Dialogue With The Empress

'I guess opposite do attract,' The attraction was certainly between a young, shy and reticent 17 year old Adventurer and a mid thirties Empress whose beauty was certainly beyond comparison coupled with her disdainfulness, arrogance and superiority complex which was known world wide.

Dante could understand why his 17 year old younger self would be so attracted to her. He certainly loved her wild side back then.

In a blunt sense, he was just a teenager blinded by love for a woman whose age was just a few years younger than his mom.

'Then why am I still having this feelings towards her?' Dante couldn't understand why he still had a deep urge within him to claim the Empress as his.

He was now 22 years of age and moreover he had three future wives coupled with a rather dashing dark elf who was without a doubt , a future wife of his.

These women should be enough to satisfy his lustful desires right? NO! Instead he wants to conquer the heart of the most cold-blooded female in the Human realm.

He doesn't want her because of his desire to be an Emperor.

Oh No. No. No.

All he wants is to make her his bride and to shower her with endless and boundless love.


He wasn't really having the desire to claim fifteen, twenty or hundred women as his, all he wants was to take care of the few women by his side and to live a rather boring and joy filled life with each of them.

This just had to be done. There's no doubt about it, it was certainly the Empress fault for being too beautiful to find her place as his first crush because this made it very difficult for him to let go of his first love interest.

*Beat!* *Beat!* *Beat*

The beating sound of his heart reverberated within his mind. Dante's blood was churning with desire and every fiber of his being was screaming.

'HAVE HER!!!!'

"I'm yet to receive a response from you," The Empress uttered in her usual weak but arrogant tone which temporary woke Dante up from his stupor.


'Calm yourself Dante,'

Dante inhaled and exhaled deeply. This just further proves his assumption that things were certainly changing in him.

' I'd better hurry up and return back home,' He uttered inwardly.

Though the presence of the Empress wasn't really captivating right now. Dante was positive she would become the untouchable flower she previously was once again right after she becomes completely healed.

The same goes for her eighteen year old daughter. Dante had heard about her exquisite beauty as well but these things were not meant to be pondered about any longer.

He currently has dreams and goals which were centered around his future four wives and he aimed to achieve those dreams before welcoming the thought of anything else.

Dante calmed his nerves one more time before responding.

"I appreciate your kind offer your Majesty but I'm sorry for I do not have the intention of living a palace life," Dante replied in a cool and relaxed tone.

"Is this what you truly want? You'll be richly rewarded if you were to stay. You could even earn more than my current head eunuch and top General," The Empress relayed in a tone not concealing her disappointment towards his refusal.

"I've made up my mind," Dante replied bluntly.

The Empress clenched her fist tightly after hearing his response once again. Dante understood it must have taken a lot of effort for her who was known to have a superiority complex to just throw away her pride for a minute to seek his aid by offering him the chance to stay by her side.

In other words, the Empress wanted him by her side due to her growing concern of having someone she could truly trust among her aide.

But Dante had goals he aims to achieve in mind before even thinking about welcoming the Empress proposal. Goals which were listed as thus.

He hopes to become a Platinum rank adventurer once again before the girls have their first blood moon experience which is in the next four years. He also hopes to read and learn a lot about demons during this timeline as well which will surely prepare him for the blood moon period.

While also not forgetting to show boundless love and affection to his three little girls as they grow before placing all attention on their training programs as he aimed for his girls to become unrivaled among their peers.

Of course he has some mouth watering plans in-store for Deena. After all,she was currently his woman which means she deserves his undivided attention as well.


"Although I would be glad if Your Majesty could afford me more time to think about it for I have a family and I must put their best interest in mind and not make any rash and selfish decision without any forethought," Dante honestly replied after noticing how the Empress remained silent for a roughly long five minutes.

He tried to give her a response that would place him in a neutral scale within the Empress mind.

This means that he doesn't want her to be too happy or offended based on the fact that he doesn't know what the future holds for them and the paths he might choose.

"Very well. I'll allow that. You'll be welcomed whenever you've made your decision. But before then, is there anything you would want from me?" The Empress inquired to which Dante could sense the delighted tone of her voice and so he inquired.

"If Your Majesty could be so kind to offer me the right to exclusively use the Imperial library whenever I'm in need of some books," Dante requested while staring at the Empress whose gaze was still fixated at the moon.

" If the books were to be returned within a specified period then I do not see any qualms in accepting your request," The Empress replied.

"Thank you Your Majesty," Dante replied.

'This is good. Now I can get the books I need,' Dante thought inwardly.

With this, he won't have to worry about the blood moon anymore. He now feels like he had taken a step forward towards achieving one of his goals. He really felt relieved right now.