The Call

And now of all days to call, now was when Landon finally decided to call me.

*Sighs* I guess it's time to resume to the important task at hand. I grabbed my adventurer membership card from my back pocket. The card had a finger print scanner placed at the lower right edge of the card.

A call could only be made between people of the same guild and party but this still had its limitations. Meaning an adventurer can't really call a merchant from the merchant guild unless both register to form a party for a specific amount of time.

Also adventurers were allowed to call other adventurers outside their parties provided their contacts were shared between them beforehand. But calls could only be done within a realm and not within inter realms.

*Brring* *Brring*

Noticing my card vibrating, I placed my thumb on the scanner and a notification message popped out in a holographic way. It states I clearly had a message and seeing this, I tap on the message box.

Unlike blood letters which displayed the smoky facial figure of the writer of the letter, a membership card does quite the opposite as it only displays holographic messages without vocal exchange of information.

Focusing my gaze on the message displayed on the tiny holographic screen that popped out of the card, I could see the message states that Landon had successfully arrived in the Human realm. Honestly I can't believe how fast he hurried back here. Couldn't he at least come in the next two days?


Well I guess this is good also. The earlier we accomplished our goals the earlier we all resume to our normal lives and activities. And with that, I swiped the dialogue box containing the message to my right and the message box vanished and a new image of a map appeared shortly.

Marking the coordinates of where I'll most likely be in the next few hours. I made a holographic screen shot before sending my exact location to Landon. He replied back shortly, informing me of the time he would most likely arrived at the location.

And so with that I placed the adventurer's membership card back into my pocket. The exact location we were going to meet was at my dad's mansion. Since His Majesty intend to send someone to accompany us on this journey, such a person is most likely going to seek shelter at the Duke's mansion.

Which makes the Duke's mansion a perfect location for our rendezvous point. And so with all things said and done, I turned towards my beautiful Deena who was facing towards me in a worried expression. I guess she knows it's time for me to take my leave.

I pulled her from the armless chair she sat on and instantly locked her lips with mine before she could say anything.

"You're going again right?" She inquired with her voice clearly not concealing the sadness within it.

"No. You're wrong. We're leaving together, " I replied while hugging her half naked body.

Deena looked towards me in a perplexed look which clearly wondered what an helpless woman like her could possibly offer to aid me in my adventures inside the dungeon.

But Deena could never be regarded as helpless in my books. No no no!! She's more important to me than she could ever imagine.

"I'm taking you to meet my mother. Remember I told you she had wanted to meet you in person right?"

Deena beamed with her cheeks glowing in red splendor by her excited state. She immediately nodded in response as she too was excited about the idea of meeting my mom.

"I'll go get ready then," Deena replied.

But it's sad I won't be able to follow her into the mansion due to the promise I made to my girls. I had informed them that if we were to meet again, I would never leave their side again. So it means I'll ask Alfred to introduce Deena to my mom for me.

Then as from there, I'll be heading straight to the dungeon with Landon and the mystery helper from the Emperor's side.

With all things said and done, Deena and I both went to bath at our separate bathrooms lest we embark on yet another few number of rounds before leaving the mansion.

Once dressed and suited up, we headed towards the Duke's mansion in our flying chariot. Based on the fact that its been centuries since I last went on an adventure, wearing my body armor might be a little too tedious for me to handle.

Moreover I do not want people queuing up in front of me for unnecessary autographs and such. So instead I decided to wear something completely different from my usual apparels. Right now I'm dressed in a black long sleeved coat with a black colored fur as the collar which was worn on top of a sky blue short sleeve shirt and black pants underneath.

With my sword most likely rusted after such a long time, I didn't even bother to pull the scabbard off. I intend to go into the dungeon just as I am. Trust me it's not due to self confidence or over confidence in myself, it's just that I have a plan B if things were to ever go south.

I simply can't be grinning with overconfidence, after all, I'm nothing but a Silver Rank adventurer right now. So I'd best be very very careful when battling against an Obsidian Rank monster.

While we were still inside the chariot on our way to the Duke's mansion. Deena rested her head on my shoulder as she interlaced her left hand with my right hand that was rested comfortably on my lap while we were in really close proximity.

And not too long, we arrived at the Duke's mansion with Alfred and a bunch of butlers and maids already awaiting our arrival. Seeing this, I knew it means Landon had already arrived before me.

"Welcome back Lord Dante," Both Alfred and the servants bowed deeply upon our arrival.

Alfred and every other servants in the mansion do not originate from the slave agency like other common slaves.

They were simply a bunch of men and women who willingly applied to be the Duke's servants after undertaking some arduous tests. Each servants were capable of defending themselves when faced in a melee battle.