" what do you mean by you can't find the book. How on earth am I gonna send that dragon back to the hell it came from?" She shivered at his tone. He shot an angry glare at her and a deep furrow appeared on his forehead.
" we have have find a way to stop this dragon before it leaves this place. It would mean he'll for me if lucifer finds out that his little pet is gone.he will have my head for it without a thought - that's if he thinks" He muttered under his breath.
The dragon moved in circles hovering above them like a god. A mighty hunter awaiting the perfect time to swoop down at it's prey. And as if the time wasn't bad enough, it flew down and sprayed fire down. Enara bent over Blu to shield her from the flames.
" When I count to three,you will run to your room and if you try to escape ill hunt you down and make you feed on an animal carcass. Now, three,two,one - run". She crawled from underneath his body and ran towards the door. The dragon's attention diverted to her and he sprayed his flames right in front of her to prevent her retreat. It raged loudly for all to hear that it had been released from its confinement.In a flash, it picked Blu with its claws and vanished without a trace. She was gone with the dragon within an instant.
Enara stood up but his mind wasn't on their sudden disappearance, he was rather focused on the figure approaching with so much bloodless it could be sensed kilometres away. He started building up his aura readying himself to fend off the enemy.