Doctor Dada

With the aim of playing doctors and patients, all three girls were dressed in various costumes as they wait outside my room

"Wait here Miss Mia, I'll be right back, " Delilah who was dressed as a dental assistant said to Mia who sat on a stool with Leah by her side.

Then Delilah opened the door to my room and I gave her a thumbs up, which indicated I was ready to receive patients in. Seeing this, Delilah nodded in return before closing the door and facing towards Mia.

"Okay Miss Mia, you may enter now."

"Wee!!.. here I come Doctor Dada,"

"No running in the hospital!" Delilah warned.

"Who cares!!" Mia retorted bluntly as she resumed her runs with her hands spread out wide like a bird. Seeing this, both Delilah and Leah followed right after.

Though all three girls were demons, all still maintained their human appearances.

At first, after the blue moon, I thought Leah would be the only one not able to have a human appearance due to the fact that Leah's lower abdomen to her legs were serpent like.

At first, I thought she was a Lamia but after finding some books in my library I was made to know that she was actually a Naga. Eventually she could control her shape shifting ability. Aside from being a Naga, she also had ability to use purple flames.

That's freaking awesome. Delilah on the other hand is a succubus who has learned to control her transformation on her own. She can shape shift at will which allowed her to appear as a human right now. She's truly amazing.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting Dada,". Mia said before jumping straight to my lap to take a seat.

"It's okay Mia, now let's see what we have here," Mia opens her mouth for me to see and I placed my finger towards her lips. A green hued light in the shape of a small ball entered straight into Mia's mouth and illuminated the scenery in her mouth before the light steadily became dim.


"Really? But it didn't hurt, "

"Yep. That's because Dada would never hurt his little Mia, "

"Hehe....Thank you Dada. I love you SO much,"

Seeing her tooth on my palm and the pain she once felt in her jaw now vanished, Mia hugged me so tightly as she declared her admiration towards me.

"Ah! No fair! I love Daddy too, "

"Me too!!"

All three girls snuggled up on me without having any intentions of letting go anytime soon. Seriously I never expected to be needed like this when I decided to be a father. I patted each and everyone of them head before declaring....

"Okay, I guess it's time we had breakfast, what's for breakfast this morning?"

"It's veggies Daddy. I hate veggies."

"Me too Papa, "

"Me three Dada, "

"Huh? Really? But it's good for your body. Well, then I guess more for me. Since you girls aren't hungry, I'm off to brush my teeth and then I'll eat all the veggies for myself, "

"Papa? Do you remember your promise?"

"Huh? Me? I do not remember promising anything to anybody, "

All three girls squinted their eyes towards me due to my feigned remark. Of course I remembered, I've just been contemplating for a while now if I should really listen to their request. It's barely been two years since I told them to share a room together on their own.

After three years of sleeping together, I thought it would be best for all three girls to grow up sleeping together in a room which could aid in strengthening their bond as they learn to tolerate each other's differences.

I was wrong.

All three girls fought almost every nights. At first everything was going according to plan but then suddenly, it seemed like all wanted each other dead.

It was until last month when I informed them of my desire to accept them all in my room based on the notion that all three becomes friendly with one another and that they must eat their veggies, which they hated by the way, for at least twice a week.

To my surprise, all three agreed easily to my demands, it almost felt as though they had planned this from the very beginning.

"You gave us your word Daddy, " Damn!, Delilah can be really scary if she wants to.

"Oh! That promise? Yeah I seem to recall saying something about a promise. " I've got no choice but to yield lest i become a training punching bag for all three girls.

That is something I must definitely never do again. The last time I decided to train with them without me doing anything in return. I thought I could withstand any damage done by them. I underestimated their individual abilities and I was made to pay the price.

"Okay then, I'll only accept those who brush their teeth and eat their veggies. "

"But I don't wanna brush today, " Mia released her hands from my neck as she faced me directly while saying this.

"*Coughs* Argh! What's that smell? You haven't brushed? Then I guess you will have to sleep alone tonight and tomorrow too," I said as my face distorted into an unsightly grimace before dropping Mia on the edge of the bed which was where I sat earlier. I was on my way to my bathroom before.....

"Uh? No Dada!! I change my mind . I wanna brush my teeth now, "

Hearing this, I was glad to see my plan was a success and so my lips widened into a grin as i declared.

"Good!! Then come and brush with me. "

With that said, Mia bolted towards her bathroom in the room next door to grab her brush. Upon returning back, she brought a stool along with her. She placed it right beside me before standing on top of it as she measured both of our heights.

"Hehe.. Now I'm almost as tall as Dada, "

I could only reply to Mia with a smile as we both face the mirror on the wall while brushing our teeth.

I couldn't focus on what she was saying due to the way Delilah and Leah were both glued to my legs. It's nice to care about your Dad but isn't this a little bit too much. *Sighs* The life of a father sure isn't easy.

"Delilah? Leah? Is the table set for breakfast?" I tried to find an excuse to get them off me. It's a little bit difficult to move when you've got two little girls stuck to you like baby monkeys.

"But Papa...?" Leah asked while not wanting to let go of my leg.

"What did I tell you about our morning breakfast?" I reminded her with the aim that both listens to me and leave my legs alone.

"Okay Papa, I'll make sure everything is ready, " Leah responded with her head hung in dissatisfaction.

"Daddy? If I do it, will you pat my head?" Delilah quipped. I think she understands how I feel, so she's trying to help me the best way she can. Thanks Delilah. To her question,I nodded in response.

"No!! I'll do it. Papa please pat my head more." I guess it worked.

"Mou!! I said I'll do it. Daddy pat me more too, " Both hurried towards the dining room.

Phew!! I guess that worked. With both girls running downstairs, I can finally focus on what I'm doing. Though they are of the same age. Looking at all three from a far, one would think Delilah was the older one when compared to the other two.

She's the tallest by a few inches and she's the one who acts more responsible. Leah is a little bit taller than Mia but she's the shy one of the three girls.

She doesn't say much but she does express herself whenever the rest does the same. Mia is the little one among the three, at first I thought she was a shy girl but steadily as she grew older, she began to talk more. Well I mean to me that is.


Looking at the mirror now, I couldn't help but notice how long my hair currently is now. I'm not really sure if I should get a haircut. My silver colored hair is now at shoulder length, it's nice but I miss how it was. Maybe I will get a haircut.

"Wee!! I'm on top of the world!!"

Mia was currently seated across my shoulder and this led to her feeling ecstatic about it as we headed towards the dining room, I'm pretty sure Deena would have been done by now.

Although I would have loved to be the one cooking in the kitchen but if I were to be there, all three girls would have been following me around the kitchen like a little lamb and there was a high chance they would divert my concentration.

So to avoid that, Deena and I had made an agreement that she would continue cooking for a while until they became old enough to not feel so dependent on me.

"Daddy, we are here."

Delilah called out to me as she together with Leah and Deena carried every one's meal to the table. With everything set and everyone feeling hungry already, we all decided to take our seat until.....

"Mia, back off. It's my turn today."

An enraged Delilah remarked with her bloodshot eyes aimed and ready to pounce on Mia.