Blood Letter

With everyone already inside the house, I warned them all not to step out as I await the arrival of who was coming towards my mansion.

And not up to a few minutes later, a large golden chariot pulled directly by six white angel-like Pegasus appeared from the clouds as it took aim towards my abode.

The chariot landed and the door of the chariot opened for a split second before a sudden gust of wind greeted me by the doorstep of my mansion.

An old man dressed in a butler clothing genuflected before me while declaring....

"Good day Lord Dante. Forgive my impromptu visit but this is a matter of great urgency. "

"Good day to you too Alfred. To what do I owe this unexpected visit. It seems you're alone as well." I said right after sweeping my awareness across the vicinity and still not sensing any other person aside from Alfred.

"Yes sire. The Duke himself suggested I traveled alone which clearly indicates the level of secrecy and urgency of the current state of matter. Please sire take this, "

While still in his genuflecting position, Alfred brought forward a glowing blue letter that had been stamped by the Duke's seal before handing it over to me.

The glowing letter was a common means of communication between blood related blue-blooded aristocrats called The Blood Letter.

Unlike the more conservative means of letter transfer commonly adopted among plebeians which involved the use of owls or falcons to send a message to a fellow relative or friend.

The blood letter on the other hand actually differs from the rest. The major noticeable difference between them is the glowing characteristics it possesses and the fact that it doesn't really needs an owl or falcon before reaching its desired destination.

The blood letter is capable of reaching its desired target on its own. It acts as a homing device used to find the exact location of its recipient The glowing blue hue of the letter signifies two things.

The first was that the letter was protected by a transparent blue film which aided to prevent any physical damage that could occur to the letter upon reaching its destination.

The second is that the blue hue signifies the gender of the writer which was most likely a male. A red hue signifies the writer to be a female.

I reached towards the letter and it instantly ignited in blue flames. The blue hued smoke condensed to form the image of the Duke's head before me as it declares the details of the letter.

"Son, " The Duke declared with the same gravelly voice I had grown accustomed to over the years.

Oh! Did I forget to mention that the Duke is my dad.

My bad.

"Son. I know we had an agreement to not interfere with your current lifestyle unless when necessary but I had no choice but to do this. Although I do not know if you're currently alone or out in the open and so to protect the confidentiality of this message, I hope you'll comply with my wishes of having you back home with me for now. "

Well that's my dad alright. Always so direct. I wonder how everyone is doing back home.

With this, it was clear that unlike common letters written between plebeians, only the ones between aristocrats were capable of igniting upon contact into flames to reveal what was written. This kind of message was really expensive and it consumed a huge amount of mana.

"Milord, the duchess asked me to give this to you, "

It appears mother also wrote something to me too. I reached towards the glowing red hued letter as her smoky facial image appeared before me. Her high pitched voice sounded exactly the same way as her original self usually do.

"My baby boy!!! Mummy misses you so much!!. How long do you want to keep mummy worrying about you? How many times do I have to remind you not to feel shy about requesting mummy's boobs whenever you are lonely. Oops! But mummy doesn't have milk right now so we'll make do with what we've got okay?. Come home baby, Please!! If you don't then I'll have to ask Alfred to send me your current coordinates and I'll be there myself. Take care. Remember, MUMMY LOVES YOU, "

With the message already reaching its conclusion, the red colored smoke of Dante mother's facial image dispersed into nothingness.

Right after hearing his mother's message, Dante's cheeks were tinted in a delicate red hue as he couldn't believe his ears also.

He knew his mother wasn't someone who was shy to speak up her mind but still he didn't expect such a turn of event. It's been years since he last heard from his mother.

He was glad by the fact that there was no one else here in the vicinity aside from Alfred. Although he covertly hoped the girls didn't eavesdropped to hear his mother's message but he knew there was a high probability they actually did.

'Ah!!! Why would you do this to me mother?!! Why?!!' He screamed inwardly as he tried to compose himself in front of Alfred.

"Thank you Alfred, you may rise, "

"Thank you Milord, " Alfred who had been in a genuflect position ever since finally stood up as he thanked Dante.

"So tell me, do you have any clue why my father would request my presence so urgently?" Dante inquired trying to reason if there was anything he could make out of the information he would get from Alfred.

"I'm sorry Milord. All I know is that after His Grace returned from his annual Noble's meeting, he requested my aid the next day in making sure his message gets to you, "

Hmm. It seems whatever private information he wishes to inform me, it must have solely originated from his annual meeting of the nobles.

"Hmm, I see. Thank you Alfred."

"My pleasure sire. So when will we be on our way Milord?"

"Soon Alfred. I intend to handle a few things first before returning back home, "

I replied as I sauntered inside the house with the aim of informing the girls of my departure.