Making memories 2

"In that case, I would like to get something that piqued my interest a while ago before we leave. Would you mind staying with the babies for a while please?"

" Not at all young master, please take your time,"

With my intentions known to Deena, I sauntered towards the store that caught my eye.

There's something about this world that really intrigued me to this very moment.

Although during the war period, I couldn't notice it at the time but with the peace that reigned supreme now, I finally began to take notice.

Just before the conclusion of the war, I noticed the world had started to take a familiar approach on business, commerce and fashion in a way that was analogous to how things were done on from my world.

I was seriously amazed by how such turn of event occurred but then I started to wonder if I wasn't the only one who was reincarnated into this world.

What if there were other humans from all over the world who got reincarnated into this world.

People who were businessmen, politicians and fashion designers were present in this world and with baby steps, technology was steadily evolving over here.

Who knows? Maybe soon we will finally find a means to transport way faster than magic. Don't get me wrong, magic is cool and all but it's actually a little bit exhausting.

Having to use your mana to teleport to far distances isn't as easy as one would imagine.

Most times, it feels as though the very essence of a human being had been sucked out of their body.

Trust me, it isn't a pleasant experience. Putting all that aside, the main reason I've been thinking about all these mumbo jumbo is purely based on the fact that I planned on doing something every parents would love to do.


What is that you ask?

Well I will tell you. I plan on getting my hands on a bunch of cameras or maybe just two. Why? Well of course it's for making and recording memories duh.

Must I be explaining everything. Sheesh.

By recording memories, I mean taking embarrassing photos of the three babies and storing it in an album for future purposes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm neither a sadist nor a pervert. Okay that's a lie I'm a pervert in terms of Deena. Oh!! That reminds me.

There was someone else I was madly in love with a few years back but sadly two things happened. First of all, she was married and secondly, she only ever saw me while I was in my body armor.

I mean seriously, that lady was super hot. With a super hot curves and her super hot lips and her super hot features and her....

Okay okay I guess you get the picture.

I seriously do not want to compare her with Deena. Of course Deena has got her charms and all but *sighs* man that lady was super hot!! I think that's the reason why I hate her husband for being the one who was blessed to meet her long before I could.

I definitely do not want to see him again, I feel the vibe of being provoked by him intentionally due to the pride he has of his wife's beauty.

He couldn't see my reactions from inside my armor but I sensed he could feel how I felt and that only angered me more.


"Are you done young master?"

"Yes I'm done, let's go now,"

"Yes young master,"

With the camera bought already, I headed home with Deena and the girls.


Upon our arrival back home, I decided to do something Deena had taught me beforehand. Honestly what will I do without this woman?

"Who wuves papa?"

"Who wuves dada?"

"Leah luves papa,"

"Mia luves dada,"

"Yesh you do....Yesh you do!!"

"Hehe... Hehe,"

Both babies giggled at my asinine expression, though they couldn't see me but with their hands tightly clutched to mine, I guess they knew I intended to make them smile and well, what do you know? They did smile.

Both gave me their appreciative and invaluable toothless smile as always.

"Leah? Where's papa? Can you find me?"



I whispered those words as I clicked my fingers together a few centimeters away from Leah's ears as she fell silent to listen attentively to the sound of my fingers.

' Woah!! Demon babies are truly amazing,'

And just a few seconds later, she turned towards my fingers direction as she pointed to where it was while giggling.

Honestly, it's amazing how these babies understand what I'm saying even without seeing or studying the expression I made towards them.

Although they can hear me but that alone isn't enough to tell me how they were able to understand me so easily.

Once I was done with Leah, I shifted towards Mia and did the same. At first, my fingers weren't too far from her ears and then eventually it was far but still, she was able to locate where my fingers were.

The point of this training or play is to assist them in stimulating their hearing. There's no information on what kind of demons all babies were, so to be on the brighter side Deena asked me to do this so that once the blue moon came and their innate abilities begins to manifest.

It would be easier for those with high hearing sensitivity to easily control how to use their abilities.

But it does seem to me that Leah has a more sensitive hearing than her sisters.

Could she really be a werewolf? Oh please! Be a werewolf, I'd really be happy if she were to be one. I don't really know why but I just think it would be cool to raise a werewolf. I think that's enough play for now.


Being a demon baby parent isn't really an easy job to do.

Well as for Delilah, she's currently preoccupied with her musical mobile after receiving a whole lot of patting on her cute and delicate head.

I hope she doesn't grow to become dependent on such care. Oh well, she's still a child for now.


Several hours later, Leah and Mia started to suck their thumbs. It was their special way of saying they were hungry.

Delilah on the other hand, is really strange. She's got no indicating way of informing me she's hungry. She doesn't cry or put her fingers in her mouth and neither does she make sucking noises.

She does nothing and it's pretty creepy. But whenever the rest were hungry, she would eat just like them.

I wonder if her shyness extended to her feeding behavior too. 'Oh well at least she's gaining weight just like the rest. That's good.'


But right now she was just true taking her food as I try to make her burp. I placed Delilah upright with her head on my shoulder as I support her while gently patting her back with my other arm.

It appears babies often swallows air while feeding which sometimes makes them fussy and so to prevent this I'm to burp her every now and then.

And like clockwork, once she's done eating just like the other two, she sleeps right after her daily dosage of patting and stroking from yours truly.


Right after all the needed activities were done, I headed straight to bed. But I really can't help but wonder about the fact that I have been indirectly transformed into a mother by these three little girls.

With everything I'm doing for them, I don't really see any difference to what a mother would do for her child.

' Honestly, women are really trying. If I were to see a woman being mistreated by her husband, I'll slash him into two and steal her for myself... Haha... for I am the most evil villa... Zzzz... '

And so Dante's eyes became too heavy to stay awake as he drifted off into sleep.


"Young master!!.... Young master!! Please wake up. You really have to see this, "

A young and well endowed dark elf with a white colored hair was dressed in a rather seductive maid uniform which failed to conceal her alluring tanned thighs just above her knees.

She pleaded for her master to stay awake but the retired adventurer had yet to get bored of his stay in the dream world but the maid was determined to make sure her master doesn't miss what she was about to show him.

"Uh? What is it? "

The maid made a hushing gesture as she beckoned him to come and see the magical process of how both Leah and Mia's eyes were about to proclaim their emergence into the world.

But alas, it was too late and rather than seeing how both girls eyes were about to be opened, instead he got two pairs of death stares aimed at him.

Dante couldn't help but exclaim as he was perplexed by why they kept glaring at him as though their lives depended on it.

'Oh Fuck! Why me? Who did I offend?, Who exactly created these demons? '

More questions but yet no one could provide an answer, all that was left for Dante to do was to persevere just a little bit more.