Sweet little Bears and thunder

Chapter 2 prologue

After the events of last time, a man turned on the news to watch the breakdown of it all on the news. "The Ultra Buddies recently managed to stop the attack of an army of golems. The man behind it all is the 2nd case of super-powered individuals gone bad, his name is —------- —--------, but thanks to our superhero team, the day is saved again!". The man shut off the tv and let out a sigh. "I gave you the crystal and you used it to make a small group of golems?!" shouted the man. "That crystal had power beyond comprehension and you didn't even take out ONE hero!? Pathetic, now that the heroes have the crystal, they're unbeatable." the man stood up out of his chair, and fire began to emerge around him, it surrounded and engulfed the man. As he pulled out a dark crystal from his pocket it glowed ominously and he said, "its time to begin plan B: fire hazard". The apartment building exploded in flames, injuring and burning almost all the people living in it.

Prologue end

Chapter 2

As the Ultra buddies were resting and relaxing after their last fight, the news popped on explaining that 30 minutes ago, an apartment building burst into flames, taking off the entire wall of the apartment it came from. Naturally, this caught the attention of the team but they thought the fire department could handle so they switched back to their show. Vadius was in the hospital after getting bitten by the winged snake while Captain Thunder and Ghosty were relaxing at home. In the prison, The man from last time was in his cell, The snake was put in a research laboratory in order to learn more about what he is and how he came into existence. The thing is, Captain Thunder, Ghosty, Vadius, the snake and a few others all became the way they were because of one accident. But we don't have time for that, remember the man from last time? He's in prison and he was in his cell mumbling to himself, "I will get out of here, I will get out of here, the revenge of Captain Bulldozer is near….". The man was calling himself Captain Bulldozer over and over again so we'll now refer to him as that. As Captain Bulldozer was mumbling to himself the jail cell wall was being melted from the outside, when the wall melted it revealed a man with orange hair that had long bangs sticking upwards, he had an eyepatch and was wearing green overalls. " we don't have much time —-------, its time to go before the prison's alarm goes off", The alarm goes off, officers rush ut and surround bulldozer and the man, "State your name!" an officer yelled while glaring directly at the man, "without a response the man in overalls showed his palms to the officers, fire immediately comes out burning all the ones in front of the palms, the other officers immediately fire back with tranquillizers but they seem to have no effect. The tranquillizing bullets melt within seconds and the man in overalls burns the remaining officers, not killing a single one but putting them all on death's door. "Such weaklings don't deserve to learn my name. let's get going —-------, we have to get the snake, then we have much work to do." At exactly 1:00 AM, Captain Bulldozer has been successfully broken out of prison after only being there for less than 48 hours.

It has been almost 2 days since the 'golem incident', Vadius was now all better since crocodiles have amazing regenerative abilities, so the doctors didn't have to do a single thing.

The team was now all better and ready to fight again! The Ultra Buddies went out on patrol to protect the city and as they finished taking care of some thieves, a hooded figure approached them. "You 3 are all in graved danger. —------- is back and he's stronger than ever!. We need to protect the Ruby Of Enchantment from him or else it could mean the end of all." The Ultra Buddies look at the hooded figure with a confused look. They didn't know what the Ruby Of Enchantment was or who —------- even is. "Do we know you? Are you a psychic? If so, we didn't ask for this vision so we're not paying you. Psychics are fake anyway." Ghostly replied.

Vadius chuckled under his breath. The hooded figure slightly took off her hood to reveal it was the same bear that saved them the other day. When Captain Thunder saw this he began asking a lot of questions, "It's you! You saved us 2 days ago! How did you do it? Are you a psychic? Did you also get hit by the-". The Bear cut him off. "There's no time for that! —------- is the man on the boulder you fought, and the Ruby Of Enchantment is the Red crystal that was inside of the Golem. —------- escaped prison and has teamed up with the holder of the Emerald Of Synthesis."

"If we're going to team up to stop —------- again then can you at least tell us your name?" Vadius pleaded. "Fine, my name is Riley Bear. After getting hit with a white light I became more humanoid and gained psychic abilities."

"Riley Bear? What a strange name." Ghosty thought. With a new ally, the team headed back to base to discuss a new plan. "So what exactly is the Ruby Of Enchantment and Emerald of Synthesis?" asked captain thunder. Riley explained that the Ruby Of Enchantment has the power to give someone abilities/modify existing ones, making them function differently with a power up. While the Emerald Of Synthesis allowed one to combine and separate 2 different things. You could combine a human with a rock and they would inherit rock features like hardened skin or more. After hearing this explanation, they wondered why the ruby was in the golem to begin with and that maybe the emerald was the cause for the flying snake.

The team switches to the news channel to see if anything is going on. Currently, the news is showcasing footage of Captain Bulldozer's cell wall being melted and then it cuts to footage of him busting into the research facility where the winged snake was being kept at. Not only did Bulldozer escape but so did the snake, there was also a mystery man with Bulldozer in the 2nd clip. Meaning the Ultra Buddies had to take down 3 threats. The team went out on patrol again while Riley stayed at the base, nothing out of the ordinary appeared so they went on with their day until the ground begins to shake violently, a golem that was 150m burst out of the ground, and around 150 other golems that were 15m crawled out with it. This was bad, really bad. From a distance, the man in overalls was watching the chaos ensue. The man in overalls had the power of pyrokinesis (fire control) and using that power he engulfed himself in flames, becoming a fireball that resembled him, it had a mouth and it somehow had an eyepatch. This fireball flew off in the distance, cackling. It began spewing fireballs all over the streets of Thunder City, raining destruction everywhere he flew. The Ultra Buddies were mortified and shook. Watching the villains rain absolute carnage on their city. The only ones who even had a remote chance of winning were them. The remaining lives of the citizens were in their hands. But they couldn't do it alone, they needed the help of Riley. Captain Thunder ordered Ghosty to fly over to the base at top speed in order to reach her. She had no phone or anything to communicate with the Ultra Buddies so the only way to reach her was to get there. And he had to get there FAST.

Riley was already flying over there with the use of her psychic powers, Ruby Of Enchantment in hand. When Ghosty and Riley met mid-air he frantically explained the situation and that they needed to get going NOW. without hesitation, she agreed. Out of the 150 Golems, only 2 managed to be defeated, Captain Thunder and Vadius were already tired from facing 2 of them only. A golem grabbed Vadius by the arm and threw him into a building, his arm staying in between the golem's fingers. Vadius was knocked out but still alive. The only reason is that he's incredibly durable to some extent. The place where his arm used to be, began to smoke up, and the arm began growing back albeit very slowly due to his regenerative abilities. The giant 150m golem was smashing buildings left and right luckily almost all the people were evacuated with only a few remaining. The situation seemed impossible to beat.

How would The Ultra Buddies (+Riley) beat these rampaging villains?

If they do win, how'll they fix the city?

Read next time on chapter 3 of The Adventures Of Captain Thunder!