Her puzzlement

On side it was the person who was no less than a devil, Orion and in front of her was literal angel, Darius. And no person would choose Orion. In their right state of mind.

" Darry! "

The nickname she gave him burnt the taste of Orion's tongue. Ruth never calls Orion with his name let alone giving him a nickname. She was always formal with him. Or much like she showed she was formal.

" You were taking too long . Everything good? "

Darry had all his attention on the hand of Orion which was holding Ruth.

Both of the men were having a staring contest leaving Ruth in a set of turmoil. She was speechless. She was puzzled.

" I'm sorry. Shall we go now?"

Ofcourse she would choose Darius. The presence of Orion even a metre close in her space did something to her. A step forwarding in Darius direction was immediately halted by Orion. Ruth forgot, his hand still had a grip on her wrist.

" Leave my hand! ''

Instead the grip got more prominent on her dainty hands.

" Choose wisely Ruth. "

Orion so wanted to smash Darius head on the wall. It was all because of Darius that Ruth wanted to leave him.

" Isn't it clear with whom I want to go? "

Orion left her hand and dashed out of their presence. Coming to his car he bolted out , not wanting to see them coming together ,hand in hand . His dubiety that why he wanted Ruth's attention made him ridiculously uncomfortable. He never had that much effect on himself because of a girl, in just few weeks.

Ruth owned his morning smile and late night thoughts. She dominated his course of action and controls his pump of blood in his veins. Her mere mention of name was enough for Orion to pass his day in daze.

He absolutely hated it that he couldn't control what was happening to him. He loathed it that a mere girl could turn his world upside down and he couldn't do much about it. The feeling was foreign to him. Was he jealous of Darius? No. He was never of jealousof someone. And Darius was no one, a pimp, he had nothing that could make The Orion jealous of Darius.

He had set his mind. Ruth was not the only girl in the world. He drove his Lambo straight to one of his clubs. THE SPADES.

A soft melody jazzing the stage as the dancers jumbled up in a hurdle. It was evening and club was already full. He made his steps straight to the bar and sat on one of the high rose stools. The bartender was familiar with Orion, afterall he owned the club.

" The usual? "

Setting the glasses on the cabinet the boy asked to Orion. He was of Orion's age or may be a year older but he had boyish look compared to Orion who was much more manly and had muscles.

" The usual. "

Orion confirmed for it. Whenever he was in stress or wanted his mind out of something he ordered whiskey and ginger. He chugged it down in one go. Glass after glass he blazed his throat with the liquor. When he realized he had enough to pass the night, he slowed it down but didn't stop. His gaze found the blue eyes of a blonde who was looking at him seductively, biting her lips.

" Took you ages to notice me. "

She tried to sound like bitch in heat. Her fingers grazing his hard muscles on his arm.

" Or you have nothing to be get noticed. "

Orion didn't look interested.

She looked offended but masked her expressions quickly and gave him her winsome smile. He didn't even try to sway away her hands which influenced her advances on him. Her fingers found his disheveled locks. He tried to imagine it as the hands of the vixen who was the reason of his sleepless nights.

" Don't play hard to get. "

Intantly he clutched her hands and tugged her close to him in a warning. The blonde deliberately ignored his glare and kept touching him.

Orion thought, may be this was his chance to forget Ruth and get her out of his damn system. She was ruining him. The girl infront of him will do it. She was blonde, pretty with a curvy figure, not his type though .

" Lets take this to your place . "

Even though they had VIP rooms in the club it was against the rules Orion made. He had a strict restriction to bang girls in the premises of club. It avoided prostitution and helped him in a clean business. He has only few business which were clean and he had clear intentions to keep it that way. THE SPADES was one of them.

She happily followed him to the floor and then out of the club. The bouncer got his car out of the parking for his owner. The girls eyes lit up when she saw that the man she was with was dollar man.

Even after having a shit loads of alcohol in his veins he followed all the traffic rules and drove to the address the blonde had told him, still unknown to her name .

" Can't caught your name though. "

Her voice, inspite of sounding like melody to his ears repulsed his skin.

" You won't need that. "

She still found him attractive after his rude words. She didn't want to let the big fish go out of her clutch. Not this easily.

" Sierra. "

She said looking at the man in the driver seat. He kept driving and had only one thought in his mind - to bang this girl and forget about the minx.

In no time they were in her bedroom . She tried to kiss him but he took a step back and ordered her to strip.

The girl smirked and took off her clothings slowly, one by one, teasing the man. There was no doubt that the girl was beautiful but his mind was already occupied with that petite figure with butter smooth skin and long blank hairs which would easily take a double round around his hands.

Even after a goddess in front of him, he wanted that little angel instead.

When he felt touches around his chest he came out of his dream and looked at the woman in front of him, her tongue licking her red lips. She ,out of nowhere ,suddenly repulsed him. Her lips found his neck and he felt dizzy with smell of her awful perfume.

Orion pushed her a little too hard making her fall on the bed. The woman thought it as a dominating move but frowned in a second when he cursed holding his head.

" What the fuck I was thinking. "

Without even looking at her he slammed her door shut and came to his car.

" I can't even fuck without thinking about you. "

He banged his fists on the steering wheel, scratching his knuckles in the process.

" There she must be having a wonderful dinner with that Punk and here I can't even get a good fuck. "

He drove out of that area. His mind and emotions were all of the place. He was frustrated, angry, confused and jealous. If he didn't want to admit it, he knew it in his heart.

" Not this easily Ruth. You will pay for fucking up my head. "