win situation. She didn't have to move but how does it will profit him.

" How does it will benefit you? "

There has to be a catch in it. If he was ready to invest in her clothing line he must have something big on his mind.

" 10% of the profit. "

" Thats it? "

She expected him to demand atleast 25% but it was unexpectedly unexpected.

" What's your take on this? "

He asked. There was no way she could deny the offer. He was proud of himself that at the end moment this idea popped up in his mind.

" Think wisely. I agree for now it is popular but what about the world? Don't you want to have your own clothing line all across world? I can help you with that. "

He did the thing he was best on, manipulation. And no doubt it was working on her.

" I think I need time. "

She was still in denial he was interested in her business.

"You can have your time but not more than two days. I will take care of the notice, you think about my proposal. "

He assured.

Again she gave him the smile which was enough to die for. Their coffee was still left there untouched. She held the cup and brought it to her juicy lips. All the while Orion couldn't take his eyes off her. She was indeed a beautiful woman.

From the color of her hair to the the color of the paints on her toes she was bewitching. Her dark black hairs, her brows which always pull up in amazement, her cute pointy nose, her pink luscious lips were too irresistible.

Her small face looked pure and innocent bare of any makeup.She had not the body with big boobs and booties. She was small woman with 5'4 height and petite figure but she was too graceful to go unnoticed.

Her small dainty hands had a bracelet which looked ravishing on her. Or one could say her hands were rather complementing the bracelet.

On one side Orion was busy ravishing her with his gaze and on the other side her mind was stuck in the band around Orion's wrist. Thousands of thoughts were running in her mind. She wanted it to be a coincidence.

" This band . Is that a customized one? "