
"Papa!! Come on! Let's go already, "

Immediately when the girls were done eating dinner, all went upstairs to brush their teeth and to wear their pyjamas. Right now, Leah came to inform me of how Delilah and Mia were waiting for me upstairs.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute," I said to Leah before turning towards Deena.

"Goodnight Deena,"

"Good night young master,"

Deena replied back before returning back to cleaning the dishes. It was a shame Deena couldn't get a taste of what I had made earlier. Leah and Mia ate the one I had saved for when she woke up.

Based on the fact that I was asleep on the couch, I couldn't stop them from eating the last remaining scrambled eggs. There was nothing I could do but to prepare another one for Deena. To be honest, I was glad she loved it.

It's really nice to see a fine gal telling you how sweet your cooking is. And so after eating dinner with everyone else, I sauntered towards my room right after saying goodnight to Deena.

Entering into my room, I saw all three girls already dressed in their pyjamas as they await my arrival.

"We would like you to read this one for us Daddy,"

Delilah gave me the book they would like for me to read to them as a bedtime story. Right now I'm sitting on top of my bed with Mia sitting in front of me while Delilah and Leah both sat on either side of me.

"Goodnight girls,"

After reading the story for them, I landed a kiss on each of their fore heads based on the fact that all had already slept before the culmination of the story.


"Good morning Daddy,"

"Good morning Papa,"

"Good morning Dada, "

The next morning, all three girls were awake before me but to my surprise, all had brushed, bath and had dressed in a new attire while I had been enjoying my beauty sleep. Seeing that I was still asleep, they each took turns on kissing my forehead before waking me up from my nap.

"Good morning girls," I greeted them in return to which all three girls sent me a radiant smile in return.

"Come on Daddy, let's go, "

Immediately I was done brushing, bathing and dressing up as I freshen up for the day, Delilah told me to hurry to the dinning room.

With the food ready, I guess it was time we had breakfast. I sauntered towards the dining room with Mia sitting on my shoulder while I held Delilah and Leah with both of my hands.

"Good morning young master,"

Upon witnessing my arrival, Deena greeted me to which I replied back. With the preparation for breakfast already completed, every one took to their seats as we get ready to eat.

Since yesterday was Delilah's turn to sit on my lap, Leah sat on my lap today.


Leah opened her mouth wide as she accepts my feeding with her cheeks rosy as ever. Thinking about it now, of all the three girls, Leah is the only one I had yet to fully understand her powers and limitations.

There also wasn't enough information about a Naga in all the books present in my library.

Though most demons seem to have the same basis of strength such as [[Super Strength]], [[Super Speed]], [[Super Senses]], [[Super Durability]] and [[Healing Factor]] but there are cases whereby demons possess their very own innate ability which were most likely different from their counterparts.

Mia for example, possesses [[Adhension]]. This aided in allowing her to walk on the wall and ceiling. Also, she could control the length of her fangs but strangely enough, she had yet to crave blood or anything else. She eats and feeds like everyone else but she does have a weakness to sunlight and so to prevent that, I bought [[Aloe cream]].

This aided in allowing her to walk freely in broad daylight just like everyone else. Although using this cream tends to make her skin sparkle as she walks in broad daylight. But she does tend to be naturally weak but not to the point of exhaustion.

To be honest, i think it's better she feels a little tired while walking in broad daylight than to turn to ashes upon having her skin in direct contact with the sun rays.

Aside from this, she's got [[Bat Transformation]] which wasn't really stated in the records of books I had in my disposal. I can't help but think that there were still boundless abilities I had yet to know concerning the vampire demon race.

The same could be said about Delilah. There wasn't enough information about her abilities apart from the ones rumored around during the war period. Abilities such as [[Shape Shifting]] and [[Supernatural Beauty]] were well documented during the war period, so those abilities aren't really new to me.

I also can't help but feel that I'm most likely going to find out more about her abilities as she grows older.

As for Leah, a Naga is much similar to a Lamia but unlike the Lamia race whom were well known for appearing as a half human-half serpent form without the ability to shape shift, a Naga on the other hand could shape shift at will but aside from that, there's really not enough information about her demon race.

Moreover, Leah had yet to fully comprehend her abilities. I think time will aid me in understanding her abilities as she grows. Since there wasn't a war going on, there's no need to rush her into finding out more about her abilities and limitations.

She does tend to sleep in her demonic form rather than the way she looks now, which is in human form.

Of course, I've also thought of the possibilities of gaining more knowledge about their abilities through various other libraries situated around the city.

I guess I will have to do that while gaining more information about Delilah and Leah's insignia also.

I'm certain Mia must have been related to the Beezlebub royal family but I've got no progress in obtaining information about the other two.

Aside from during the period of a blue moon, the insignia which acted as a birthmark to the babies couldn't be seen on their body on a regular basis except when the blue moon was at its peak.

"Thank you for the meal young master,"

"Thank you Daddy,"

"Thank you Papa,"

"Thank you Dada!"

Though it was Deena who made the food, still they all thanked me for it. That's weird right?. Anyway I told them how glad I was before declaring...

"I've been thinking about it for a while now. How about we all go to the beach tomorrow,"

"Eh?! The beach? But why? Young master I think... "

"I've decided Deena. You're coming along with us. I think your beautiful body deserves a bit of fun and relaxation. We'll only be there for the weekends and we'll be back by Monday."

What?! Did I just say it out loud! I said it!! I said it!! Calm yourself Dante, I can feel my blood rushing towards my face. I mean yeah, I know she's beautiful but damn I really did say it out loud. Compose yourself man, try to look cool.

Wait a minute, how does one look cool? Ahh!!!

"B.... B.... Beautiful?!"

Ahh!! You see!! Even Deena can't think straight now. Her face is practically on the brink of releasing steam out of her ears. Uh? What's up with the girls? Why are they all glaring at me while pouting their lips. Stop that!! It's creepy. Now I'm feeling nostalgic.

"T.... Then,.... W.... Would you?"

Deena who went to drop our plates came back with the aim of asking something from me.

With her face red and her lips finding it difficult to utter what she had in mind, I couldn't help but feel puzzled by what was really in her mind.

"Hmm? What is it?" I asked after seeing how flustered she was. Moreover the suspense was killing me. Girl if you want a kiss from me, these lips are ready to be locked with yours for eternity. Just say the word.

"T.... Then would you like to have a haircut?"


Huh? Haircut? Well yeah I do think I need a haircut but was that what she really wanted to say?

*Sighs* How sad.

I guess I had my hopes up for nothing. I honestly thought I would finally get the chance to lock lips with those enthralling lips of hers.

"Huh? No young master, I do not mean to offend you. It's....just...that... I.... thought. you would look more... handsome.... if you do," Deena responded after noticing Dante's inscrutable look on his face.

What?! Yes!! Finally!! The goddess of love has finally listened to my prayers.

Who said you didn't exist? Definitely not this guy. Though Deena didn't say the last part clearly but I heard it.

Yep my wolf like ears heard those words perfectly before she bashfully covered her face as even she couldn't believe what she just said. There's no way I am going to say NO to you after hearing you say all that.