
Woah!! Woah!! Too many information are swarming round my head right now and so I stopped Deena from saying anymore. It's a little bit difficult hearing her properly from where she was, coupled with the rain we were currently under.

'Oh! That's good, the rain seems to be drizzling now. Lucky!!'

I freed myself from Deena's tenacious clutches. Then I gently made her stand up before me as I listen to what she says more easily than before.

"Please go on," I urged her to continue.

"To be honest. At first, I thought they had yet to mark you as their partners seeing as how they didn't try to kill me since they were little but after seeing them trying to kill your friend Alice the other day, I knew I was the first on their lists."

It seems I was wrong the other day to think Deena didn't notice what the girls were doing to Alice. It turned out that Deena actually saw everything all three girls were doing and she understood the reason why they were doing it. She knew if she had tried to stop them, there was a high probability that the ire they felt towards her (Deena) might be unleashed that day.

"But still I didn't say anything, I had even hoped to make a compromise with all three girls once they become older with the aim of settling as your future personal maid. The odds of having such a thing happening in the future is zero to none but I chose to hold on to what my heart wants. If I'm to die for you or by you, then nothing would please me more, "

Although I'm truly touched that our feelings are mutual but I had to focus right now.

"What do you mean by marking?" I quipped.

"The marking is when all three girls places their royal family insignia on you. This can't be seen by humans or any other races aside from the demons of other Royal families. The girls insignia marks on you also aids to ward off any other female demons from their Royal families."

"When marking you. All three girls would have left behind a memento which would signify their promise to be with you in the future. It doesn't really have to be an object, it's more like a physical contact and it is something they would have programmed into your mind as you would have been doing it almost every day to the girls without you really knowing."

"Was there really anything you remembered on the day of the blue moon that might have occurred out of the ordinary?" Deena looked into my eyes as she inquired.

The only thing that comes to mind is.....

"The kiss on the forehead?"

I remembered the adult holographic form of Leah kissing my forehead back then, at first I wondered why she would have done it but it seems she was leaving something behind to me as a promise for getting married in the future. If the kiss was truly the memento then it means Delilah and Mia did the same to me also.

"Precisely. That's your oath of marrying each other in the future. Aside from this, the adult image of all three girls you must have seen during the night of the blue moon is most likely going to appear to you once again in the nights of the month of the blood moon which will most likely be four years from now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean all three girls will become adults on the nights of the month of the blood moon. And when this happens, two options would manifest within their minds. The first being obsession and copulation and the second being aggression and explosion."

Deena said depending on the way I treat all three girls before the months of the blood moon, one of either both options is most likely going to occur.

"If your relationship between the girls is sour just before the blood moon period, the girls are likely to go on a rampage by killing every women you had ever been attracted to." Deena continued.

(( This was initially Delilah's perfect plan she made mention of in chapter 24))

*Yikes!!* That's something I must definitely avoid. I'm a man and there are times I find women attractive but that doesn't mean I would copulate with them if given the chance.

"But if you are to maintain the relationship you have with the girls right now till the period of the blood moon, all you'll have to be concerned about is their uncontrollable obsession and copulation desires they will have towards you,"

"Wait... wait!! You mean I will have to sleep with them on the night of the blood moon? What happens if I don't?"

"The truth is I do not know what happens if you don't copulate with them. All I know is that starting from their first blood moon experience, their obsession and lustful desires which is still at its bare minimum for now will only expand as the years pass by and so will your cravings for one another."

It means after their first blood moon experience, I'll most likely be attracted to all three girls as my future mate and the same thing would happen to the girls as well. Thus allowing us to crave each others bodies just for the purpose of indulging ourselves into an endless acts of debauchery.

I asked Deena how she was able to know all this. I know she used to work as a babysitter for years but I couldn't help but inquire about how she became so knowledgeable about the raising of royal demon babies.

She informed me of how she had taken care of a pair of demon toddlers who were sent to spend the holidays with their demon grandmother. Due to their grandmother being old, Deena had been hired to take care of both toddlers.

It was there she heard a lot about raising royal demon families from the old granny who loved to tell stories about her past experiences. After listening to all she had to say, Deena leaned towards me to grab the edge of my sleeved jacket.

I guess this was the reason why she had been crying all those nights. She fears she won't live her desired happy life with me for centuries to come because she knows there's a high chance she will be killed by all three girls soon enough.