Unexpected news

With no one else around the vicinity, I knew whatever my dad had in mind was of the utmost importance. I saw him from afar standing in the courtyard and gazing at the fish pond that contained so many well fed goldfishes.

"I'm here father, "

Hearing my words, my dad woke up from his stupor and shifted his gaze towards my direction.

"Oh good you're here. I'll go straight to the point then. I want you to become the next Emperor." He said with a stern nonchalant voice.

"Say what now?" I instinctively inquired as the cold night wind grazed my skin and my spine shivered a bit by the words my father uttered to me.

"I'll say it again. I want you to be the next Emperor."

Treason!! Treason!! This man wants me to be killed long before my time. How does he expect me to kill the Emperor?

"The Emperor is dying and he won't make it if he isn't treated quickly. And that's where you come into play," My dad continued.

Oh I see. So I'm to mercifully dispatch his imperial Majesty. Come on Dante, you're Count Dracula. Of course you can handle the assassination of the most important person in the human realm. How hard can it be?

Wait a minute! Does my dad know of my abhorrence towards the Emperor? Of course there was a time when I loathed him to the core but that's years ago now. Besides I've got Deena now so there's no need for me to hate him anymore.

That's a lie. I still hate him a bit. I wished I had gone on this mission years ago. I would gain his prized possession by conquering his wife and claiming all the royal court officials women as mine and the world would acknowledge me as the most dreaded being to walk this world with my large number of harem. 'Muaahaha'

I had made mention of a woman that had captured my heart long before I met Deena and as you've guessed right.

That woman is currently the Empress. The first day I saw her, I was instantly captivated by her super hot looks, her super hot body, her super hot voice and mainly her super hot...

Okay. I think that's enough. You guys get the picture now. Though I loved her back then, still it was a single sided love and I had hoped for a thousand times to be the one blessed with having such a beauty by my side rather than the one who seats in the pinnacle of the royal hierarchy of the human realm.

But wait? Do I still really love the Empress? It's been ages since I last saw her.


Sensing my perplexed expression, my dad heaved a sigh before declaring.

"Relax son. I'm not going to ask you to do anything provocative, "

Really? Phew!! That's a relief. So it means I won't have to kill the Emperor. I'm relieved.

That's a lie. An invisible tear drop trickled down my face right now. I'm so up for killing the Emperor.

"Then what am I to do?"

"I recently attended the annual Noble's meeting but to everyone's greatest surprise, the Emperor didn't show up. But still we waited and the results remained the same. Eventually everyone headed home. On my way back home, the Emperor's flying vessel stopped mine."

"We spoke at arm's length and he informed me of his illness. To be honest, I could barely recognize him at first but with his ship and the robe he wore back then coupled with the sound of his voice, I was positive it was him. " Damon continued.

"The Emperor had changed beyond recognition but he didn't stop me to seek help for himself, all he cared about were his family who were in a similar situation as him but theirs had a more grievous effect towards them than what His Majesty currently feels. It won't take long for their illness to deteriorate more than it currently was." Damon heaved a sigh once again as his face resumed the frown that had been plastered across his face throughout the night.

"So what you're telling me right now is that the Emperor and his family are cursed right?"

"Precisely, but what kind of curse it is, I do not know. He only implore you see him directly tomorrow as he aimed to meet you here by then,"

So this is why he called me over but I guess I won't know what kind of curse the Emperor currently has and the main reason for me being summoned won't be known until I see him tomorrow.

"So why do you want me to be the Emperor?" I asked cause the notion had been bugging my mind ever since he stated the idea to me.

"That's because I hope and believe no matter what His imperial Majesty request from you, I Know you will surely accomplish it. And if you're able to find a cure for his Majesty and his family, I'm sure you'll be on the good side of his Majesty,"

I'm flattered he believes in me that I'm capable of achieving something but I don't see why that had anything to do with me being the Emperor.

"To be honest, I wanted you to propose to princess royal once you find a cure for His Majesty's curse and I had high hopes His Majesty himself would have approved of the marriage. Which would mean that the only one standing in your way would be Prince Royal,"

I couldn't say anything in return as I was utterly aghast by the thoughts that had been transcending within my father's mind without anyone knowing or hearing anything about it.

"I know it might be too much to ask but I just wanted you to consider it also. Thank you so much son for listening to me. It's getting late, why don't you call it a night. I'll be here for a while. "

Hearing my father's words, I was certain he sincerely hoped for the Emperor's quick recovery but he also wants me to wed the Emperor's daughter.

Aside from the fact that I've heard a lot of mean remarks concerning the princess temper and attitude, still I just can't cast aside my love for Deena and just invite someone else into my heart.

Of course I understood why he wanted me to marry the princess. She is the first child of the Emperor and so she is the direct heir to ascend to the throne once His Majesty decides to abdicate from the throne.